
Dict: tcr - Hezekiah


HEZEKIAH @ king of Judah, son of Ahaz

(1) General References to- kjv@2Kings:16:20; kjv@2Kings:18:9; kjv@2Kings:19:3; kjv@2Kings:20:1,10,21

(2) Four Crises in his Life Crisis of Choice
Chose to forsake the idols of his father, Ahaz- kjv@2Chronicles:28:24,25 and purged the Kingdom from idolatry- kjv@2Kings:18:4 Crisis of Invasion
- 2Chronicles:32:119 He prayed unto the Lord and was delivered kjv@2Chronicles:32:20,21 Crisis of Sickness
Obedience furnished him a foundation for prayer and healing- Isaiah:38:1-5 Crisis of Prosperity
He manifested pride and displayed his treasures to the ungodly- Isaiah:39:1-8