2Kings: tsk

1 *4 the sons 2Kings:2:3; 2Kings:4:1; 1Kings:20:35 *5 the place 2Kings:4:38; 1Samuel:19:20 *6 too strait for us Joshua:17:14; Joshua:19:47; Job:36:16; Isaiah:49:19-20; Isaiah:54:2-3

2 *1 and take thence John:21:3; Acts:18:3; Acts:20:34-35; 1Corinthians:9:6; 1Thessalonians:2:9; 2Thessalonians:3:8; 1Timothy:6:6

3 *1 Be content 2Kings:5:23; Judges:19:6; Job:6:28 *2 go with thy Judges:4:8

4 *1 they cut down wood Deuteronomy:19:5; Deuteronomy:29:11

5 *1 axe head Ecclesiastes:10:10; Isaiah:10:34 *2 Alas, master 2Kings:6:15; 2Kings:3:10; 1:18:10 Revelation:18:16,19 *3 for it was borrowed 2Kings:4:7; Exodus:22:14-15; Psalms:37:21

6 *1 he cut down 2Kings:2:21; 2Kings:4:41; Exodus:15:25; Mark:7:33-34; Mark:8:23-25; John:9:6-7

7 *1 Take it up 2Kings:4:7 2Kings:4:36 Luke:7:15; Acts:9:41 *2 put out Exodus:4:4

8 *1 the king 2Kings:6:24; 1Kings:20:1-34; 1Kings:22:31 *2 took 1Kings:20:23; Job:5:12-13; Proverbs:20:18; Proverbs:21:30; Isaiah:7:5-7; Isaiah:8:10

9 *1 Beware 2Kings:3:17-19; 1:20:13 1Kings:20:28 *2 thither the Syrians 2Kings:4:27; Amos:3:7; Revelation:1:1

10 *1 sent to the place 2Kings:5:14; Exodus:9:20-21; 1Kings:20:15; Proverbs:27:12; Matthew:24:15-17 *2 warned him Ezekiel:3:18-21; Matthew:2:12; Matthew:3:7; Hebrews:11:7 *3 saved 2Kings:2:12; 2Kings:13:14; 2Chronicles:20:20; Amos:7:1-6; Acts:27:24

11 *1 Therefore 1Samuel:28:21; Job:18:7-11; Psalms:48:4-5; Isaiah:57:20-21; Matthew:2:3-12 *2 Will ye not 1Samuel:22:8

12 *1 Elisha 1:5:3 2Kings:5:8,13-15; Amos:3:7 *2 telleth 2Kings:6:9-10; Isaiah:29:15; Jeremiah:23:23-24; 1:2:22-23 Daniel:2:28-30,47; Daniel:4:9-18 *3 thy bed chamber Psalms:139:1-4; Ecclesiastes:10:20

13 *1 spy where 1Samuel:23:22-23; Psalms:10:8-10; Psalms:37:12-14 Psalms:37:32-33 Jeremiah:36:26; Matthew:2:4-8; John:11:47-53; Acts:23:12-27 *2 Dothan Genesis:37:17

14 *1 sent he thither horses 2Kings:1:9-13; 1Samuel:23:26; 1Samuel:24:2; Matthew:26:47 Matthew:26:55 John:18:3-6 *2 great 2Kings:18:17

15 *1 servant 2Kings:3:11; 2Kings:5:20 2Kings:5:27 Exodus:24:13; 1Kings:19:21; Matthew:20:26-28; Acts:13:5 *2 Alas 2Kings:6:5; 2Chronicles:20:12; Psalms:53:5; Matthew:8:26

16 *1 Fear not Exodus:14:13; Psalms:3:6; Psalms:11:1; Psalms:27:3; Psalms:118:11-12; Isaiah:8:12-13; Isaiah:41:10-14; Mark:16:6; Acts:18:9-10; Philippians:1:28 *2 they that be 2Chronicles:16:9; 2Chronicles:32:7-8; Psalms:46:7 Psalms:46:11 Psalms:55:18; Isaiah:8:10; Matthew:26:53; Romans:8:31; 1John:4:4

17 *1 prayed Psalms:91:15; James:5:16-18 *2 open his eyes 2Kings:6:18-20; Psalms:119:18; Isaiah:42:7; Acts:26:18; Ephesians:1:18; Revelation:3:7 *3 full of horses 2Kings:2:11; Psalms:34:7; Psalms:68:17; Psalms:91:11; Psalms:104:3; Ezekiel:1:13-16;z Ecclesiastes:1:8;z Ecclesiastes:6:1-7; Matthew:26:53; Hebrews:1:14; 1:19:11 Revelation:19:14

