Indexes Search Result: indexed - famous
Found: Wikipedia @ Fanny Crosby (1820–1915), blind American writer of many famous hymns including "Blessed Assurance"

Found: THEOLOGY POST-REFORMATION @ Universalism : In various forms, the belief that all people will ultimately be reconciled with God; most famously defended by Origen.

Found: IgnatiusEphesians:8:1 @ Let no one therefore deceive you, as indeed ye are not deceived, seeing that ye belong wholly to God. For when no lust is established in you, which hath power to torment you, then truly ye live after God. I devote myself for you, and I dedicate myself as an offering for the church of you Ephesians which is famous unto all the ages.

Found: famous @ kjv@CONCORD:famous

Found: infamous @ kjv@CONCORD:infamous