Luke: tsk

1 *2 an Luke:5:1 Luke:5:15 Luke:6:17; Acts:21:20 *3 trode 2Kings:7:17 *4 first 1Corinthians:15:3; James:3:17 *5 Beware Matthew:16:6-12; Mark:8:15-21; 1Corinthians:5:7-8 *6 which Luke:12:56; Luke:11:44; Job:20:5; Job:27:8; Job:36:13; Isaiah:33:14; James:3:17; 1Peter:2:1

2 *1 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Luke:8:17; Ecclesiastes:12:14; Matthew:10:26; Mark:4:22; Romans:2:16; 1Corinthians:4:5; 2Corinthians:5:10; Revelation:20:11-12

3 *1 whatsoever Job:24:14-15; Ecclesiastes:10:12-13 Ecclesiastes:10:20 Matthew:12:36;ju Deuteronomy:1:14-15 *2 housetops Matthew:10:27

4 *1 my Songs:5:1 Songs:5:16 Isaiah:41:8; John:15:14; James:2:23 *2 Be Isaiah:51:7-13; Jeremiah:1:8 Jeremiah:1:17 Jeremiah:26:14-15; Ezekiel:2:6; Daniel:3:16-17; Matthew:10:28; Acts:4:13; Acts:20:24; Philippians:1:28; 1Peter:3:14; Revelation:2:10

5 *1 forewarn Mark:13:23; 1Thessalonians:4:6 *2 Fear Proverbs:14:26; Jeremiah:5:22; Jeremiah:10:7; Revelation:14:7; Revelation:15:4 *3 power Psalms:9:17; Matthew:10:28; Matthew:25:41 Matthew:25:46 2Peter:2:4; Revelation:20:14

6 *1 five Matthew:10:29 *2 and Luke:12:24 Luke:12:27 Psalms:50:10-11; Psalms:113:5-6; Psalms:145:15-16; Psalms:147:9

7 *1 even Luke:21:18; 1Samuel:14:45; 2Samuel:14:11; Matthew:10:30; Acts:27:34 *2 ye are Job:35:11; Psalms:8:6; Isaiah:43:3-4; Matthew:6:26; Matthew:10:31

8 *1 Whosoever 1Samuel:2:30; Psalms:119:46; Matthew:10:32-33; Romans:10:9-10; 2Timothy:2:12; 1John:2:23; Revelation:2:10 Revelation:2:13 Revelation:3:4-5 *2 confess Matthew:25:31-34;ju Deuteronomy:1:24-25

9 *1 he Luke:9:26; Matthew:10:33; Mark:8:38; Acts:3:13-14; 2Timothy:2:12; Revelation:3:8 *2 shall Luke:13:26-27; Matthew:7:23; Matthew:25:12-31 Matthew:25:41 1:2:23 1John:2:28

10 *1 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven. Luke:23:34; Matthew:12:31-32; Mark:3:28-29; 1Timothy:1:13; Hebrews:6:4-8; Hebrews:10:26-31; 1John:5:16

11 *1 And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: Luke:21:12-14; Matthew:10:17-20; Matthew:23:34; Mark:13:9-11; Acts:4:5-7; Acts:5:27-32; Acts:6:9-15

12 *1 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say. Luke:21:15; Exodus:4:11; Acts:4:8; Acts:6:10; Acts:7:2-53-55; Acts:26:1-32

13 *1 Master Luke:6:45; Psalms:17:14; Ezekiel:33:31; Acts:8:18-19; 1Timothy:6:5

14 *1 Man Luke:5:20; Luke:22:58; Romans:2:1-3; Romans:9:20 *2 who Exodus:2:14; John:6:15; John:8:11; John:18:35-36

15 *1 Take Luke:8:14; Luke:16:14; Luke:21:34; Joshua:7:21; Job:31:24-25; Psalms:10:3; Psalms:62:10; Psalms:119:36-37; Proverbs:23:4-5; Proverbs:28:16; Jeremiah:6:13; Jeremiah:22:17-18; Micah:2:2; Habakkuk:2:9; Mark:7:22; 1Corinthians:5:10-11; 1Corinthians:6:10; Ephesians:5:3-5; Colossians:3:5; 1Timothy:6:7-10; 2Timothy:3:2; Hebrews:13:5; 1:2:3 2Peter:2:14 *2 for Job:2:4; Psalms:37:16; Proverbs:15:16; Proverbs:16:16; Ecclesiastes:4:6-8; Ecclesiastes:5:10-16; Matthew:6:25-26; 1Timothy:6:6-8

