Job: tsk

2 *2 How long Job:8:2; Job:18:2; Psalms:13:1; Revelation:6:10 *3 vex Job:27:2; Judges:16:16; Psalms:6:2-3; Psalms:42:10; 2Peter:2:7-8 *4 break me Psalms:55:21; Psalms:59:7; Psalms:64:3; Proverbs:12:18; Proverbs:18:21; James:3:6-8

3 *1 ten times Genesis:31:7; Leviticus:26:26; Numbers:14:22; Nehemiah:4:12; Daniel:1:20 *2 ye reproached Job:4:6-11; Job:5:3-4; Job:8:4-6; Job:11:3 Job:11:14 Job:15:4-6 Job:15:11-12 Job:18:4-21 *3 make yourselves strange to me Job:19:17; Genesis:42:7; Psalms:69:8

4 *1 I have erred Job:11:3-6 *2 mine 2Samuel:24:17; Proverbs:9:12; Ezekiel:18:4; 2Corinthians:5:10; Galatians:6:5

5 *1 magnify Psalms:35:26; Psalms:38:16; Psalms:41:11; Psalms:55:12; Micah:7:8; Zephaniah:2:10;z Ecclesiastes:12:7 *2 plead 1Samuel:1:6; Nehemiah:1:3; Isaiah:4:1; Luke:1:25; Luke:13:2-4; John:9:2-34

6 *1 God Job:7:20; Job:16:11-14; Psalms:44:9-14; Psalms:66:10-12 *2 compassed Job:18:8-10; Lamentations:1:12-13; Ezekiel:12:13; Ezekiel:32:3; Hosea:7:12

7 *1 I cry Job:10:3 Job:10:15-17 Job:16:17-19; Job:21:27; Psalms:22:2; Jeremiah:20:8; Lamentations:3:8; Habakkuk:1:2-3 *2 no judgment Job:9:32; Job:13:15-23; Job:16:21; Job:23:3-7; Job:31:35-36; Job:34:5; Job:40:8

8 *1 fenced Job:3:23; Psalms:88:8; Lamentations:3:7-9; Hosea:2:6 *2 set Joshua:24:7; Proverbs:4:19; Isaiah:50:10; Jeremiah:13:16; Jeremiah:23:12; John:8:12

9 *1 stripped Job:29:7-14 Job:29:20-21 Job:30:1; Psalms:49:16-17; Psalms:89:44; Isaiah:61:6; Hosea:9:11

10 *1 destroyed Job:1:13-19; Job:2:7; Psalms:88:13-18; Lamentations:2:5-6; 2Corinthians:4:8-9 *2 I am gone Job:17:11; Psalms:102:11 *3 mine hope Job:6:11; Job:8:13-18; Job:17:15; Job:24:20; Psalms:37:35-36

11 *1 kindled Deuteronomy:32:22; Psalms:89:46; Psalms:90:7 *2 he counteth Job:13:24; Job:16:9; Job:33:10; Lamentations:2:5

12 *1 His Job:16:11; Isaiah:10:5-6; Isaiah:51:23 *2 raise Job:30:12

13 *1 put my brethren Psalms:31:11; Psalms:38:11; Psalms:69:8 Psalms:69:20 Psalms:88:8 Psalms:88:18 Matthew:26:56; 2Timothy:4:16 *2 estranged Job:6:21-23

14 *1 kinsfolk Psalms:38:11; Proverbs:18:24; Micah:7:5-6; Matthew:10:21 *2 familiar 2Samuel:16:23; Psalms:55:12-14; Jeremiah:20:10; John:13:18

15 *1 count me Job:31:31-32; Psalms:123:3

16 *1 my servant Job:1:15-16-17-19

17 *1 breath Job:2:9-10; Job:17:1

18 *1 Yea Job:30:1 Job:30:12 2Kings:2:23; Isaiah:3:5

19 *1 my inward friends Psalms:41:9; 1:55:12-14 Psalms:55:20 *2 they whom Job:6:14-15; Psalms:109:4-5; Luke:22:48

20 *1 bone Job:30:30; Job:33:19-22; Psalms:22:14-17; Psalms:32:3-4; Psalms:38:3; Psalms:102:3-5; Lamentations:4:8 *2 and I am Job:2:4-6; Job:7:5; Lamentations:3:4; Lamentations:5:10

21 *1 have pity Job:6:14; Romans:12:15; 1Corinthians:12:26; Hebrews:13:3 *2 the hand Job:1:11; Job:2:5 Job:2:10 Job:6:4; Psalms:38:2

22 *1 persecute Job:10:16; Job:16:13-14; Psalms:69:26 *2 and are not Job:2:5; Job:31:31; Isaiah:51:23; Micah:3:3

23 *1 my words Job:31:35; Isaiah:8:1; Isaiah:30:8

24 *1 graven Exodus:28:11-12 Exodus:28:21 Exodus:32:16; Deuteronomy:27:2-3 Deuteronomy:27:8 Jeremiah:17:1

25 *1 I know Job:33:23-24; Psalms:19:14; Isaiah:54:5; Isaiah:59:20-21; Ephesians:1:7 *2 he shall Genesis:3:15; Genesis:22:18; John:5:22-29;ju Deuteronomy:1:14

26 *1 And though, etc Psalms:17:15 *2 in my flesh Psalms:16:9-11; Matthew:5:8; 1Corinthians:13:12; 1Corinthians:15:53; Philippians:3:21; 1John:3:2; Revelation:1:7

27 *1 I shall Numbers:24:17; Isaiah:26:19

28 *1 Why Job:19:22; Psalms:69:26 *2 seeing, etc 1Kings:14:13

29 *1 ye afraid Job:13:7-11; Romans:13:1-4 *2 that ye may Psalms:58:10-11; Ecclesiastes:11:9; Matthew:7:1-2; James:4:11-12

tsk Job 19 *

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