Job: tsk

2 *3 a man Job:35:6-8; Psalms:16:2; Luke:17:10 *4 as he that, etc Job:21:15; Deuteronomy:10:13; Proverbs:3:13-18; Proverbs:4:7-9; Proverbs:9:12; Ecclesiastes:7:11-12; Matthew:5:29; Galatians:6:7-8

3 *1 any pleasure 1Chronicles:29:17; Psalms:147:10-11; Proverbs:11:1-20; Proverbs:12:22; Proverbs:15:8; Malachi:2:17; Philippians:4:18 *2 thou makest Job:23:10-12; Psalms:39:1; Psalms:119:3-6 Psalms:119:59 Acts:24:16; 2Corinthians:7:1

4 *1 reprove Psalms:39:11; Psalms:76:6; Psalms:80:16; Revelation:3:19 *2 for fear Job:7:12 *3 will he enter Job:9:19 Job:9:32 Job:14:3; Job:16:21; Job:23:6-7; Job:34:23; Psalms:130:3-4; Psalms:143:2; Ecclesiastes:12:14; Isaiah:3:14-15

5 *1 not thy Job:4:7-11; Job:11:14; Job:15:5-6 Job:15:31-34 Job:21:27; Job:32:3 *2 thine Psalms:19:12; Psalms:40:12

6 *1 For thou Job:24:3 Job:24:9 Exodus:22:26; Deuteronomy:24:10-18; 1:18:7 Ezekiel:18:12,16; Amos:2:8 *2 stripped, etc Job:24:10; Job:31:19-20

7 *1 not given Job:31:17; Deuteronomy:15:7-11; Psalms:112:9; Proverbs:11:24-25; Proverbs:19:17; Isaiah:58:7 Isaiah:58:10 Ezekiel:18:7 Ezekiel:18:16 Matthew:25:42; Romans:12:20

8 *1 But as Job:29:7-17; Job:31:34; 1Kings:21:11-15; Psalms:12:8; Micah:7:3 *2 mighty man Job:13:8

9 *1 widows Job:24:3 Job:24:21 Job:29:12-13; Job:31:16-18 Job:31:21 Exodus:22:21-24; Deuteronomy:27:19; Psalms:94:6; Isaiah:1:17 Isaiah:1:23 Isaiah:10:2; Ezekiel:22:7; Malachi:3:5; Luke:18:3-5 *2 arms Psalms:10:15; Psalms:37:17; Ezekiel:30:22

10 *1 snares Job:18:8-10; Job:19:6; Psalms:11:6 *2 sudden Job:6:4; Job:13:21; Proverbs:1:27; Proverbs:3:25-26; 1Thessalonians:5:3

11 *1 darkness Job:18:6 Job:18:18 Job:19:8; Proverbs:4:19; Isaiah:8:22; Lamentations:3:2; Joel:2:2-3; Matthew:8:12 *2 abundance Psalms:42:7; Psalms:69:1-2; Psalms:124:4; Lamentations:3:54; Jonah:2:3

12 *1 not God Psalms:115:3 Psalms:115:16 Ecclesiastes:5:2; Isaiah:57:15; Isaiah:66:1 *2 the stars Psalms:8:3-4

13 *1 doth God know Psalms:10:11; Psalms:59:7; Psalms:73:11; Psalms:94:7-9; Ezekiel:8:12; Ezekiel:9:9; Zephaniah:1:12

14 *1 Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit of heaven. Job:34:22; Psalms:33:14; Psalms:97:2; Psalms:139:1-2 Psalms:139:11-12 Jeremiah:23:24; Luke:12:2-3

15 *1 the old way Genesis:6:5 Genesis:6:11-13 Luke:17:26-27

16 *1 cut down Job:15:32; Psalms:55:23; Psalms:102:24; Ecclesiastes:7:17 *2 whose foundation was overflown with a flood Genesis:7:11 Genesis:7:17-24 Matthew:24:37-39; 1Peter:3:19-20; 2Peter:2:5

17 *1 Depart Job:21:10 Job:21:14-15 Isaiah:30:11; Matthew:8:29 Matthew:8:34 Romans:1:28 *2 and what Psalms:4:6; Malachi:3:14

