Luke: tsk

1 *3 Caesar Luke:3:1; Acts:11:28; Acts:25:11-21; Philippians:4:22 *4 all Matthew:24:14; Mark:14:9; Mark:16:15; Romans:1:8

2 *1 taxing Acts:5:37 *2 governor Luke:3:1; Acts:13:7; Acts:18:12; Acts:23:26; Acts:26:30

4 *1 Joseph Luke:1:26-27; Luke:3:23 *2 of the city Luke:4:16; Matthew:2:23; John:1:46 *3 unto Genesis:35:19; Genesis:48:7; Ruth:1:19; Ruth:2:4; 1:4:11 Ruth:4:17,21-22; 1Samuel:16:1 1Samuel:16:4 1Samuel:17:12 1Samuel:17:58 1Samuel:20:6; Micah:5:2; Matthew:2:1-6; John:7:42 *4 he was Luke:1:27; Luke:3:23-31; Matthew:1:1-17

5 *1 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. Deuteronomy:22:22-27; Matthew:1:18-19

6 *1 A. M. 4000. B.C. 4. so Psalms:33:11; Proverbs:19:21; Micah:5:2 *2 the days Luke:1:57; Revelation:12:1-5

7 *1 she Isaiah:7:14; Matthew:1:25; Galatians:4:4 *2 and wrapped Luke:2:11-12; Psalms:22:6; Isaiah:53:2-3; Matthew:8:20; Matthew:13:55; John:1:14; 2Corinthians:8:9 *3 the inn Luke:10:34; Genesis:42:27; Genesis:43:21; Exodus:4:24

8 *1 abiding Genesis:31:39-40; Exodus:3:1-2; 1Samuel:17:34-35; Psalms:78:70-71; Ezekiel:34:8; John:10:8-12

9 *1 lo Luke:1:11-28; Judges:6:11-12; Matthew:1:20; Acts:27:23; 1Timothy:3:16 *2 and the Exodus:16:7 Exodus:16:10 Exodus:40:34-35; 1Kings:8:11; Isaiah:6:3; Isaiah:35:2; Isaiah:40:5; Isaiah:60:1; Ezekiel:3:23; John:12:41; 2Corinthians:3:18; 2Corinthians:4:6; Revelation:18:1 *3 and they Luke:1:12; Isaiah:6:4-5; Acts:22:6-9; Acts:26:13-14; Hebrews:12:21; Revelation:20:11

10 *1 Fear not Luke:1:13 Luke:1:30 Daniel:10:11-12 Daniel:10:19 Matthew:28:5; Revelation:1:17-18 *2 I bring Luke:1:19; Luke:8:1; Isaiah:40:9; Isaiah:41:27; Isaiah:52:7; Isaiah:61:1; Acts:13:32; Romans:10:15 *3 to Luke:2:31-32; Luke:24:47; Genesis:12:3; Psalms:67:1-2; Psalms:98:2-3; Isaiah:49:6; Isaiah:52:10; Matthew:28:18; Mark:1:15; Mark:16:15; Romans:15:9-12; Ephesians:3:8; Colossians:1:23

11 *1 unto Luke:1:69; Isaiah:9:6; Matthew:1:21; Galatians:4:4-5; 2Timothy:1:9-10; Titus:2:10-14; Titus:3:4-7; 1John:4:14 *2 in Luke:2:4; Matthew:1:21 *3 which Luke:2:26; Luke:1:43; Luke:20:41-42; Genesis:3:15; Genesis:49:10; Psalms:2:2; Daniel:9:24-26; Matthew:1:16; Matthew:16:16; John:1:41 John:1:45 John:6:69; John:7:25-27 John:7:41 John:20:31; Acts:2:36; Acts:17:3; 1John:5:1 *4 the Lord Luke:1:43; Luke:20:42-44; Acts:10:36; 1Corinthians:15:47; Philippians:2:11; Philippians:3:8; Colossians:2:6

12 *1 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Exodus:3:12; 1Samuel:10:2-7; Psalms:22:6; Isaiah:53:1-2

13 *1 a multitude Genesis:28:12; Genesis:32:1-2; 1Kings:22:19; Job:38:7; Psalms:68:17; Psalms:103:20-21; Psalms:148:2; Isaiah:6:2-3; Ezekiel:3:12; Daniel:7:10; Luke:15:10; Ephesians:3:10; Hebrews:1:14; 1Peter:1:12; Revelation:5:11