16 *1 The ground Genesis:26:12-14; Genesis:41:47-49; Job:12:6; Psalms:73:3 Psalms:73:12 Hosea:2:8; Matthew:5:45; Acts:14:17

17 *1 What Luke:12:22 Luke:12:29 Luke:10:25; Luke:16:3; Acts:2:37; Acts:16:30 *2 shall Luke:12:33; Luke:3:11; Luke:11:41; Luke:14:13-14; Luke:16:9; Luke:18:22; Luke:19:17; Ecclesiastes:11:2; Isaiah:58:7; Matthew:5:42; Romans:12:13; 2Corinthians:9:6-15; 1Timothy:6:17; 1John:3:16

18 *1 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. Luke:12:21; Luke:18:4-6; Psalms:17:14; James:3:15; James:4:15

19 *1 Soul Deuteronomy:6:11-12; Deuteronomy:8:12-14; Job:31:24-25; Psalms:49:5-13 Psalms:49:18 Psalms:52:5-7; Psalms:62:10; Proverbs:18:11; Proverbs:23:5; Isaiah:5:8; Hosea:12:8; Habakkuk:1:16; Matthew:6:19-21; 1Timothy:6:17; James:5:1-3 *2 for Job:14:1; Proverbs:27:1; James:4:13-15 *3 take Luke:16:19; Luke:21:34; Job:21:11-13; Ecclesiastes:11:9; Isaiah:5:11; Isaiah:22:13; Amos:6:3-6; 1Corinthians:15:32; Philippians:3:19; 1Timothy:5:6; 2Timothy:3:4; James:5:5; 1Peter:4:3; Revelation:18:7

20 *1 God Luke:16:22-23; Exodus:16:9-10; 1Samuel:25:36-38; 2Samuel:13:28-29; 1Kings:16:9-10; Job:20:20-23; Job:27:8; Psalms:73:19; Psalms:78:30; Daniel:5:1-6 Daniel:5:25-30 Nahum:1:10; Matthew:24:48-51; 1Thessalonians:5:3 *2 Thou fool Luke:11:40; Jeremiah:17:11; James:4:14 *3 then Esther:5:11; Esther:8:1-2; Job:27:16-17; Psalms:39:6; Psalms:49:17-19; Psalms:52:5-7; Proverbs:11:4; Proverbs:28:8; Ecclesiastes:2:18-22; Ecclesiastes:5:14-16; Jeremiah:17:11; Daniel:5:28; 1Timothy:6:7

21 *1 he Luke:12:33; Luke:6:24; Hosea:10:1; Habakkuk:2:9; Matthew:6:19-20; Romans:2:5; 1Timothy:6:19; James:5:1-3 *2 rich Luke:16:11; 2Corinthians:6:10; 1Timothy:6:18-19; James:2:5; Revelation:2:9

22 *1 Take Luke:12:29; Matthew:6:25-34; 1Corinthians:7:32; Philippians:4:6; Hebrews:13:5

23 *1 The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. Genesis:19:17; Job:1:12; Job:2:4-6; Proverbs:13:8; 1:27:18-19 Acts:27:38

24 *1 the ravens 1Kings:17:1-6; Job:38:41; Psalms:145:15-16; Psalms:147:9; Mark:6:26 *2 how Luke:12:7 Luke:12:30-32 Job:35:11; Matthew:10:31

25 *1 And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? Luke:19:3; Matthew:5:36; Matthew:6:27

26 *1 why Luke:12:29; Psalms:39:6; Ecclesiastes:7:13; 1Peter:5:7

27 *1 the lilies Luke:12:24; Matthew:6:28-30; James:1:10-11 *2 that 1Kings:10:1-13; 2Chronicles:9:1-12

28 *1 which Isaiah:40:6; 1Peter:1:24 *2 O ye Luke:8:25; Matthew:8:26; Matthew:14:31; Matthew:16:8; 1:17:17 Matthew:17:20

