Luke: tsk

1 *4 as Luke:7:34-36; Luke:11:37; 1Corinthians:9:19-22 *5 chief John:3:1; Acts:5:34 *6 they Luke:6:7; Luke:11:53-54; Luke:20:20; Psalms:37:32; Psalms:41:6; Psalms:62:4; Psalms:64:5-6; Proverbs:23:7; Isaiah:29:20; Isaiah:29:21; Jeremiah:20:10-11; Mark:3:2

3 *1 the lawyers Luke:11:44-45 *2 Is Luke:6:9; Luke:13:14-16; Matthew:12:10; Mark:3:4; John:7:23

4 *1 And they held their peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go; Matthew:21:25-27; Matthew:22:46

5 *1 Which Luke:13:15; Exodus:23:4-5; Daniel:4:24; Matthew:12:11-12

6 *1 And they could not answer him again to these things. Luke:13:17; Luke:20:26 Luke:20:40 Luke:21:15; Acts:6:10

7 *1 put Judges:14:12; Proverbs:8:1; Ezekiel:17:2; Matthew:13:34 *2 they Luke:11:43; Luke:20:46; Matthew:23:6; Mark:12:38-39; Acts:8:18-19; Philippians:2:3; 3John:1:9

8 *1 When Proverbs:25:6-7

9 *1 and thou Esther:6:6-12; Proverbs:3:35; Proverbs:11:2; Proverbs:16:18; Ezekiel:28:2-10; Daniel:4:30-34

10 *1 go 1Samuel:15:17; Proverbs:15:33; Proverbs:25:6-7 *2 then Isaiah:60:14; Revelation:3:9

11 *1 whosoever Luke:1:51; Luke:18:14; 1Samuel:15:17; Job:22:29; Job:40:10-12; Psalms:18:27; Psalms:138:6; Proverbs:15:33; Proverbs:18:12; Proverbs:29:23; Isaiah:2:11 Isaiah:2:17 Isaiah:57:15; Matthew:23:12; James:4:6; 1Peter:5:5

12 *1 when Luke:1:53; Proverbs:14:20; Proverbs:22:16; James:2:1-6 *2 and a Luke:6:32-36;z Ecclesiastes:7:5-7; Matthew:5:46; 1:6:1-4 Matthew:6:16-18

13 *1 call Luke:14:21; Luke:11:41; Deuteronomy:14:29; Deuteronomy:16:11 Deuteronomy:16:14 Deuteronomy:26:12-13; 2Samuel:6:19; 2Chronicles:30:24; Nehemiah:8:10-12; Job:29:13-15-16; Job:31:16-20; Proverbs:3:9-10; Proverbs:14:31; Proverbs:31:6-7; Isaiah:58:7 Isaiah:58:10 Matthew:14:14-21; Matthew:15:32-39; Matthew:22:10; Acts:2:44-45; Acts:4:34-35; Acts:9:39; Romans:12:13-16; 1Timothy:3:2; 1Timothy:5:10; Titus:1:8; Philemon:1:7; Hebrews:13:2

14 *1 for thou Proverbs:19:17; Matthew:6:4; Matthew:10:41-42; Matthew:25:34-40; Philippians:4:18-19 *2 the resurrection Luke:20:35-36; Daniel:12:2-3; John:5:29; Acts:24:15

15 *1 Blessed Luke:12:37; Luke:13:29; Luke:22:30; Matthew:8:11; Matthew:25:10; John:6:27-59; Revelation:19:9

16 *1 A certain Proverbs:9:1-2; Isaiah:25:6-7; Jeremiah:31:12-14;z Ecclesiastes:10:7; Matthew:22:2-14 *2 bade Songs:5:1; Isaiah:55:1-7; Mark:16:15-16; Revelation:3:20; Revelation:22:17

17 *1 his Luke:3:4-6; Luke:9:1-5; Luke:10:1-12; Proverbs:9:1-5; Matthew:3:1-12; Matthew:10:1-4; Acts:2:38-39; Acts:3:24-26; 1:13:26 Acts:13:38-39 *2 Come Matthew:11:27-29; Matthew:22:3-4; John:7:37; 2Corinthians:5:18-21; 2Corinthians:6:1

18 *1 all Luke:20:4-5; Isaiah:28:12-13; Isaiah:29:11-12; Jeremiah:5:4-5; Jeremiah:6:10 Jeremiah:6:16-17 Matthew:22:5-6; John:1:11; John:5:40; Acts:13:45-46; Acts:18:5-6; Acts:28:25-27 *2 I have Luke:8:14; Luke:17:26-31; Luke:18:24; Matthew:24:38-39; 1Timothy:6:9-10; 2Timothy:4:4 2Timothy:4:10 Hebrews:12:16; 1John:2:15-16

