2Kings: tsk

1 *1 A. M. 3110. B.C. 894. Naaman Luke:4:27 *2 a great 2Kings:4:8; Exodus:11:3; Esther:9:4; Esther:10:3 *3 with Proverbs:21:31; Isaiah:10:5-6; Jeremiah:27:5-6; Deuteronomy:2:37; John:19:11; Romans:15:18 *4 a leper 2Kings:5:27; 2Kings:7:3; Leviticus:13:2-3-44-46; Numbers:12:10-12; 2Samuel:3:29; 2Chronicles:26:19-23; 2Corinthians:12:7

2 *1 by companies 2Kings:6:23; 2Kings:13:20; Judges:9:34; 1Samuel:13:17-18 *2 waited on Psalms:123:2

3 *1 Would God Numbers:11:29; Acts:26:29; 1Corinthians:4:8 *2 he would 2Kings:5:8; Matthew:8:2-3; Matthew:11:5; Luke:17:12-14

4 *1 and told his lord 2Kings:7:9-11; Mark:5:19; Mark:16:9-10; John:1:42-46; John:4:28-29; 1Corinthians:1:26-27

5 *1 Go to, go Genesis:11:3 Genesis:11:7 Ecclesiastes:2:1; Isaiah:5:5; James:4:13; James:5:1 *2 and took 2Kings:8:8-9; Numbers:22:7 Numbers:22:17-18 Numbers:24:11-13; 1Samuel:9:8; 1Kings:13:7; 1Kings:22:3; Acts:8:18-20 *3 ten changes Genesis:45:22; Judges:14:12; James:5:2-3

7 *1 that he rent 2Kings:11:14; 2Kings:18:37; 2Kings:19:1; Numbers:14:6; Jeremiah:36:24; Matthew:26:65; Acts:14:14 *2 Am I God Genesis:30:2; Deuteronomy:32:29; 1Samuel:2:6; Daniel:2:11; Hosea:6:1 *3 see how 1Kings:20:7; Luke:11:54

8 *1 rent his clothes 2Kings:5:7; 2Samuel:3:31 *2 let him come 2Kings:5:3 2Kings:5:15 2Kings:1:6; 1Kings:17:24; 1Kings:18:36-37 *3 and he shall Exodus:11:8; Romans:11:13; Ezekiel:2:5; Hosea:12:13

9 *1 So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot, and stood at the door of the house of Elisha. 2Kings:3:12; 2Kings:6:32; Isaiah:60:14; 1:16:29-30 Acts:16:37-39

10 *1 sent a messenger Matthew:15:23-26 *2 wash 2Kings:2:21; 2Kings:3:16; 2Kings:4:41; John:9:7; 1Corinthians:6:11 *3 seven times 1:14:7 Leviticus:14:16,51; Leviticus:16:14 Leviticus:16:19 Numbers:19:4 Numbers:19:19 1:6:4 Joshua:6:13-16 *4 thy flesh 2Kings:5:14; Exodus:4:6-7

11 *1 Naaman Proverbs:13:10; Matthew:8:8; Matthew:15:27; Luke:14:11 *2 went away Proverbs:1:32; Matthew:19:22; John:6:66-69; John:13:20; Hebrews:12:25 *3 Behold Proverbs:3:7; Isaiah:55:8-9; John:4:48; 1Corinthians:1:21-25; 1Corinthians:2:14-16; 1Corinthians:3:18-20

12 *1 better 2Kings:5:17; 2Kings:2:8 2Kings:2:14 Joshua:3:15-17; Ezekiel:47:1-8;z Ecclesiastes:13:1;z Ecclesiastes:14:8; Mark:1:9

13 *1 his servants 2Kings:5:3; 1Samuel:25:14-17; 1Kings:20:23 1Kings:20:31 Job:32:8-9; Jeremiah:38:7-10 *2 My father 2Kings:2:12; 2Kings:6:21; 2Kings:13:14; Genesis:41:43; Malachi:1:6; Matthew:23:9; 1Corinthians:4:15 *3 how much rather 1Corinthians:1:21-27 *4 Wash 2Kings:5:10; Psalms:51:2 Psalms:51:7 Isaiah:1:16; John:13:8; Acts:22:16; Ephesians:5:26-27; Titus:3:5; Hebrews:10:22; 1Peter:3:21; Revelation:7:14

14 *1 went he down Job:31:13; Proverbs:9:9; Proverbs:25:11-12; Ezekiel:47:1-9;z Ecclesiastes:13:1;z Ecclesiastes:14:8 *2 according to 2Chronicles:20:20; John:2:5; Hebrews:11:7-8 *3 his flesh 2Kings:5:10; Job:33:25 *4 and he was clean Luke:4:27; Luke:5:13; Titus:2:14

