Job: tsk

1 *3 Bildad Job:2:11; Job:8:1; Job:25:1; Job:42:7-9

2 *1 How long Job:8:2; Job:11:2; Job:13:5-6; Job:16:2-3 *2 mark Job:3:5-6 Job:3:17 Job:21:2; Job:33:1; Proverbs:18:13; James:1:19

3 *1 Wherefore Job:12:7-8; Job:17:4 Job:17:10 Psalms:73:22; Ecclesiastes:3:18; Romans:12:10

4 *1 teareth Job:5:2; Job:13:14; Job:16:9; Jonah:4:9; Mark:9:18; Luke:9:39 *2 shall the Job:40:8; Ezekiel:9:9 *3 the rock Job:14:18; Isaiah:54:10; Matthew:24:35

5 *1 the light Job:20:5; Proverbs:4:19; Proverbs:13:9; Proverbs:20:20; Proverbs:24:20 *2 spark Isaiah:50:11

6 *1 candle Job:21:17; Psalms:18:28; Revelation:18:23

7 *1 steps Job:20:22; Job:36:16; Psalms:18:36; Proverbs:4:12 *2 his own Job:5:12-13; 2Samuel:15:31; 2Samuel:17:14; Psalms:33:10; Proverbs:1:30-32; Hosea:10:6; 1Corinthians:3:19

8 *1 he is cast Job:22:10; Esther:3:9; Esther:6:13; Esther:7:5 Esther:7:10 Psalms:9:15; Psalms:35:8; Proverbs:5:22; Proverbs:29:6; Ezekiel:32:3; 1Timothy:3:7; 1Timothy:6:9; 2Timothy:2:26

9 *1 The gin Isaiah:8:14-15 *2 robber Job:1:15-17; Job:5:5

10 *1 snare Psalms:11:6; Ezekiel:12:13; Romans:11:9

11 *1 Terrors Job:6:4; Job:15:21; Job:20:25; Psalms:73:19; Jeremiah:6:25; Jeremiah:20:3-4; Jeremiah:46:5; Jeremiah:49:29; 2Corinthians:5:11; Revelation:6:15-16 *2 to his feet Leviticus:26:36; 2Kings:7:6-7; Psalms:53:5; Proverbs:28:1

12 *1 hunger-bitten Job:15:23-24; 1Samuel:2:5 1Samuel:2:36 Psalms:34:10; Psalms:109:10 *2 destruction Psalms:7:12-14; 1Thessalonians:5:3; 2Peter:2:3

13 *1 strength Job:17:16; Jonah:2:6 *2 the firstborn Genesis:49:3; Isaiah:14:30; Revelation:6:8

14 *1 confidence Job:8:14; Job:11:20; Psalms:112:10; Proverbs:10:28; Matthew:7:26-27 *2 the king Job:24:17; Job:41:34; Psalms:55:4; Proverbs:14:32; 1Corinthians:15:55-56; Hebrews:2:15

15 *1 dwell Job:18:12-13;z Ecclesiastes:5:4 *2 because Job:20:18-21; Job:31:38-39; Jeremiah:22:13; Habakkuk:2:6-11 *3 brimstone Genesis:19:24; Deuteronomy:29:23; Psalms:11:6; Isaiah:34:9-10; Revelation:19:20; Revelation:21:8

16 *1 roots Job:29:19; Isaiah:5:24; Hosea:9:16; Amos:2:9; Malachi:4:1 *2 shall his branch Job:5:3-4; Job:15:30

17 *1 His remembrance shall perish from the earth, and he shall have no name in the street. Job:13:12; Psalms:34:16; Psalms:83:4; Psalms:109:13; Proverbs:2:22; Proverbs:10:7

18 *1 He shall be driven Job:3:20; Job:10:22; Job:11:14; Isaiah:8:21-22;ju Deuteronomy:1:13 *2 chased Job:20:8; Proverbs:14:32; Isaiah:17:13-14; Daniel:4:33; Daniel:5:21

19 *1 neither Job:1:19; Job:8:4; Job:42:13-16; Psalms:109:13; Isaiah:14:21-22; Jeremiah:22:30 *2 nor any Job:20:26-28; Isaiah:5:8-9

20 *1 astonied Deuteronomy:29:23-24; 1Kings:9:8; Jeremiah:18:16 *2 his day Psalms:37:13; Psalms:137:7; Ezekiel:21:25; Obadiah:1:11-15; Luke:19:42-44 *3 went Job:2:12-13; Job:19:13-19

21 *1 knoweth Job:21:14; Exodus:5:2; Judges:2:10; 1Samuel:2:12; 1Chronicles:28:9; Psalms:79:6; Jeremiah:9:3; Jeremiah:10:25; Romans:1:28; 1Thessalonians:4:5; 2Thessalonians:1:8; Titus:1:16

tsk Job 18 *

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