Luke: tsk

1 *3 those John:20:31; Acts:1:1-3; 1Timothy:3:16; 2Peter:1:16-19

2 *1 which Luke:24:48; Mark:1:1; John:15:27; 1:1:3 Acts:1:8,21-22; Acts:4:20; Acts:10:39-41; Hebrews:2:3; 1Peter:5:1; 1John:1:1-3 *2 and Acts:26:16; Romans:15:16; Ephesians:3:7-8; Ephesians:4:11-12; Colossians:1:23-25

3 *1 seemed 1:15:19 Acts:15:25,28; 1Corinthians:7:40; 1Corinthians:16:12 *2 in Luke:1:1; Psalms:40:5; Psalms:50:21; Ecclesiastes:12:9; Acts:11:4 *3 most Acts:1:1; Acts:23:26; Acts:24:3; Acts:26:25

4 *1 That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed. John:20:31; 2Peter:1:15-16

5 *1 Herod Matthew:2:1 *2 of the course 1Chronicles:24:10 1Chronicles:24:19 1:12:4 Nehemiah:12:17

6 *1 righteous Luke:16:15; Genesis:6:9; Genesis:7:1; Genesis:17:1; Job:1:1 Job:1:8 Job:9:2; Romans:3:9-25; Philippians:3:6-9; Titus:3:3-7 *2 walking 1Kings:9:4; 2Kings:20:3; Psalms:119:6; Acts:23:1; Acts:24:16; 1Corinthians:11:2; 2Corinthians:1:12; Philippians:3:6; Titus:2:11-14; 1John:2:3 1John:2:29 1John:3:7 *3 blameless Philippians:2:15; Colossians:1:22; 1Thessalonians:3:13; 2Peter:3:14

7 *1 they had Genesis:15:2-3; Genesis:16:1-2; Genesis:25:21; Genesis:30:1; Judges:13:2-3; 1:1:2 1Samuel:1:5-8 *2 well Genesis:17:17; Genesis:18:11; 1Kings:1:1; 2Kings:4:14; Romans:4:19; Hebrews:11:11

8 *1 he Exodus:28:1 Exodus:28:41 1:29:1 Exodus:29:9,44; Exodus:30:30; Numbers:18:7; 1Chronicles:24:2; 2Chronicles:11:14 *2 in Luke:1:5; 1Chronicles:24:19; 2Chronicles:8:14; 2Chronicles:31:2 2Chronicles:31:19 Ezra:6:18

9 *1 his Exodus:30:7-8; Exodus:37:25-29; Numbers:16:40; 1Samuel:2:28; 1Chronicles:6:49; 1Chronicles:23:13; 2Chronicles:26:16; 2Chronicles:29:11; Hebrews:9:6

10 *1 And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense. Leviticus:16:17; Hebrews:4:14; Hebrews:9:24; Revelation:8:3

11 *1 appeared Luke:1:19 Luke:1:28 Luke:2:10; Judges:13:3 Judges:13:9 Acts:10:3-4; Hebrews:1:14 *2 the altar Exodus:30:1-6; Exodus:37:25-29; Exodus:40:26-27; Leviticus:16:13; Revelation:8:3-4; Revelation:9:13

12 *1 he Luke:1:29; Luke:2:9-10; Judges:6:22; Judges:13:22; Job:4:14-15; Daniel:10:7; Mark:16:5; Acts:10:4; Revelation:1:17

13 *1 Fear Luke:24:36-40; Judges:6:23; Daniel:10:12; Matthew:28:5; Mark:16:6 *2 thy prayer Genesis:25:21; 1Samuel:1:20-23; Psalms:118:21; Acts:10:31 *3 and they Genesis:17:10; Genesis:18:14; Judges:13:3-5; 1Samuel:2:21; 2Kings:4:16-17; Psalms:113:9; Psalms:127:3-5 *4 thou Luke:1:60-63; Luke:2:21; Genesis:17:19; Isaiah:8:3; Hosea:1:4-6 Hosea:1:9-10 Matthew:1:21