15 *1 he returned Luke:17:15-18 *2 now I know 2Kings:5:8; Joshua:2:9-11; Joshua:9:9 Joshua:9:24 1Samuel:17:46-47; 1Kings:18:36; Isaiah:43:10-11; Isaiah:44:6-8; Isaiah:45:6; Jeremiah:10:10-11; Jeremiah:16:19-21; Daniel:2:47; Daniel:3:29; Daniel:4:34; Daniel:6:26-27; Romans:10:10 *3 a blessing Genesis:33:11; 1Samuel:25:27; 2Corinthians:9:5

16 *1 As the Lord 2Kings:3:14; 1Kings:17:1; 1Kings:18:15 *2 I will receive 2Kings:5:20 2Kings:5:26 Genesis:14:22-23; 1Kings:13:8; Daniel:5:17; Matthew:10:8; Acts:8:18-20; Acts:20:33-35; 1Corinthians:6:12; 1Corinthians:10:32-33; 2Corinthians:11:9-10; 2Corinthians:12:14

17 *1 of earth 2Kings:5:12; Romans:14:1 *2 will henceforth Acts:26:18; 1Thessalonians:1:9; 1Peter:4:3

18 *1 and he leaneth 1:7:2 2Kings:7:17 *2 and I bow 2Kings:17:35; Exodus:20:5; 1Kings:19:18 *3 the Lord pardon 2Chronicles:30:18-19; Jeremiah:50:20

19 *1 he said Matthew:9:16-17; John:16:12; 1Corinthians:3:2; Hebrews:5:13-14 *2 Go in peace Exodus:4:18; 1Samuel:1:17; 1Samuel:25:35; Mark:5:34; Luke:7:50; Luke:8:48 *3 little way Genesis:35:16

20 *1 Gehazi 2Kings:4:12-31-36; Matthew:10:4; John:6:70; John:12:6; John:13:2; Acts:8:18-19 *2 my master Proverbs:26:16; Luke:16:8; John:12:5-6; Acts:5:2 *3 as the Lord liveth 2Kings:6:31; Exodus:20:7; 1Samuel:14:39 *4 and take Exodus:20:17; Psalms:10:3; Jeremiah:22:17; Habakkuk:2:9; Luke:12:15; 1Timothy:6:9-11; 2Timothy:4:10; Titus:1:7; 1Peter:5:2; 2Peter:2:14-15

21 *1 he lighted Luke:7:6-7; Acts:8:31; Acts:10:25-26 *2 Is all well 2Kings:4:26; 2Kings:9:17-22

22 *1 My master 1Kings:13:18; Isaiah:59:3; Jeremiah:9:3-5; John:8:44; Acts:5:3-4; Revelation:21:8 *2 the sons 2Kings:2:3; 1Kings:20:35 *3 give them 2Corinthians:12:16-18 *4 a talent 2Kings:5:5; Exodus:38:24-28; 1Kings:20:39

23 *1 Be content 1Kings:20:7; Luke:11:54 *2 And he urged him 2Kings:5:16; 2Kings:2:17 *3 bound 2Kings:12:10 *4 and they bare Isaiah:30:6

24 *1 and bestowed 1:7:1 Joshua:7:11-12,21; 1Kings:21:16; Isaiah:29:15; Habakkuk:2:6;z Ecclesiastes:5:3-4

25 *1 stood before Proverbs:30:20; Ezekiel:33:31; Matthew:26:15-16 Matthew:26:21-15 1:13:2 John:13:26-30 *2 Whence 2Kings:20:14; Genesis:3:8-9; Genesis:4:9; Genesis:16:8 *3 Thy servant 2Kings:5:22; Acts:5:3-4

26 *1 he said Psalms:63:11; Proverbs:12:19 Proverbs:12:22 Acts:5:9 *2 Went 2Kings:6:12; 1Corinthians:5:3; Colossians:2:5 *3 Is it a time 2Kings:5:16; Genesis:14:23; Ecclesiastes:3:1-8; Matthew:10:8; Acts:20:33-35; 1Corinthians:9:11-12; 2Corinthians:11:8-12; 2Thessalonians:3:8-9

27 *1 leprosy 2Kings:5:1; Joshua:7:25; Isaiah:59:2-3; Hosea:10:13; Malachi:2:3-4 Malachi:2:8-9 Matthew:27:3-5; Acts:5:5 Acts:5:10 Acts:8:20; 1Timothy:6:10; 2Peter:2:3 *2 unto thy seed 1Samuel:2:30-36; 2Samuel:3:29 *3 a leper 2Kings:15:5; Exodus:4:6; Numbers:12:10

tsk 2Kings 5 *

Translation Information:
tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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