
Dict: smith - BABYLON


BABYLON - B>@ - in the Apocalypse, is the symbolical name by which Rome is denoted. kjv@Revelation:14:8 kjv@Revelation:17:18) The power of Rome was regarded by the later Jews as was that of Babylon by their forefathers. Comp. kjv@Jeremiah:51:7) with Reve 14:8 The occurrence of this name in ( kjv@1Peter:5:13) has given rise to a variety of conjectures, many giving it the same meaning as in the Apocalypse; others refer it to Babylon in Asia, and others still to Babylon in Egypt. The most natural supposition of all is that by Babylon is intended the old Babylon of Assyria, which was largely inhabited by Jews at the time in question.

BABYLONIANS - B>@ - the inhabitants of Babylon, a race of Shemitic origin, who were among the colonists planted in the cities of Samaria by the conquering Assyrian. kjv@Ezra:4:9)

BABYLONISH GARMENT - B>@ - literally "robe of Shinar," kjv@Joshua:7:21) an ample robe, probably made of the skin or fur of an animal, comp. kjv@Genesis:25:25) and ornamented with embroidery or perhaps a variegated garment with figures inwoven in the fashion for which the Babylonians were celebrated.