14 *1 And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth. Luke:1:58; Genesis:21:6; Proverbs:15:20; 1:23:15 Proverbs:23:24

15 *1 great Luke:7:28; Genesis:12:2; Genesis:48:19; Joshua:3:7; Joshua:4:14; 1Chronicles:17:8; 1Chronicles:29:12; Matthew:11:9-19; John:5:35 *2 and shall Luke:7:33; Numbers:6:2-4; Judges:13:4-6; Matthew:11:18 *3 filled z Ecclesiastes:9:15; Acts:2:4 Acts:2:14-18 Ephesians:5:18 *4 even Psalms:22:9; Jeremiah:1:5; Galatians:1:15

16 *1 And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. Luke:1:76; Isaiah:40:3-5; Isaiah:49:6; Daniel:12:3; Malachi:3:1; Matthew:3:1-6; Matthew:21:32

17 *1 before Luke:1:16; 1:1:13 John:1:23-30,34; John:3:28 *2 in Malachi:4:5-6; Matthew:11:14; Matthew:17:11-12; Mark:9:11-13; John:1:21-24; Revelation:20:4 *3 power 1Kings:17:1; 1Kings:18:18; 1Kings:21:20; 1:1:4-6 2Kings:1:16 *4 Elijah Matthew:3:4 Matthew:3:7-12 Matthew:14:4 *5 turn Luke:3:7-14; Malachi:4:6 *6 and the Isaiah:29:24; Matthew:21:29-32; 1Corinthians:6:9-11 *7 to make 1Samuel:7:5; 1Chronicles:29:18; 2Chronicles:29:36; Psalms:10:17; Psalms:78:8; Psalms:111:10; Amos:4:12; Acts:10:33; Romans:9:23; Colossians:1:12; 2Timothy:2:21; 1Peter:2:9; 2Peter:3:11-14; 1John:2:28

18 *1 Whereby Luke:1:34; Genesis:15:8; Genesis:17:17; Genesis:18:12; Judges:6:36-40; Isaiah:38:22 *2 for Luke:1:7; Numbers:11:21-23; 2Kings:7:2; Romans:4:19

19 *1 I am Luke:1:26; Daniel:8:16; Daniel:9:21-23; Matthew:18:10; Hebrews:4:14 *2 and to Luke:2:10

20 *1 thou shalt Luke:1:22 Luke:1:62-63 Exodus:4:11; Ezekiel:3:26; Ezekiel:24:27 *2 because Luke:1:45; Genesis:18:10-15; Numbers:20:12; 2Kings:7:2 2Kings:7:19 Isaiah:7:9; Mark:9:19; Mark:16:14; Revelation:3:19 *3 which Romans:3:3; 2Timothy:2:13; Titus:1:2; Hebrews:6:18

21 *1 And the people waited for Zacharias, and marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple. Numbers:6:23-27

22 *1 for John:13:24; Acts:12:17; Acts:19:33; Acts:21:40

23 *1 the days 2Kings:11:5-7; 1Chronicles:9:25

25 *1 hath Luke:1:13; Genesis:21:1-2; Genesis:25:21; Genesis:30:22; 1Samuel:1:19-20; 1Samuel:2:21-22; Hebrews:11:11 *2 to take Genesis:30:23; 1Samuel:1:6; Isaiah:4:1; Isaiah:54:1-4

26 *1 a city Luke:2:4; Matthew:2:23; John:1:45-46; John:7:41

27 *1 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. Luke:2:4-5; Genesis:3:15; Isaiah:7:14; Jeremiah:31:22; 1:1:18 Matthew:1:21-23

28 *1 Hail Daniel:9:21-23; Daniel:10:19 *2 highly favoured Luke:1:30; Hosea:14:2; Ephesians:1:6 *3 the Lord Judges:6:12; Isaiah:43:5; Jeremiah:1:18-19; Acts:18:10 *4 blessed Luke:1:42; Luke:11:27-28; Judges:5:24; Proverbs:31:29-31; Matthew:12:48

