
Dict: smith - AHI


AHI - A>@ - (a brother). A Gadite, chief of a family who lived in Gilead in Bashan, ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:15) in the days of Jotham and of Judah. (B.C. 758.) A descendant of Shamer, of the tribe of Asher. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:34)

AHIAH, OR AHIJAH - A>@ - (friend of Jehovah). Son of Ahitub, grandson of Phinehas and great-grandson of Eli, succeeded his father as high priest in the reign of Saul. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:3 kjv@1Samuel:14:18) Ahiah is probably the same person as Ahimelech the son of Ahitub. (B.C. 980.) One of Solomon’s princes. (Kings:4:3) A prophet of Shiloh, (Kings:14:2) hence called the Shilonite, (Kings:11:29) of whom we have two remarkable prophecies extant, the one in (Kings:11:30-39) addressed to Jeroboam, announcing the rending of the ten tribes from Solomon; the other in (Kings:14:6-16) in which he foretold the death of Abijah, the king’s son, who was sick, and the destruction of Jeroboam’s house on account of the images which he had set up. (Kings:14:2-3) (B.C. about 956.) Father of Baasha king of Israel. (Kings:15:27,33) Son of Jerahmeel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:25) Son of Bela. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:7) One of David’s mighty men. ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:36) A Levite in David’s reign. ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:20) One of the "heads of the people" who joined in the covenant with Nehemiah. kjv@Nehemiah:10:26)

AHIAM - A>@ - son of Sharar the Hararite (or of Sacar,) ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:35) one of David’s thirty mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:33) (B.C. 1050.)

AHIAN - A>@ - a Manassite of the family of Shemidah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:19)

AHIEZER - A>@ - (brother of help). Son of Ammishaddai, hereditary chieftain of the tribe of Dan. kjv@Numbers:1:12 kjv@Numbers:2:25 kjv@Numbers:7:66 ) (B.C. 1490). The Benjamite chief of a body of archers in the time of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:3) (B.C. 1050.)

AHIHUD - A>@ - (brother of renown). The son of Shelomi and prince of the tribe of Asher. kjv@Numbers:34:27) Chieftain of the tribe of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:7)


AHIKAM - A>@ - (a brother who raises up), son of Shaphan the scribe, an influential officer at the court of Josiah, was one of the delegates sent by Hilkaih to consult Huldah. ( kjv@2Kings:22:12-14) In the reign of Jehoiakim he successfully used his influence to protect the prophet Jeremiah. kjv@Jeremiah:26:24) He was the father of Gedaliah. GEDALIAH (B.C. 641).

AHILUD - A>@ - (a brother of one born, i.e. before him). Father of Jehoshaphat, the recorder or chronicler of the kingdom in the reigns of David and Solomon. (2 Samuel kjv@8:16; 20:24; kjv@Kings:4:3; kjv@1Chronicles:18:15) (B.C. before 1015.) The father of Baana, one of Solomon’s twelve commissariat officers. (Kings:4:12) It is uncertain whether he is the same with the foregoing.

AHIMAAZ - A>@ - (brother of anger). Son of Zadok the high priest in David’s reign, and celebrated for his swiftness of foot. During Absalom’s rebellion he carried to David the important intelligence that Ahithophel had counselled an immediate attack upon David and his followers. (2 Samuel 15:24-37; 17:15-22) Shortly afterwards he was the first to bring to the king the good news of Absalom’s defeat. (2 Samuel 18:19-33) (B.C. 972-956.) Saul’s wife’s father. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:50) (B.C. before 1093.) Solomon’s son-in-law. (Kings:4:15) (B.C. after 1014.)

