Mark: tsk

1 *4 straightway Psalms:2:2; Matthew:27:1-2; Luke:22:66; 1:4:5-6 Acts:4:25-28 *5 and delivered Mark:10:33-34; Matthew:20:18-19; Luke:18:32-33; Luke:23:1-2-5; John:18:28-38; Acts:3:13

2 *1 And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? And he answering said unto him, Thou sayest it. Matthew:2:2; Matthew:27:11; Luke:23:3; John:18:33-37; John:19:19-22; 1Timothy:6:13

3 *1 the chief Matthew:27:12; Luke:23:2-5; John:18:29-31; 1:19:6-7 John:19:12 *2 but Mark:15:5; Mark:14:60-61; Isaiah:53:7

4 *1 Answerest Matthew:26:62; Matthew:27:13; John:19:10

5 *1 Jesus Isaiah:53:7; John:19:9 *2 Pilate Psalms:71:7; Isaiah:8:18;z Ecclesiastes:3:8; Matthew:27:14; 1Corinthians:4:9

6 *1 Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired. Matthew:26:2 Matthew:26:5 Matthew:27:15; Luke:23:16-17; John:18:39-40; Acts:24:27; Acts:25:9

7 *1 And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection. Matthew:27:16; 1:23:18-19 Luke:23:25

9 *1 Will Matthew:27:17-21; John:18:39; John:19:4-5 John:19:14-16 Acts:3:13-15

10 *1 for envy Genesis:4:4-6; Genesis:37:11; 1Samuel:18:8-9; Proverbs:27:4; Ecclesiastes:4:4; Matthew:27:18; Acts:13:45; Titus:3:3; James:3:14-16; James:4:5; 1John:3:12

11 *1 But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them. Hosea:5:1; Matthew:27:20; John:18:40; Acts:3:14

12 *1 What Matthew:27:22-23; Luke:23:20-24; John:19:14-16 *2 whom Mark:15:1-2; Mark:11:9-11; Proverbs:2:6-7; Isaiah:9:6-7; Jeremiah:23:5-6;z Ecclesiastes:9:9; Matthew:2:2-4; Matthew:21:5; Luke:23:2; Acts:5:31

14 *1 Why Isaiah:53:9; 1:27:4 Matthew:27:19,24-54; 1:23:4 Luke:23:14-15,21,41,47; John:18:38; John:19:6; Hebrews:7:26; 1Peter:1:19 *2 And Psalms:69:4; Isaiah:53:3; Matthew:27:23-25; Luke:23:23-24; John:19:12-15; Acts:7:54-57; Acts:19:34; Acts:22:22-23

15 *1 willing Proverbs:29:25; Psalms:57:11; Matthew:27:26; Luke:23:24-25; John:19:1 John:19:16 Acts:24:27; Acts:25:9; Galatians:1:19 *2 when Mark:10:34; Psalms:129:3; Isaiah:50:6; Matthew:20:19; Matthew:27:26; Luke:18:33; John:19:1; 1Peter:2:24

16 *1 the soldiers Matthew:27:27 *2 Praetorium John:18:28; John:19:9

17 *1 And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head, Matthew:27:28-30; Luke:23:11; John:19:2-5

18 *1 Hail Mark:15:29-32; Genesis:37:10 Genesis:37:20 Matthew:27:42-43; Luke:23:36-37; John:19:14-15

19 *1 they smote Mark:9:12; Mark:10:34; Mark:14:65; Job:13:9; Job:30:8-12; Psalms:22:6-7; Psalms:35:15-17; Psalms:69:12 Psalms:69:19-20 Isaiah:49:7; Isaiah:50:6; Isaiah:52:14; Isaiah:53:3-5; Micah:5:1; Matthew:20:18-19; Luke:18:32-33; Luke:22:63; Luke:23:11-36; Hebrews:12:2-3; Hebrews:13:13 *2 and bowing Genesis:24:52; Genesis:43:28; 1Kings:19:18; Esther:3:2-5; Isaiah:45:23; Romans:11:4; Romans:14:10-11; Philippians:2:10

20 *1 and led Matthew:27:31; John:19:16

21 *1 they compel Matthew:27:32; Luke:23:26 *2 a Cyrenian Acts:2:10; Acts:6:9; Acts:11:20; Acts:13:1 *3 and Rufus Romans:16:13 *4 to bear Luke:14:27; John:15:18-20

22 *1 Golgotha Matthew:27:33-44; Luke:23:27-33 *2 Calvary John:19:17-27

23 *1 they Matthew:27:34; Luke:23:36; John:19:28-30 *2 but Mark:14:25; Matthew:26:19; Luke:22:18