29 *1 she was Luke:1:12; Mark:6:49-50; Mark:16:5-6; Acts:10:4 *2 and cast Luke:1:66; 1:2:19 Luke:2:51 *3 what Judges:6:13-15; 1Samuel:9:20-21; 1:10:4 Acts:10:17

30 *1 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. Luke:1:13; Luke:12:32; Isaiah:41:10 Isaiah:41:14 Isaiah:43:1-4; Isaiah:44:2; Matthew:28:5; Acts:18:9-10; Acts:27:24; Romans:8:31; Hebrews:13:6

31 *1 thou Luke:1:27; Isaiah:7:14; Matthew:1:23; Galatians:4:4 *2 and shalt Luke:1:13; Luke:2:21; Matthew:1:21-25

32 *1 shall be great Luke:1:15; Luke:3:16; Matthew:3:11; Matthew:12:42; Philippians:2:9-11 *2 the Son Luke:1:35; Mark:5:7; Mark:14:61; John:6:69; Acts:16:17; Romans:1:4; Hebrews:1:2-8 *3 give 2Samuel:7:11-13; Psalms:132:11; Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:16:5; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Jeremiah:33:15-17; Ezekiel:17:22-24; Ezekiel:34:23-24; Ezekiel:37:24-25; Amos:9:11-12; Matthew:28:18; John:3:35-36; John:5:21-29; John:12:34; Acts:2:30 Acts:2:36 Ephesians:1:20-23; Revelation:3:7

33 *1 he Psalms:45:6; Psalms:89:35-37; Daniel:2:44; Daniel:7:13-14 Daniel:7:27 Obadiah:1:21; Micah:4:7; 1Corinthians:15:24-25; Hebrews:1:8; Revelation:11:15; Revelation:20:4-6; Revelation:22:3-5 *2 the Romans:9:6; Galatians:3:29; Galatians:6:16; Philippians:3:3

34 *1 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? Judges:13:8-12; Acts:9:6

35 *1 The Holy Ghost Luke:1:27 Luke:1:31 Matthew:1:20 *2 that Job:14:4; Job:15:16; Job:25:4; Psalms:51:5; Ephesians:2:3; Hebrews:4:15; Hebrews:7:26-28 *3 the Son of God Luke:1:32; Psalms:2:7; Matthew:14:33; Matthew:26:63-64; Matthew:27:54; Mark:1:1; John:1:34 John:1:49 John:20:31; Acts:8:37; Romans:1:4; Galatians:2:20

37 *1 with Luke:18:27; Genesis:18:14; Numbers:11:23; Job:13:2; Jeremiah:32:17 Jeremiah:32:27 z Ecclesiastes:8:6; Matthew:19:26; Mark:10:27; Philippians:3:21

38 *1 Behold 2Samuel:7:25-29; Psalms:116:16; Romans:4:20-21 *2 be Psalms:119:38

39 *1 into Joshua:10:40; Joshua:15:48-59; Joshua:21:9-11

41 *1 the babe Luke:1:15 Luke:1:44 Genesis:25:22; Psalms:22:10 *2 was Luke:1:67; Luke:4:1; Acts:2:4; Acts:4:8; Acts:6:3; Acts:7:55; Ephesians:5:18; Revelation:1:10

42 *1 Blessed art Luke:1:28 Luke:1:48 Judges:5:24 *2 blessed is Luke:19:38; Genesis:22:18; Psalms:21:6; Psalms:45:2; Psalms:72:17-19; Acts:2:26-28; Romans:9:5; Hebrews:12:2

43 *1 whence Luke:7:7; Ruth:2:10; 1Samuel:25:41; Matthew:3:14; John:13:5-8; Philippians:2:3 *2 my Luke:20:42-44; Psalms:110:1; John:13:13; John:20:28; Philippians:3:8

45 *1 blessed Luke:1:20; Luke:11:27-28; 2Chronicles:20:20; John:11:40; John:20:29

