Luke: tsk

1 *3 the Galilaeans Acts:5:37 *4 mingled Lamentations:2:20; Ezekiel:9:5-7; 1Peter:4:17-18

2 *1 Suppose Luke:13:4; Job:22:5-16; John:9:2; Acts:28:4

3 *1 except Luke:13:5; Luke:24:47; Matthew:3:2 Matthew:3:10-12 Acts:2:38-40; Acts:3:19; Revelation:2:21-22 *2 ye shall Luke:19:42-44; Luke:21:22-24; Luke:23:28-30; Matthew:12:45; Matthew:22:7; Matthew:23:35-38; Matthew:24:21-29

4 *1 in Siloam Nehemiah:3:15; 1:9:7 John:9:11 *2 fell 1Kings:20:30; Job:1:19 *3 sinners Luke:7:41-42; Luke:11:4; Matthew:6:12; Matthew:18:24

5 *1 except Luke:13:3; Isaiah:28:10-13; Ezekiel:18:30

6 *1 fig-tree Psalms:80:8-13; Isaiah:5:1-4; Jeremiah:2:21; Matthew:21:19-20; Mark:11:12-14 *2 and he came Luke:20:10-14; Matthew:21:34-40; John:15:16; Galatians:5:22; Philippians:4:17

7 *1 three Leviticus:19:23; Leviticus:25:21; Romans:2:4-5 *2 cut Luke:3:9; Exodus:32:10; Daniel:4:14; Matthew:3:10; Matthew:7:19; 1:15:2 John:15:6 *3 why Exodus:32:10; Matthew:3:9

8 *1 Lord, let Exodus:32:11-13 Exodus:32:30-32 Exodus:34:9; Numbers:14:11-20; Joshua:7:7-9; Psalms:106:23; Jeremiah:14:7-9 Jeremiah:14:13-18 Jeremiah:15:1; Jeremiah:18:20; Joel:2:17; Romans:10:1; Romans:11:14; 2Peter:3:9

9 *1 if not Ezra:9:14-15; Psalms:69:22-28; Daniel:9:5-8; John:15:2; 1Thessalonians:2:15; Hebrews:6:8; Revelation:15:3-4; Revelation:16:5-7

10 *1 And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath. 1:4:15-16 Luke:4:44

11 *1 a spirit Luke:13:16; Luke:8:2; Job:2:7; Psalms:6:2; Matthew:9:32-33 *2 eighteen Luke:8:27 Luke:8:43 Mark:9:21; John:5:5-6; John:9:19-21; Acts:3:2; Acts:4:22; Acts:14:8-10 *3 bowed Psalms:38:6; Psalms:42:5; Psalms:145:14; Psalms:146:8

12 *1 Woman Luke:6:8-10; Psalms:107:20; Isaiah:65:1; Matthew:8:16 *2 loosed Luke:13:16; Joel:3:10

13 *1 he laid Luke:4:40; Mark:6:5; Mark:8:25; Mark:16:18; Acts:9:17 *2 and immediately Luke:17:14-17; Luke:18:43; Psalms:103:1-5; Psalms:107:20-22; Psalms:116:16-17

14 *1 the ruler Luke:8:41; Acts:13:15; 1:18:8 Acts:18:17 *2 with Luke:6:11; John:5:15-16; Romans:10:2 *3 There Exodus:20:9; Exodus:23:12; Leviticus:23:3; Ezekiel:20:12 *4 and not Luke:6:7; Luke:14:3-6; Matthew:12:10-12; Mark:3:2-6; John:9:14-16

15 *1 Thou hypocrite Luke:6:42; Luke:12:1; Job:34:30; Proverbs:11:9; Isaiah:29:20; Matthew:7:5; Matthew:15:7 Matthew:15:14 Matthew:23:13 Matthew:23:28 Acts:8:20-23; Acts:13:9-10 *2 doth not Luke:14:5; John:7:21-24