29 *1 seek Luke:12:22; Luke:10:7-8; Luke:22:35; Matthew:6:31

30 *1 all Matthew:5:47; Matthew:6:32; Ephesians:4:17; 1Thessalonians:4:5; 1Peter:4:2-4 *2 your Luke:12:32; 1:6:1 Matthew:6:8,32; Matthew:10:20; Matthew:18:14; John:20:17

31 *1 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Luke:10:42; 1Kings:3:11-13; Psalms:34:9; 1:37:3 Psalms:37:19,25; Psalms:84:11; Isaiah:33:16; Matthew:6:33; John:6:27; Romans:8:31; 1Timothy:4:8; Hebrews:13:5

32 *1 little Songs:1:7-8; Isaiah:40:11; Isaiah:41:14; Isaiah:53:6; Matthew:7:15; Matthew:18:12-14; Matthew:20:16; John:10:26-30 *2 it is Luke:10:21; Matthew:11:25-27; Ephesians:1:5-9; Philippians:2:13; 2Thessalonians:1:11 *3 the kingdom Jeremiah:3:19; Matthew:25:34; John:18:36; Romans:6:23; Romans:8:28-32; 2Thessalonians:1:5; Hebrews:12:28; James:2:5; 1Peter:1:3-5; 2Peter:1:11; Revelation:1:6; Revelation:22:5

33 *1 Sell Luke:18:22; Matthew:19:21; Acts:2:45; Acts:4:34-35; 2Corinthians:8:2 *2 provide Luke:16:9; Haggai:1:6; Matthew:6:19-21; John:12:6; 1Timothy:6:17-19; James:5:1-3

34 *1 where Matthew:6:21; Philippians:3:20; Colossians:3:1-3

35 *1 your loins 1Kings:18:46; Proverbs:31:17; Isaiah:5:27; Isaiah:11:5; Ephesians:6:14; 1Peter:1:13 *2 your lights Matthew:5:16; Matthew:25:1 Matthew:25:4-10 Philippians:2:15

36 *1 men Luke:2:25-30; Genesis:49:18; Isaiah:64:4; Lamentations:3:25-26; Matthew:24:42-44; Mark:13:34-37; James:5:7-8; 2Peter:1:13-15;ju Deuteronomy:1:20-21 *2 return Matthew:22:1-14; Matthew:25:1-13 *3 when Songs:5:5-6; Revelation:3:20

37 *1 Blessed Luke:12:43; Luke:21:36; Matthew:24:45-47; Matthew:25:20-23; Philippians:1:21-23; 2Timothy:4:7-8; 1Peter:5:1-4; 2Peter:1:11; 2Peter:3:14; Revelation:14:13 *2 that Isaiah:62:5; Jeremiah:32:41; Zephaniah:3:17; John:12:26; John:13:4-5; 1Corinthians:2:9; Revelation:3:21; Revelation:7:17; Revelation:14:3-4

38 *1 And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. Matthew:25:6; 1Thessalonians:5:4-5

39 *1 And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Matthew:24:43-44; 1Thessalonians:5:2-3; 2Peter:3:10; Revelation:3:3; Revelation:16:15

40 *1 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. Luke:21:34-36; Matthew:24:42-44; Matthew:25:13; Mark:13:33-36; Romans:13:11 Romans:13:14 1Thessalonians:5:6; 2Peter:3:12-14; Revelation:19:7

41 *1 Lord Mark:13:37; Mark:14:37; 1Peter:4:7; 1Peter:5:8

42 *1 Who Luke:19:15-19; Matthew:24:45-46; Matthew:25:20-23; 1Corinthians:4:1-2; Titus:1:7 *2 steward Luke:16:1-12; Matthew:20:8; 1Peter:4:10 *3 ruler 1Timothy:3:15; 1Timothy:5:17; Hebrews:3:5; 1:13:7 Hebrews:13:17 *4 to give Jeremiah:23:4; Ezekiel:34:3; Matthew:13:52; John:21:15-17; Acts:20:28; 1Peter:5:1-4 *5 in due Proverbs:15:23; Isaiah:50:4; 2Timothy:4:2