46 *1 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, 1Samuel:2:1; Psalms:34:2-3; Psalms:35:9; Psalms:103:1-2; Isaiah:24:15-16; Isaiah:45:25; Isaiah:61:10; Habakkuk:3:17-18; Romans:5:11; 1Corinthians:1:31; 2Corinthians:2:14; Philippians:3:3; Philippians:4:4; 1Peter:1:8

47 *1 God Luke:2:11; Isaiah:12:2-3; Isaiah:45:21-22; Zephaniah:3:14-17;z Ecclesiastes:9:9; 1Timothy:1:1; Titus:2:10 Titus:2:13 Titus:3:4-6

48 *1 regarded 1Samuel:1:11; 1Samuel:2:8; 2Samuel:7:8 2Samuel:7:18-19 Psalms:102:17; Psalms:113:7-8; Psalms:136:23; Psalms:138:6; Isaiah:66:2; 1Corinthians:1:26-28; James:2:5-6 *2 all Luke:1:28 Luke:1:42 Luke:11:27; Genesis:30:13; Malachi:3:12

49 *1 he Genesis:17:1; Psalms:24:8; Isaiah:1:24; Isaiah:63:1; Jeremiah:10:6; Jeremiah:20:11 *2 hath Psalms:71:19-21; Psalms:126:2-3; Mark:5:13; Ephesians:3:20 *3 and Exodus:15:11; 1Samuel:2:2; Psalms:99:3 Psalms:99:9 Psalms:111:9; Isaiah:6:3; Isaiah:57:15; Revelation:4:8; Revelation:15:4

50 *1 And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. Genesis:17:7; Exodus:20:6; Exodus:34:6-7; Psalms:31:19; Psalms:85:9; Psalms:103:11 Psalms:103:17-18 Psalms:115:13; Psalms:118:4; Psalms:145:19; Psalms:147:11; Malachi:3:16-18; Revelation:19:5

51 *1 shewed Exodus:15:6-7 Exodus:15:12-13 Deuteronomy:4:34; Psalms:52:9; Psalms:63:5; Psalms:89:13; Psalms:98:1; Psalms:118:15; Isaiah:40:10; Isaiah:51:9; Isaiah:52:10; Isaiah:63:12; Revelation:18:8 *2 he hath scattered Exodus:15:9-11; Exodus:18:11; 1Samuel:2:3-4 1Samuel:2:9-10 Job:40:9-12; Psalms:2:1-6; Psalms:33:10; Psalms:89:10; Isaiah:10:12-19; Jeremiah:48:29-30; Daniel:4:37; Daniel:5:25-31; 1Peter:5:5 *3 the imagination Genesis:6:5; Genesis:8:21; Deuteronomy:29:19-20; Romans:1:21; 2Corinthians:10:5

52 *1 put Luke:18:14; 1Samuel:2:4-6-8; Job:5:11-13; Job:34:24-28; Psalms:107:40-41; Psalms:113:6-8; Ecclesiastes:4:14; Ezekiel:17:24; Amos:9:11; Mark:6:3; James:1:9-10; James:4:10

53 *1 filled Luke:6:21; 1Samuel:2:5; Psalms:34:10; Psalms:107:8-9; Psalms:146:7; Ezekiel:34:29; Matthew:5:6; John:6:11-13 John:6:35 James:2:5; Revelation:7:16-17 *2 and Luke:6:24; Luke:12:16-21; Luke:16:19-25; Luke:18:11-14 Luke:18:24-25 1Corinthians:1:26; 1Corinthians:4:8; James:2:6; James:5:1-6; Revelation:3:17-18

54 *1 He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; Luke:1:70-75; Psalms:98:3; Isaiah:44:21; Isaiah:46:3-4; Isaiah:49:14-16; Isaiah:54:6-10; Isaiah:63:7-16; Jeremiah:31:3 Jeremiah:31:20 Jeremiah:33:24-26; Micah:7:20; Zephaniah:3:14-20;z Ecclesiastes:9:9-11