18 *1 he filled Job:12:6; 1Samuel:2:7; Psalms:17:14; Jeremiah:12:2; Acts:14:17; Acts:15:16 *2 the counsel Job:21:16; Psalms:1:1

19 *1 righteous Psalms:48:11; Psalms:58:10; Psalms:97:8; Psalms:107:42; Proverbs:11:10; Revelation:18:20; Revelation:19:1-3 *2 innocent Job:9:23; Psalms:52:6

20 *1 our substance Job:4:7; Job:8:3-4; Job:15:5-6; Job:20:18-19; Job:21:27-28; Luke:13:1-5 *2 the fire Job:1:16; Job:20:26; Genesis:19:24; Luke:17:29-30; 2Peter:2:6-7

21 *1 Acquaint 1Chronicles:28:9; John:17:3; 2Corinthians:4:6 *2 be at peace Isaiah:27:5; Isaiah:57:19-21; Matthew:5:25; Acts:10:36; 2Corinthians:5:20; Philippians:4:7; Ephesians:2:14-17

22 *1 receive Deuteronomy:4:1-2; Proverbs:2:1-9; 1Thessalonians:4:1-2 *2 lay up Job:23:12; Deuteronomy:6:6-9; Psalms:119:11; Proverbs:4:4 Proverbs:4:21 Jeremiah:15:16; Matthew:12:35; Matthew:13:52; 1:2:19 Luke:2:51

23 *1 return Job:8:5-6; Job:11:13-14; Isaiah:55:6-7; Hosea:14:1-2;z Ecclesiastes:1:3; Acts:26:20 *2 built up Job:12:14; Jeremiah:31:4; Colossians:2:7;ju Deuteronomy:1:20 *3 thou shalt Job:11:14; Job:18:15; Joshua:7:13-16; Isaiah:33:15;z Ecclesiastes:5:3-4 *4 put 2Timothy:2:19

24 *1 lay up 1Kings:10:21; 2Chronicles:1:5; 1:9:10 2Chronicles:9:27 *2 Ophir Genesis:10:29; 1Kings:9:28; 1Kings:22:48; Psalms:45:9; Isaiah:13:12

25 *1 the Almighty Genesis:15:1; Psalms:18:2; Psalms:84:11; Isaiah:41:10; Romans:8:31 *2 defence Psalms:16:5-6; Isaiah:33:6; 2Corinthians:6:10; James:2:5

26 *1 shalt thou Job:27:10; Job:34:9; Psalms:37:4; Songs:2:3; Isaiah:58:14; Romans:7:22 *2 lift up Job:11:15; Psalms:25:1; Psalms:86:4; Psalms:143:8; 1John:3:20-21

27 *1 make thy Psalms:50:14-15; Psalms:66:17-18-20; Psalms:91:15; Psalms:116:1; Isaiah:58:9; 1John:5:14-15 *2 pay thy Psalms:56:12; Psalms:66:13-14; Psalms:116:14; Ecclesiastes:5:4; Jonah:2:9

28 *1 decree Psalms:20:4; Psalms:90:17; Lamentations:3:37; Matthew:21:22; James:4:15 *2 the light Job:29:3; Psalms:97:11; Psalms:112:4; Proverbs:4:18; Isaiah:30:21; Malachi:4:2; John:8:12

29 *1 men Job:5:19-27; Psalms:9:2-3; Psalms:91:14-16; Psalms:92:9-11 *2 he shall Proverbs:29:23; Isaiah:57:15; Luke:14:11; Luke:18:9-14; James:4:6; 1Peter:5:5 *3 the humble person Psalms:138:6; Isaiah:66:2; Ezekiel:21:26-27; Luke:1:52

30 *1 He shall deliver the island of the innocent Job:42:8; Genesis:18:26-32; Isaiah:58:12; Jeremiah:5:1; Acts:27:24 *2 pureness Isaiah:1:15; Malachi:1:9; Matthew:17:19-20; Acts:19:15-16; 1Timothy:2:8; James:5:15-16

tsk Job 22 *

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