
Dict: smith - ABDI


ABDI - A>@ - (my servant). A Merarite, and ancestor of Ethan the singer. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:44) (B.C. before 1015.) The father of Kish, a Merarite, in the reign of Hezekiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:12) (B.C. before 736.) One of the Bene
- Elam in the time of Ezra, who had married a foreign wife. kjv@Ezra:10:26) (B.C. 659.)

ABDIEL - A>@ - (the servant of God), son of Guni and father of Ahi, one of the Gadites who were settled in the land of Bashan, ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:15), in the days of Jotham king of Judah. (B.C. 758.)