24 *1 crucified Deuteronomy:21:23; Psalms:22:16-17; Isaiah:53:4-8; Acts:5:30; 2Corinthians:5:21; Galatians:3:13; 1Peter:2:24 *2 they parted Psalms:22:18; Matthew:27:35-36; Luke:23:34; John:19:23-24

25 *1 the Mark:15:33; Matthew:27:45; Luke:23:44; John:19:14; Acts:2:15

26 *1 the superscription Deuteronomy:23:5; Psalms:76:10; Proverbs:21:1; Isaiah:10:7; Isaiah:46:10 *2 THE KING OF THE JEWS Psalms:2:6;z Ecclesiastes:9:9; Matthew:2:2; Matthew:27:37; Luke:23:37-38; John:19:18-22

27 *1 And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left. Matthew:27:38; Luke:23:32-33; John:19:18

28 *1 And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors. Isaiah:53:12; Luke:22:37; Hebrews:12:2

29 *1 they Psalms:22:7-8 Psalms:22:12-14 Psalms:35:15-21; 1:69:7 Psalms:69:19-20,26; Psalms:109:25; Lamentations:1:12; Lamentations:2:15; Matthew:27:39-40 *2 Ah Mark:14:58; Genesis:37:19-20; Matthew:26:61; John:2:18-22

31 *1 also Psalms:2:1-4; Psalms:22:16-17; Matthew:27:41-43; Luke:23:35-37 *2 He John:11:47-52; John:12:23-24; 1Peter:3:17-18

32 *1 Christ Mark:14:61-62; Isaiah:44:6; Zephaniah:3:15;z Ecclesiastes:9:9; John:1:49; John:12:13; John:19:12-15; John:20:25-29 *2 that Romans:3:3; 2Timothy:2:18 *3 And Matthew:27:44; Luke:23:39-43

33 *1 when Mark:15:25; Matthew:27:45; Luke:23:44-45 *2 darkness Psalms:105:28; Isaiah:50:3-4; Amos:8:9-10

34 *1 at Daniel:9:21; Luke:23:46; Acts:10:3 *2 Eloi Psalms:22:1; Matthew:27:46; Hebrews:5:7 *3 why Psalms:27:9; Psalms:42:9; Psalms:71:11; Isaiah:41:17; Lamentations:1:12; Lamentations:5:20

35 *1 he Mark:9:11-13; Matthew:17:11-13; Matthew:27:47-49

36 *1 And one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. Mark:15:23; Psalms:69:21; Luke:23:36; John:19:28-30

37 *1 And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. Matthew:27:50; Luke:23:46; John:19:30

38 *1 And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. Exodus:26:31-34; Exodus:40:20-21; Leviticus:16:2-19; 2Chronicles:3:8-14; Matthew:27:51-53; Luke:23:45; Hebrews:4:14-16; Hebrews:6:19; Hebrews:9:3-12; Hebrews:10:19-23

39 *1 the centurion Mark:15:44; Matthew:8:5-10; Acts:10:1; Acts:27:1-3-43 *2 he said Matthew:27:43-54; Luke:23:47-48

40 *1 women Psalms:38:11; Matthew:27:55-56; Luke:23:49; John:19:25-27 *2 Mary Magdalene Mark:16:9; Matthew:28:1; Luke:8:2-3; John:20:11-18 *3 Mary the Mark:15:47; Mark:16:1; Matthew:13:55; Matthew:27:55-61; John:19:25; 1Corinthians:9:5; Galatians:1:19; James:1:1 *4 Salome Mark:16:1

41 *1 ministered Matthew:27:56; Luke:8:2-3

42 *1 And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Matthew:27:57 Matthew:27:62 Luke:23:50-54; John:19:38

43 *1 an Mark:10:23-27 *2 which Luke:2:25 Luke:2:38 Luke:23:51 *3 and went Mark:14:54-66-72; Matthew:19:30; Matthew:20:16; Acts:4:8-13; Philippians:1:14

44 *1 And Pilate marvelled if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead. John:19:31-37

45 *1 he gave Matthew:27:58; John:19:38

46 *1 and took Matthew:27:59-60; Luke:23:53; John:19:38-42 *2 and laid Isaiah:53:9 *3 hewn Isaiah:22:16 *4 and rolled Mark:16:3-4; Matthew:27:60; Matthew:28:2; John:11:38

47 *1 And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid. Mark:15:40; Mark:16:1; Matthew:27:61; Matthew:28:1; Luke:23:55-56; Luke:24:1-2

tsk Mark 15 *

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