55 *1 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever. Genesis:12:3; Genesis:17:19; Genesis:22:18; Genesis:26:4; Genesis:28:14; Psalms:105:6-10; Psalms:132:11-17; Romans:11:28-29; Galatians:3:16-17

57 *1 Now Elisabeth's full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son. Luke:1:13; Luke:2:6-7; Genesis:21:2-3; Numbers:23:19

58 *1 her neighbours Luke:1:25; Ruth:4:14-17; Psalms:113:9 *2 they Luke:1:14; Genesis:21:6; Isaiah:66:9-10; Romans:12:15; 1Corinthians:12:26

59 *1 And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father. Luke:2:21; Genesis:17:12; Genesis:21:3-4; Leviticus:12:3; Acts:7:8; Philippians:3:5

60 *1 Not Luke:1:13; 2Samuel:12:25; Isaiah:8:3; Matthew:1:25

63 *1 a Proverbs:3:3; Isaiah:30:8; Jeremiah:17:1; Habakkuk:2:2 *2 His 1:1:13 Luke:1:60

64 *1 his mouth Luke:1:20; Exodus:4:15-16; Psalms:51:15; Jeremiah:1:9; Ezekiel:3:27; Ezekiel:29:21; Ezekiel:33:22; Matthew:9:33; Mark:7:32-37 *2 and he Psalms:30:7-12; Psalms:118:18-19; Isaiah:12:1; Daniel:4:34-37

65 *1 fear Luke:7:16; Acts:2:43; Acts:5:5 Acts:5:11 Acts:19:17; Revelation:11:11 *2 all the Luke:1:39; 1:10:6 Joshua:10:40

66 *1 laid Luke:2:19 Luke:2:51 Luke:9:44; Genesis:37:11; Psalms:119:11 *2 And the Luke:1:80; Luke:2:40; Genesis:39:2; Judges:13:24-25; 1Samuel:2:18; 1Samuel:16:18; 1Kings:18:46; Psalms:80:17; Psalms:89:21; Acts:11:21

67 *1 filled Luke:1:15 Luke:1:41 Numbers:11:25; 2Samuel:23:2; Joel:2:28; 2Peter:1:21

68 *1 Blessed Genesis:9:26; Genesis:14:20; 1Kings:1:48; 1Chronicles:29:10 1Chronicles:29:20 Psalms:41:13; Psalms:72:17-19; Psalms:106:48; Ephesians:1:3; 1Peter:1:3 *2 he Luke:7:16; Luke:19:44; Exodus:3:16-17; Exodus:4:31; Psalms:111:9; Ephesians:1:7

69 *1 an 1Samuel:2:10; 2Samuel:22:3; Psalms:18:2; Psalms:132:17-18; Ezekiel:29:21 *2 in 2Samuel:7:26; 1Kings:11:13; Psalms:89:3 Psalms:89:20-37 Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:11:1-9; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Jeremiah:33:15-26; Ezekiel:34:23-24; Ezekiel:37:24-25; Amos:9:11; Mark:11:10; Romans:1:2-3; Revelation:22:16

70 *1 spake 2Samuel:23:2; Jeremiah:30:10; Mark:12:36; Acts:28:25; Hebrews:3:7; 2Peter:1:21; Revelation:19:10 *2 which Luke:24:26-27 Luke:24:44 Genesis:3:15; Genesis:12:3; Genesis:49:10; Daniel:9:24-27; Acts:3:21-24; 1Peter:1:12

71 *1 we Luke:1:74; Deuteronomy:33:29; Psalms:106:10 Psalms:106:47 Isaiah:14:1-3; Isaiah:44:24-26; Isaiah:54:7-17; Jeremiah:23:6; Jeremiah:30:9-11; Jeremiah:32:37; Ezekiel:28:26; Ezekiel:34:25 Ezekiel:34:28 Ezekiel:38:8; Zephaniah:3:15-20;z Ecclesiastes:9:9-10; 1John:3:8