18 *1 Smite this people Deuteronomy:28:28; Job:5:14;z Ecclesiastes:12:4; John:9:39; John:12:40; Acts:13:11; Romans:11:7

19 *1 follow me Matthew:16:24; Mark:8:34; Luke:9:23 *2 I will bring 2Samuel:16:18-19; Luke:24:16

20 *1 open the eyes 2Kings:6:17; Luke:24:31 *2 opened Judges:20:40-42; Luke:16:23

21 *1 My father 2Kings:2:12; 2Kings:5:13; 2Kings:8:9; 2Kings:13:14 *2 shall 1Samuel:24:4 1Samuel:24:19 1Samuel:26:8; Luke:9:54-56; Luke:22:49

22 *1 wouldest Deuteronomy:20:11-16; 2Chronicles:28:8-13 *2 thy sword Genesis:48:22; Joshua:24:12; Psalms:44:6; Hosea:1:7; Hosea:2:18 *3 set bread Proverbs:25:21-22; Matthew:5:44; Romans:12:20-21

23 *1 he prepared 1Samuel:24:17-18; 2Chronicles:28:15; Proverbs:25:21-22; Matthew:5:47; Luke:6:35; Luke:10:29-37 *2 So the bands 2Kings:6:8-9; 2Kings:5:2; 2Kings:24:2

24 *1 gathered 2Kings:17:5; 2Kings:18:9; 2Kings:25:1; Deuteronomy:28:52; 1Kings:20:1; 1Kings:22:31; Ecclesiastes:9:14

25 *1 a great famine 2Kings:6:28-29; 2Kings:7:4; 2Kings:25:3; 1Kings:18:2; Jeremiah:14:13-15 Jeremiah:14:18 Jeremiah:32:24; Jeremiah:52:6 *2 an ass's head Ezekiel:4:13-16

26 *1 Help, my lord 2Samuel:14:4; Isaiah:10:3; Luke:18:3; Acts:21:28

27 *1 whence Psalms:60:11; Psalms:62:8; Psalms:118:8-9; Psalms:124:1-3; Psalms:127:1; Psalms:146:3; Isaiah:2:2; Jeremiah:17:5

28 *1 What aileth thee Genesis:21:17; Judges:18:23; 1Samuel:1:8; 2Samuel:14:5; Psalms:114:5; Isaiah:22:1 *2 Give thy son Leviticus:26:29; Deuteronomy:28:53-57; Isaiah:9:20-21; Isaiah:49:15; Lamentations:4:10; Ezekiel:5:10; Matthew:24:18-21; Luke:23:29

29 *1 she hath hid 1Kings:3:26; Isaiah:49:15; Isaiah:66:13

30 *1 he rent his clothes 2Kings:5:7; 2Kings:19:1; 1Kings:21:27; Isaiah:58:5-7

31 *1 God do so Ruth:1:17; 1Samuel:3:17; 1Samuel:14:44; 1Samuel:25:22; 2Samuel:3:9 2Samuel:3:35 2Samuel:19:13; 1Kings:2:23 *2 if the head 1Kings:18:17; 1Kings:19:2; 1Kings:22:8; Jeremiah:37:15-16; Jeremiah:38:4; John:11:50; Acts:23:12-13

32 *1 the elders Ezekiel:8:1; Ezekiel:14:1; Ezekiel:20:1; Ezekiel:33:31 *2 ere the messenger 2Kings:6:12; 2Kings:5:26 *3 See ye how Luke:13:32 *4 son of a murderer 1Kings:18:4 1Kings:18:13-14 1Kings:21:10 *5 the sound 1Kings:14:6

33 *1 this evil is of the Lord Genesis:4:13; Exodus:16:6-8; 1Samuel:28:6-8; 1Samuel:31:4; Job:1:11-21; Job:2:5 Job:2:9 Proverbs:19:3; Isaiah:8:21; Jeremiah:2:25; Ezekiel:33:10; Matthew:27:4-5; 2Corinthians:2:7 2Corinthians:2:11 Revelation:16:9-11 *2 wait for the Psalms:27:14; Psalms:37:7-9; Psalms:62:5; Isaiah:8:17; Isaiah:26:3; Isaiah:50:10; Lamentations:3:25-26; Habakkuk:2:3; Luke:18:1

tsk 2Kings 6 *

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tsk TITLE: Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge DESCRIPTION:Verse by verse links to relevant passages RIGHTS:

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