14 *1 Glory Luke:19:38; Psalms:69:34-35; Psalms:85:9-12; Psalms:96:11-13; Isaiah:44:23; Isaiah:49:13; John:17:4; Ephesians:1:6; Ephesians:3:20-21; Philippians:2:11; Revelation:5:13 *2 and Luke:1:79; Isaiah:9:6-7; Isaiah:57:19; Jeremiah:23:5-6; Micah:5:5;z Ecclesiastes:6:12-13; John:14:27; Acts:10:36; Romans:5:1; 2Corinthians:5:18-20; Ephesians:2:14-18; Colossians:1:20; Hebrews:13:20-21 *3 good John:3:16; Ephesians:2:4 Ephesians:2:7 2Thessalonians:2:16; Titus:3:4-7; 1John:4:9-10

15 *1 into Luke:24:51; 2Kings:2:1 2Kings:2:11 1Peter:3:22 *2 Let Exodus:3:3; Psalms:111:2; Matthew:2:1-2 Matthew:2:9-11 Matthew:12:42; John:20:1-10

16 *1 with Luke:1:39; Ecclesiastes:9:10 *2 found Luke:2:7 Luke:2:12 Luke:19:32; Luke:22:13

17 *1 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. Luke:2:38; Luke:8:39; Psalms:16:9-10; Psalms:66:16; Psalms:71:17-18; Malachi:3:16; John:1:41-46; John:4:28-29

18 *1 wondered Luke:2:33-47; Luke:1:65-66; Luke:4:36; Luke:5:9-10; Isaiah:8:18

19 *1 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. Luke:2:51; Luke:1:66; Luke:9:43-44; Genesis:37:11; 1Samuel:21:12; Proverbs:4:4; Hosea:14:9

20 *1 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Luke:18:43; Luke:19:37-38; 1Chronicles:29:10-12; Psalms:72:17-19; Psalms:106:48; 1:107:8 Psalms:107:15,21; Isaiah:29:19; Acts:2:46-47; Acts:11:18

21 *1 eight Luke:1:59; Genesis:17:12; Leviticus:12:3; Matthew:3:15; Galatians:4:4-5; Philippians:2:8 *2 his name was Luke:1:31; Matthew:1:21-25

22 *1 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; Leviticus:12:2-6

23 *1 Every Exodus:13:2 Exodus:13:12-15 Exodus:22:29; Exodus:34:19; Numbers:3:13; Numbers:8:16-17; Numbers:18:15

24 *1 A pair Leviticus:12:2 Leviticus:12:6-8 2Corinthians:8:9

25 *1 just Luke:1:6; Genesis:6:9; Job:1:1 Job:1:8 Daniel:6:22-23; Micah:6:8; Acts:10:2 Acts:10:22 Acts:24:16; Titus:2:11-14 *2 waiting Luke:2:38; Isaiah:25:9; Isaiah:40:1; Mark:15:43 *3 Holy Ghost Luke:1:41 Luke:1:67 Numbers:11:25 Numbers:11:29 2Peter:1:21

26 *1 it Psalms:25:14; Amos:3:7 *2 see death Psalms:89:49; Luke:9:27; Psalms:89:48; John:8:51; Hebrews:11:5 *3 the Lord's Psalms:2:2 Psalms:2:6 Isaiah:61:1; Daniel:9:24-26; John:1:41; John:4:29; John:20:31; Acts:2:36; Acts:9:20; Acts:10:38; Acts:17:3; Hebrews:1:8-9

27 *1 by Luke:4:1; Matthew:4:1; Acts:8:29; Acts:10:19; Acts:11:12; Acts:16:7; Revelation:1:10; Revelation:17:3 *2 the parents 1:2:41 Luke:2:48,51

28 *1 took Mark:9:36; Mark:10:16 *2 and Luke:2:13-14 Luke:2:20 Luke:1:46 Luke:1:64-68 Psalms:32:11; Psalms:33:1; Psalms:105:1-3; Psalms:135:19-20

29 *1 now Genesis:15:15; Genesis:46:30; Psalms:37:37; Isaiah:57:1-2; Philippians:1:23; Revelation:14:13

30 *1 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Luke:2:10-11; Luke:3:6; Genesis:49:18; 2Samuel:23:1-5; Isaiah:49:6; Acts:4:10-12

31 *1 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; Psalms:96:1-3 Psalms:96:10-13 Psalms:97:6-8; Psalms:98:2-3; Isaiah:42:1-4 Isaiah:42:10-12 Isaiah:45:21-25; Isaiah:62:1-2

32 *1 light Isaiah:9:2; Isaiah:42:6-7; Isaiah:49:6; Isaiah:60:1-3 Isaiah:60:19 Matthew:4:16; Acts:13:47-48; Acts:28:28; Romans:15:8-9 *2 and Psalms:85:9; Isaiah:4:2; Isaiah:45:25; Isaiah:60:19; Jeremiah:2:11;z Ecclesiastes:2:5; 1Corinthians:1:31; Revelation:21:23