72 *1 perform Luke:1:54-55; Genesis:12:3; Genesis:22:18; Genesis:26:4; Genesis:28:14; Psalms:98:3; Acts:3:25-26; Romans:11:28; Hebrews:6:13-18 *2 and Genesis:17:4-9; Leviticus:26:42; Psalms:105:8-10; Psalms:106:45; Psalms:111:5; Ezekiel:16:8 Ezekiel:16:60 Galatians:3:15-17

73 *1 The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, Genesis:22:16-17; Genesis:24:7; Genesis:26:3; Deuteronomy:7:8 Deuteronomy:7:12 Psalms:105:9; Jeremiah:11:5; Hebrews:6:16-17

74 *1 that we Luke:1:71; Isaiah:35:9-10; Isaiah:45:17; Isaiah:54:13-14; Isaiah:65:21-25; Ezekiel:34:25-28; Ezekiel:39:28-29; Zephaniah:3:15-17;z Ecclesiastes:9:8-10; Romans:6:22; Romans:8:15; 2Timothy:1:7; Hebrews:2:15; Hebrews:9:14; Revelation:2:10

75 *1 In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. Deuteronomy:6:2; Psalms:105:44-45; Jeremiah:31:33-34; Jeremiah:32:39-40; Ezekiel:36:24-27; Matthew:1:21; Ephesians:1:4; Ephesians:2:10; Ephesians:4:24; 1Thessalonians:4:1 1Thessalonians:4:7 2Thessalonians:2:13; 2Timothy:1:9; Titus:2:11-14; 1Peter:1:14-16; 2Peter:1:4-8

76 *1 shalt be Luke:7:28; Matthew:14:5; Matthew:21:26; Mark:11:32 *2 Highest Luke:1:32-35; Luke:6:35; Psalms:87:5; Acts:16:17 *3 thou shalt Luke:1:16-17; Luke:3:4-6; Isaiah:40:3-5; Malachi:3:1; Malachi:4:5; Matthew:3:3 Matthew:3:11 Matthew:11:10; Mark:1:2-3; John:1:23 John:1:27 John:3:28; Acts:13:24-25

77 *1 give Luke:3:3 Luke:3:6 Mark:1:3-4; 1:1:7-9 John:1:15-17,29,34; John:3:27-36; Acts:19:4 *2 the Luke:7:47-50; Acts:2:38; Acts:3:19; Acts:5:31; Acts:10:43; Acts:13:38-39; Romans:3:25; Romans:4:6-8; Ephesians:1:7

78 *1 tender Psalms:25:6; Isaiah:63:7 Isaiah:63:15 John:3:16; Ephesians:2:4-5; Philippians:1:8; Philippians:2:1; Colossians:3:12; 1John:3:17; 1John:4:9-10 *2 day-spring Numbers:24:17; Isaiah:11:1;z Ecclesiastes:3:8;z Ecclesiastes:6:12; Malachi:4:2; Revelation:22:16

79 *1 give Luke:2:32; Isaiah:9:2; Isaiah:42:7 Isaiah:42:16 Isaiah:49:6 Isaiah:49:9 Isaiah:60:1-3; Matthew:4:16; John:1:9; John:8:12; John:9:5; John:12:46; Acts:26:18; Ephesians:5:8; 1Thessalonians:5:4-5; 1John:1:5-7 *2 and Job:3:5; Job:10:22; Psalms:23:4; Psalms:44:19; Psalms:107:10 Psalms:107:14 Jeremiah:2:6 *3 to guide Psalms:25:8-10-12; Psalms:85:10-13; Proverbs:3:17; Proverbs:8:20; Isaiah:48:17 Isaiah:48:22 Isaiah:57:19-21; Isaiah:59:8; Jeremiah:6:16; Matthew:11:28-29; Romans:3:17

80 *1 the child Luke:1:15; Luke:2:40 Luke:2:52 Judges:13:24-25; 1Samuel:3:19-20 *2 and was Matthew:3:1; Matthew:11:7; Mark:1:3-4 *3 his John:1:31

tsk Luke 1 *

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