44 *1 that he will Luke:19:17-19; Luke:22:29-30; Daniel:12:2-3; Matthew:24:47; Revelation:3:18

45 *1 and if Ezekiel:12:22 Ezekiel:12:27-28 Matthew:24:48-50; 2Peter:2:3-4 *2 to beat Isaiah:65:6; Jeremiah:20:2; Ezekiel:34:3-4; Matthew:22:6; 2Corinthians:11:20; 3John:1:9-10; Revelation:13:7-10 Revelation:13:15-17 Revelation:16:6; Revelation:17:5-6; Revelation:18:24 *3 to eat Isaiah:56:10-12; Ezekiel:34:8; Romans:16:18; Philippians:3:18-19; 2Peter:2:13 2Peter:2:19 ju Deuteronomy:1:12-13; Revelation:18:7-8

46 *1 lord Luke:12:19-20 Luke:12:40 Revelation:16:15 *2 cut him in sunder Psalms:37:9; Psalms:94:14 *3 and will appoint Job:20:29; Psalms:11:5; Matthew:7:22-23; Matthew:13:41-42-49-50 *4 the unbelievers Matthew:24:51

47 *1 knew Luke:10:12-15; Numbers:15:30-31; Matthew:11:22-24; John:9:41; John:12:48; John:15:22-24; John:19:11; Acts:17:30; 2Corinthians:2:15-16; James:4:17 *2 shall Deuteronomy:25:2-3

48 *1 knew Leviticus:5:17; Acts:17:30; Romans:2:12-16; 1Timothy:1:13 *2 For Luke:16:2 Luke:16:10-12 Genesis:39:8-23; Matthew:25:14-29; John:15:22; 1Corinthians:9:17-18; 1Timothy:1:11-13; 1Timothy:6:20; Titus:1:3; James:3:1

49 *1 come Luke:12:51-52; Isaiah:11:4; Joel:2:30-31; Malachi:3:2-3; Malachi:4:1; Matthew:3:10-12 *2 and Luke:11:53-54; Luke:13:31-33; Luke:19:39-40; John:9:4; John:11:8-10; John:12:17-19

50 *1 I have Matthew:20:17-22; Mark:10:32-38 *2 and Psalms:40:8; John:4:34; John:7:6-8-10; John:10:39-41; John:12:27-28; John:18:11; John:19:30; Acts:20:22

51 *1 But Luke:12:49;z Ecclesiastes:11:7-8-10-11 Ecclesiastes:11:14 Matthew:10:34-36; Matthew:24:7-10

52 *1 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. Psalms:41:9; Micah:7:5-6; John:7:41-43; John:9:16; John:10:19-21; John:15:18-21; John:16:2; Acts:13:43-46; Acts:14:1-4; Acts:28:24

53 *1 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. Micah:7:6;z Ecclesiastes:13:2-6; Matthew:10:21-22; Matthew:24:10

54 *1 When 1Kings:18:44-45; Matthew:16:2-4

55 *1 And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass. Job:37:17

56 *1 ye can 1Chronicles:12:32; Matthew:11:25; Matthew:16:3; Matthew:24:32-33 *2 that Luke:19:42-44; Daniel:9:24-26; Haggai:2:7; Malachi:3:1; Malachi:4:2; Acts:3:24-26; Galatians:4:4

57 *1 Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right? Deuteronomy:32:29; Matthew:15:10-14; Matthew:21:21-32; Acts:2:40; Acts:13:26-38; 1Corinthians:11:14

58 *1 thou goest Proverbs:25:8-9; Matthew:5:23-26 *2 give Luke:14:31-32; Genesis:32:3-28; 1Samuel:25:18-35; Job:22:21; Job:23:7; Psalms:32:6; Proverbs:6:1-5; Isaiah:55:6; 2Corinthians:6:2; Hebrews:3:7-13 *3 the judge Luke:13:24-28; Job:36:17-18; Psalms:50:22 *4 into Matthew:18:30; 1Peter:3:19; Revelation:20:7

59 *1 thou shalt Luke:16:26; Matthew:18:34; Matthew:25:41 Matthew:25:46 2Thessalonians:1:3 *2 mite Mark:12:42

tsk Luke 12 *

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