20 *1 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. Luke:14:26-28; Luke:18:29-30; 1Corinthians:7:29-31-33

21 *1 and shewed Luke:9:10; 1Samuel:25:12; Matthew:15:12; Matthew:18:31; Hebrews:13:17 *2 being Luke:14:24; Psalms:2:12; Matthew:22:7-8; Hebrews:2:3; Hebrews:12:25-26; Revelation:15:1-8; Revelation:19:15 *3 Go Luke:24:47; Proverbs:1:20-25; Proverbs:8:2-4; Proverbs:9:3-4; Jeremiah:5:1;z Ecclesiastes:11:7 Ecclesiastes:11:11 Matthew:21:28-31; John:4:39-42; John:7:47-49; John:9:39; Acts:8:4-7; James:2:5; Revelation:22:17 *4 the poor Luke:14:13; Luke:7:22-23; 1Samuel:2:8; Psalms:113:7-8; 1:11:5 Matthew:11:28 *5 the halt Psalms:38:7; Isaiah:33:23; Isaiah:35:6

22 *1 it is Acts:1:1-9 *2 and yet Psalms:103:6; Psalms:130:7; John:14:2; Ephesians:3:8; Colossians:2:9; 1Timothy:2:5-6; 1John:2:2; Revelation:7:4-9

23 *1 Go Psalms:98:3; Isaiah:11:10; Isaiah:19:24-25; Isaiah:27:13; Isaiah:49:5-6; Isaiah:66:19-20;z Ecclesiastes:14:8-9; Malachi:1:11; Matthew:21:43; Matthew:22:9-10; Matthew:28:19-20; Acts:9:15; Acts:10:44-48; Acts:11:18-21; Acts:13:47-48; Acts:18:6; Acts:22:21-22; Acts:26:18-20; Acts:28:28; Romans:10:18; Romans:15:9-12; Ephesians:2:11-22; Colossians:1:23 *2 compel Luke:24:29; Genesis:19:2-3; Psalms:110:3; Acts:16:15; Romans:11:13-14; 1Corinthians:9:19-23; 2Corinthians:5:11-20; 2Corinthians:6:1; Colossians:1:28; 2Timothy:4:2

24 *1 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper. Proverbs:1:24-32; Matthew:21:43; Matthew:22:8; Matthew:23:38-39; John:3:19 John:3:36 John:8:21-24; Acts:13:46; Hebrews:12:25-26

25 *1 And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, Luke:12:1; John:6:24-27

26 *1 any Deuteronomy:13:6-8; Deuteronomy:33:9; Psalms:73:25-26; Matthew:10:37; Philippians:3:8 *2 hate Genesis:29:30-31; Deuteronomy:21:15; Job:7:15-16; Ecclesiastes:2:17-19; Malachi:1:2-3; John:12:25; Romans:9:13 *3 yea Acts:20:24; Revelation:12:11

27 *1 doth Luke:9:23-25; Matthew:10:38; Matthew:16:24-26; Mark:8:34-37; Mark:10:21; Mark:15:21; John:19:17; 2Timothy:3:12 *2 cannot Matthew:13:21; Acts:14:22; 2Timothy:1:12

28 *1 intending Genesis:11:4-9; Proverbs:24:27 *2 counteth Luke:14:33; Joshua:24:19-24; Matthew:8:20; Matthew:10:22; Matthew:20:22-23; Acts:21:13; 1Thessalonians:3:4-5; 2Peter:1:13-14

30 *1 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. Matthew:7:27; Matthew:27:3-8; Acts:1:18-19; 1Corinthians:3:11-14; Hebrews:6:4-8 Hebrews:6:11 Hebrews:10:38; 2Peter:2:19-22; 2John:1:8

31 *1 Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? 1Kings:20:11; 2Kings:18:20-22; Proverbs:20:18; Proverbs:25:8

32 *1 and desireth Luke:12:58; 1Kings:20:31-34; 2Kings:10:4-5; Job:40:9; Matthew:5:25; Acts:12:20; James:4:6-10

33 *1 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. Luke:14:26; Luke:5:11-28; Luke:18:22-23 Luke:18:28-30 Acts:5:1-5; Acts:8:19-22; Philippians:3:7-8; 2Timothy:4:10; 1John:2:15-16

34 *1 but Matthew:5:13; Mark:9:49-50; Colossians:4:6; Hebrews:2:4-8

35 *1 but John:15:6 *2 He Luke:8:8; Luke:9:44; Matthew:11:15; Matthew:13:9; 1:2:7 Revelation:2:11,17,29

tsk Luke 14 *

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