16 *1 being Luke:3:8; Luke:16:24; Luke:19:9; Acts:13:26; Romans:4:12-16 *2 whom Luke:13:11; John:8:44; 2Timothy:2:26 *3 be loosed Luke:13:12; Mark:2:27

17 *1 all his Luke:14:6; Luke:20:40; Psalms:40:14; Psalms:109:29; Psalms:132:18; Isaiah:45:24; 2Timothy:3:9; 1Peter:3:16 *2 and all Luke:19:37-40 Luke:19:48 Exodus:15:11; Psalms:111:3; Isaiah:4:2; John:12:17-18; Acts:3:9-11; Acts:4:21

18 *1 Unto Luke:13:20; Luke:7:31; Lamentations:2:13; Matthew:13:31 *2 the kingdom Luke:17:21; 1:4:26 Mark:4:30-34

19 *1 like Matthew:13:31-32; Matthew:17:20; Mark:4:31-32 *2 cast Songs:4:12 Songs:4:16 Songs:5:1; Songs:6:2; Songs:8:13; Isaiah:58:11; Isaiah:61:11; Jeremiah:31:12 *3 and it Psalms:72:16-17; Isaiah:2:2-3; Isaiah:9:7; Isaiah:49:20-25; Isaiah:51:2-3; Isaiah:53:1 Isaiah:53:10-12 Isaiah:54:1-3; Isaiah:60:15-22; Ezekiel:17:22-24; Ezekiel:47:1-12; Daniel:2:34-35 Daniel:2:44-45 Micah:4:1-2;z Ecclesiastes:2:11;z Ecclesiastes:8:20-23;z Ecclesiastes:14:7-9; Acts:2:41; Acts:4:4; Acts:15:14-18; Acts:21:20; Romans:15:19; Revelation:11:15 *4 and the Ezekiel:31:6; 1:4:12 Daniel:4:21

21 *1 like Matthew:13:33 *2 till Job:17:9; Psalms:92:13-14; Proverbs:4:18; Hosea:6:3; John:4:14; John:15:2; 1Corinthians:5:6; Philippians:1:6 Philippians:1:9-11 1Thessalonians:5:23-24; James:1:21

22 *1 through Luke:4:43-44; Matthew:9:35; Mark:6:6; Acts:10:38 *2 journeying Luke:9:51; Mark:10:32-34

23 *1 are Matthew:7:14; Matthew:19:25; Matthew:20:16; Matthew:22:14 *2 And Luke:12:13-15; Luke:21:7-8; Matthew:24:3-5; Mark:13:4-5; John:21:21-22; Acts:1:7-8

24 *1 Strive Luke:21:36; Genesis:32:25-26; Matthew:11:12; John:6:27; 1Corinthians:9:24-27; Philippians:2:12-13; Colossians:1:29; Hebrews:4:11; 2Peter:1:10 *2 the strait Matthew:7:13-14 *3 for Proverbs:1:24-28; Proverbs:14:6; Proverbs:21:25; Ecclesiastes:10:15; Isaiah:1:15; Isaiah:58:2-4; Ezekiel:33:31; Mark:6:18-20; John:7:34; John:8:21; John:13:33; Romans:9:31-33; Romans:10:3

25 *1 once Psalms:32:6; Isaiah:55:6; 2Corinthians:6:2; Hebrews:3:7-8; Hebrews:12:17 *2 shut Genesis:7:16; Matthew:25:10 *3 Lord Luke:6:46; Matthew:7:21-22; Matthew:25:11-12 *4 I know Luke:13:27; Matthew:7:23; Matthew:25:41

26 *1 We Isaiah:58:2; 2Timothy:3:5; Titus:1:16

27 *1 I tell Luke:13:25; Psalms:1:6; Matthew:7:22-23; Matthew:25:12-41; 1Corinthians:8:3; Galatians:4:9; 2Timothy:2:19 *2 depart Psalms:5:6; Psalms:6:8; Psalms:28:3; Psalms:101:8; Psalms:119:115; Psalms:125:5; Hosea:9:12; Matthew:25:41