33 *1 And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him. Luke:2:48; Luke:1:65-66; Isaiah:8:18

34 *1 blessed Genesis:14:19; Genesis:47:7; Exodus:39:43; Leviticus:9:22-23; 1:7:1 Hebrews:7:7 *2 set Isaiah:8:14-15; Hosea:14:9; Matthew:21:44; John:3:20; John:9:29; Romans:9:32; 1Corinthians:1:23; 2Corinthians:2:15; 1Peter:2:7 *3 and rising Acts:2:36-41; Acts:3:15-19; Acts:6:7; Acts:9:1-20 *4 for a Psalms:22:6-8; Psalms:69:9-12; Isaiah:8:18; Matthew:11:19; Matthew:26:65-67; Matthew:27:40-45-63; John:5:18; John:8:48-52; John:9:24-28; Acts:4:26; Acts:13:45; Acts:17:6; Acts:24:5; Acts:28:22; 1Corinthians:1:23; Hebrews:12:1-3; 1Peter:4:14

35 *1 a sword Psalms:42:10; John:19:25 *2 that Luke:16:14-15; Deuteronomy:8:2; Judges:5:15-16; Matthew:12:24-35; John:8:42-47; John:15:22-24; Acts:8:21-23; 1Corinthians:11:19; 1John:2:19

36 *1 a prophetess Exodus:15:20; Judges:4:4; 2Kings:22:14; Acts:2:18; Acts:21:9; 1Corinthians:12:1 *2 Aser Genesis:30:13 *3 Asher Revelation:7:6 *4 she Job:5:26; Psalms:92:14

37 *1 which Exodus:38:8; 1Samuel:2:2; Psalms:23:6; Psalms:27:4; Psalms:84:4 Psalms:84:10 Psalms:92:13; Psalms:135:1-2; Revelation:3:12 *2 but Psalms:22:2; Acts:26:7; 1Timothy:5:5; Revelation:7:15

38 *1 gave Luke:2:28-32; Luke:1:46-56 Luke:1:64-66 2Corinthians:9:15; Ephesians:1:3 *2 looked Luke:2:25; Luke:23:51; Luke:24:21; Mark:15:43

39 *1 performed Luke:2:21-24; Luke:1:6; Deuteronomy:12:32; Matthew:3:15; Galatians:4:4-5 *2 they returned Luke:2:4; Matthew:2:22-23

40 *1 the child Luke:2:52; Judges:13:24; 1Samuel:2:18 1Samuel:2:26 1Samuel:3:19; Psalms:22:9; Isaiah:53:1-2 *2 strong Luke:1:80; Ephesians:6:10; 2Timothy:2:1 *3 filled Luke:2:47 Luke:2:52 Isaiah:11:1-5; Colossians:2:2-3 *4 the grace Psalms:45:2; John:1:14; Acts:4:33

41 *1 A. M. 4012. A.D. 8. went Exodus:23:14-17; Exodus:34:23; 1:12:5-7 Deuteronomy:12:11,18; Deuteronomy:16:1-8 Deuteronomy:16:16 1:1:3 1Samuel:1:21 *2 the Exodus:12:14; Leviticus:23:5; Numbers:28:16; John:2:13; John:6:4; John:11:55; John:13:1

43 *1 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. 2Chronicles:30:21-23; 2Chronicles:25:17

44 *1 in Psalms:42:4; Psalms:122:1-4; Isaiah:2:3

46 *1 after Luke:2:44-45; 1Kings:12:5 1Kings:12:12 Matthew:12:40; Matthew:16:21; Matthew:27:63-64 *2 the doctors Luke:5:17; Acts:5:34 *3 both Isaiah:49:1-2; Isaiah:50:4

47 *1 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. Luke:4:22-32; Psalms:119:99; Matthew:7:28; Mark:1:22; 1:7:15 John:7:46

49 *1 my Luke:2:48; Psalms:40:8; Malachi:3:1; Matthew:21:12; John:2:16-17; John:4:34; John:5:17; John:6:38; John:8:29; John:9:4

50 *1 And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them. Luke:9:45; Luke:18:34

51 *1 and was Matthew:3:15; Mark:6:3; Ephesians:5:21; Ephesians:6:1-2; 1Peter:2:21 *2 kept Luke:2:19; Genesis:37:11; Daniel:7:28

52 *1 Jesus Luke:2:40; Luke:1:80; 1Samuel:2:26 *2 and in Proverbs:3:3-4; Acts:7:9-10; Romans:14:18

tsk Luke 2 *

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