Job: tsk

2 *3 Hear Job:13:3-4; Job:18:2; Job:33:1-31-33; Job:34:2; Judges:9:7; Isaiah:55:2; Hebrews:2:1 *4 let this be Job:15:11; Job:16:2

3 *1 that I may Job:13:13; Job:33:31-33 *2 mock on Job:12:4-5; Job:13:9; Job:16:10 Job:16:20 Job:17:2

4 *1 is my complaint Job:7:11-21; Job:10:1-2; 1Samuel:1:16; Psalms:22:1-3; Psalms:77:3-9; Psalms:102:1; Psalms:142:2-3; Matthew:26:38 *2 if it were 2Kings:6:26-27; Psalms:42:11 *3 troubled Exodus:6:9

5 *1 be astonished Job:2:12; Job:17:8; Job:19:20-21 *2 lay your Job:29:9; Job:40:4; Judges:18:19; Psalms:39:9; Proverbs:30:32; Amos:5:13; Micah:7:16; Romans:11:33

6 *1 Even when Psalms:77:3; Psalms:88:15; Psalms:119:120; Lamentations:3:19-20; Habakkuk:3:16

7 *1 Wherefore Job:12:6; Psalms:17:10; Psalms:73:3-12; Jeremiah:12:1-3; Habakkuk:1:15-16 *2 mighty Psalms:37:35; Daniel:4:17; Revelation:13:2-7; Revelation:17:2-4

8 *1 Their seed is established in their sight with them, and their offspring before their eyes. Job:5:3-4; Job:18:19; Job:20:10 Job:20:28 Proverbs:17:6

9 *1 safe from fear Job:15:21; Job:18:11; Psalms:73:19; Isaiah:57:19-21 *2 the rod Job:9:34; Psalms:73:5

10 *1 their cow Exodus:23:26; Deuteronomy:7:13-14; Deuteronomy:28:11; Psalms:144:13-14; Ecclesiastes:9:1-2; Luke:12:16-21; Luke:16:19

11 *1 They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance. Psalms:107:41; Psalms:127:3-5

12 *1 They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. Genesis:4:21; Genesis:31:27; Isaiah:5:12; Isaiah:22:13; Amos:6:4-6

13 *1 They Job:36:11; Psalms:73:4; Matthew:24:38-39; Luke:12:19-20; Luke:17:28-29

14 *1 they say Job:22:17; Psalms:10:4 Psalms:10:11 Luke:8:28 Luke:8:37 Habakkuk:1:15; John:15:23-24; Romans:8:7 *2 for we 1:1:7 Proverbs:1:22,29; John:3:19-20; John:8:45-47; Romans:1:28; 2Thessalonians:2:10-12; 2Timothy:4:3-4

15 *1 What is Exodus:5:2; Psalms:12:4; Proverbs:30:9; Hosea:13:6 *2 and what Job:34:9; Job:35:3; Isaiah:30:11; Malachi:1:13-14 *3 if we Isaiah:45:19; Matthew:7:7; John:16:24

16 *1 Lo Job:1:21; Job:12:9-10; Psalms:49:6-7; Psalms:52:5-7; Ecclesiastes:8:8; 1:16:2 Luke:16:25 *2 the counsel Job:22:18; Genesis:49:6; Psalms:1:1; Proverbs:1:10; Proverbs:5:8

17 *1 oft Job:18:5-6 Job:18:18 Proverbs:13:9; Proverbs:20:20; Proverbs:24:20; Matthew:25:8 *2 distributeth Psalms:32:10; Psalms:90:7-9; Luke:12:46; Romans:2:8-9

18 *1 as stubble Job:13:25; Exodus:15:7; Psalms:1:4; Psalms:35:5; Psalms:83:13; Isaiah:5:24; Isaiah:17:13; Isaiah:29:5; Isaiah:40:24; Isaiah:41:15-16; Jeremiah:13:24; Hosea:13:3; Nahum:1:10; Matthew:3:12

19 *1 layeth Job:22:24; Deuteronomy:32:34; Matthew:6:19-20; Romans:2:5 *2 iniquity Genesis:4:7; Isaiah:53:4-6; 2Corinthians:5:21 *3 for his Exodus:20:5; Psalms:109:9-31; Isaiah:14:21; Ezekiel:18:14 Ezekiel:18:19-20 Matthew:23:31-35 *4 he rewardeth Deuteronomy:32:41; 2Samuel:3:39; Psalms:54:5; Matthew:16:27; 2Timothy:4:14; Revelation:18:6 *5 he shall Malachi:3:18

20 *1 see Job:27:19; Luke:16:23 *2 drink Psalms:75:8; Isaiah:51:17; Jeremiah:25:15-16; Jeremiah:51:7; Revelation:14:10; Revelation:19:15

21 *1 For what Job:14:21; Ecclesiastes:2:18-19; Luke:16:27-28 *2 the number Job:14:5; Psalms:55:23; Psalms:102:24

22 *1 teach Job:40:2; Isaiah:40:13-14; Isaiah:45:9; Romans:11:34; 1Corinthians:2:16 *2 he judgeth Job:34:17-19; Psalms:113:5-6; Ecclesiastes:5:8; Isaiah:40:22-23; 1Corinthians:6:3; 2Peter:2:4;ju Deuteronomy:1:6; 1:20:1-3 Revelation:20:12-15

23 *1 in his full strength Job:20:22-23; Psalms:49:17; Psalms:73:4-5; Luke:12:19-21

24 *1 His breasts Job:15:27; Psalms:17:10 *2 moistened Proverbs:3:8

25 *1 in the bitterness Job:3:20; Job:7:11; Job:9:18; Job:10:1; 2Samuel:17:8; Proverbs:14:10; Isaiah:38:15-17 *2 never Job:20:23; 1Kings:17:12; Ecclesiastes:6:2; Ezekiel:4:16-17; Ezekiel:12:18

26 *1 alike Job:3:18-19; Job:20:11; Ecclesiastes:9:2 *2 the worms Job:17:14; Job:19:26; Psalms:49:14; Isaiah:14:11

27 *1 I know Job:4:8-11; Job:5:3-5; Job:8:3-6; Job:15:20-35; Job:20:5 Job:20:29 Luke:5:22 *2 ye wrongfully Job:32:3; Job:42:7; Psalms:59:4; Psalms:119:86; 1Peter:2:19

28 *1 Where Job:20:7; Psalms:37:36; Psalms:52:5-6; Habakkuk:2:9-11;z Ecclesiastes:5:4 *2 dwelling places Numbers:16:26-34

29 *1 go by Psalms:129:8

30 *1 the wicked Proverbs:16:4; Nahum:1:2; 2Peter:2:9-17; 2Peter:3:7;ju Deuteronomy:1:13 *2 day Job:20:28; Psalms:110:5; Proverbs:11:4; Zephaniah:1:15; Romans:2:5; Revelation:6:17

31 *1 declare 2Samuel:12:7-12; 1Kings:21:19-24; Psalms:50:21; Jeremiah:2:33-35; Mark:6:18; Acts:24:25; Galatians:2:11 *2 repay Job:21:19; Job:41:11; Deuteronomy:7:10; Isaiah:59:13; Romans:12:19; James:2:13

32 *1 he be Psalms:49:14; Ezekiel:32:21-32; Luke:16:22

33 *1 sweet Job:3:17-18 *2 every man Job:30:23; Genesis:3:19; Ecclesiastes:1:4; Ecclesiastes:8:8; Ecclesiastes:12:7; Hebrews:9:27

34 *1 comfort Job:16:2 *2 seeing Job:13:4; Job:32:3; Job:42:7

tsk Job 21 *

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