28 *1 weeping Psalms:112:10; Matthew:8:12; Matthew:13:42 Matthew:13:50 Matthew:22:13; Matthew:24:51; Matthew:25:30 *2 when Luke:16:23; Matthew:8:11 *3 the kingdom Luke:14:15; Luke:23:42-43; 2Thessalonians:1:5; 2Peter:1:11 *4 you Luke:10:15; Revelation:21:8; Revelation:22:15

29 *1 And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God. Genesis:28:14; Isaiah:43:6; Isaiah:49:6; Isaiah:54:2-3; Isaiah:66:18-20; Malachi:1:11; Mark:13:27; Acts:28:28; Ephesians:3:6-8; Colossians:1:6 Colossians:1:23 Revelation:7:9-10

30 *1 And, behold, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last. Matthew:3:9-10; Matthew:8:11-12; Matthew:19:30; Matthew:20:16; Matthew:21:28-31; Mark:10:31

31 *1 Get Nehemiah:6:9-11; Psalms:11:1-2; Amos:7:12-13

32 *1 that fox Luke:3:19-20; Luke:9:7-9; Luke:23:8-11; Ezekiel:13:4; Micah:3:1-3; Zephaniah:3:3; Mark:6:26-28 *2 I cast Luke:9:7; Mark:6:14; John:10:32; John:11:8-10 *3 I shall John:17:4-5; John:19:30; Hebrews:2:10; Hebrews:5:9

33 *1 I must John:4:34; John:9:4; John:11:54; John:12:35; Acts:10:38 *2 for Luke:9:53; Matthew:20:18; Acts:13:27

34 *1 Jerusalem Luke:19:41-42; Matthew:23:37-39 *2 killest 2Chronicles:24:21-22; 2Chronicles:36:15-16; Nehemiah:9:26; Jeremiah:2:30; Jeremiah:26:23; Lamentations:4:13; Matthew:21:35-36; Matthew:22:6; Acts:7:52 Acts:7:59 Acts:8:1; Revelation:11:8 *3 how Deuteronomy:5:29; Deuteronomy:32:29; Psalms:81:10 Psalms:81:13 Isaiah:48:17-19; Isaiah:50:2 *4 thy Luke:19:44; Luke:23:28; Psalms:149:2; Lamentations:1:16; Joel:2:23; Galatians:4:25-26 *5 as Deuteronomy:32:11-12; Ruth:2:12; Psalms:17:8; Psalms:36:7; Psalms:57:1; Psalms:91:4 *6 and ye Luke:15:28; Nehemiah:9:30; Psalms:81:11; Proverbs:1:24-30; Isaiah:30:15; Jeremiah:6:16; Jeremiah:7:23-24; Jeremiah:35:14; Jeremiah:44:4-6; Hosea:11:2 Hosea:11:7 z Ecclesiastes:1:4; Matthew:22:3; Acts:3:14-15

35 *1 your Luke:21:5-6 Luke:21:24 Leviticus:26:31-32; Psalms:69:25; Isaiah:1:7-8; Isaiah:5:5-6; Isaiah:64:10-11; Daniel:9:26-27; Micah:3:12;z Ecclesiastes:11:1-2;z Ecclesiastes:14:2; Acts:6:13-14 *2 Ye shall not Hosea:3:4-5; John:7:34-36; John:8:22-24; John:12:35-36; John:14:19-23 *3 Blessed Luke:19:38-40; Psalms:118:26; Isaiah:40:9-11; Isaiah:52:7;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; Matthew:21:9; Mark:11:9; Mark:11:10; John:12:13; Romans:10:9-15; 2Corinthians:3:15-18

tsk Luke 13 *

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