AHIMAN - A>@ - (brother of the right hand). One of the three giant Anakim who inhabited Mount Hebron, kjv@Numbers:13:22-23) seen by Caleb and the spies. (B.C. 1490.) The whole race was cut off by Joshua, kjv@Joshua:11:21) and the three brothers were slain by the tribe of Judah. kjv@Judges:1:10) A Levite porter. ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:17)

AHIMELECH - A>@ - (brother of the king). Son of Ahitub, ( kjv@1Samuel:22:11-12) and high priest of Nob in the days of Saul. He gave David the shew bread to eat, and the sword of Goliath; and for so doing was put to death, with his whole house, by Saul’s order. Abiathar alone escaped. ABIATHAR (B.C. 1085-1060.) A Hittite. ( kjv@1Samuel:26:6)

AHIMOTH - A>@ - (brother of death), a Levite apparently in the time of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:25) In v. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:35) for Ahimoth we find MAHATH, as in kjv@Luke:3:26)

AHINADAB - A>@ - (brother the noble , i.e. a noble brother), Son of Iddo, one of Solomon’s twelve commissaries who supplied provisions for the royal household. (Kings:4:14) (B.C. 1014-975.)

AHINOAM - A>@ - (brother of grace , i.e. gracious). The daughter of Ahimaaz and wife of Saul. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:50) (B.C. about 1090.) A native of Jezreel who was married to David during his wandering life. ( kjv@1Samuel:25:43) (B.C. 1060.) She lived with him and his other wife Abigail at the court of Achish, ( kjv@1Samuel:27:3) was taken prisoner with her by the Amalekites when they plundered Ziklag, ( kjv@1Samuel:30:5) but was rescued by David. ( kjv@1Samuel:30:18)

AHIO - A>@ - (brotherly). Son of Abinadab, who accompanied the ark when it was brought out of his father’s house. (2 Samuel kjv@6:3-4; 1Chronicles:13:7) (B.C.1043.) A Benjamite, one of the sons of Beriah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:14) A Benjamite, Son of Jehiel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:31 kjv@1Chronicles:9:37)

AHIRA - A>@ - (brother of evil , i.e. unlucky), Chief of the tribe of Naphtali. kjv@Numbers:1:15 kjv@Numbers:2:29 kjv@Numbers:7:78 ,83; 10:27)

AHIRAM - A>@ - (brother of height, lofty), one of the sons of Benjamin, and ancestor of the AHIRAMITES kjv@Numbers:26:38) In kjv@Genesis:46:21) the name appears as "Ehi and Rosh." It is uncertain whether Ahiram is the same as AHER, ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:12) or AHARAH, ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:1)

AHISAMACH - A>@ - (brother of help), a Danite, father of Aholiab one of the architects of the tabernacle. kjv@Exodus:31:6 kjv@Exodus:35:34 kjv@Exodus:38:23 ) (B.C. 1490)

AHISHAHAR - A>@ - (brother of the dawn), one of the sons of Bilhan, the grandson of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:10)

AHISHAR - A>@ - the controller of Solomon’s household. (Kings:4:6)

AHITHOPHEL - A>@ - (brother of foolishness), a native of Giloh, was a privy councillor of David, whose wisdom was highly esteemed, though his name had an exactly opposite signification. (2 Samuel 16:23) (B.C. 1055-1023.) He was the grandfather of Bathsheba. Comp. (2 Samuel 11:3) with 2Sam 23:34 Ahithophel joined the conspiracy of Absalom against David, and persuaded him to take possession of the royal harem, (2 Samuel 16:21) and recommended an immediate pursuit of David. His advice was wise; but Hushai advised otherwise. When Ahithophel saw that Hushai’s advice prevailed, he despaired of success, and returning to his own home "put his household in order and hanged himself." (2 Samuel 17:1-23)

AHITUB - A>@ - (brother of goodness). The son of Phinehas and grandson of Eli, and therefore of the family of Ithamar. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:3 kjv@1Samuel:22:9-11) (B.C. 1125.) He was succeeded by his son Ahijah (AHIMELECH). (B.C. 1085.) Son of Amariah, and father of Zadok the high priest, ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:7-8; 2 Samuel kjv@8:17) of the house of Eleazar. (B.C. before 1045.)