Mark: tsk

1 *2 when Mark:15:42; Matthew:28:1-10; Luke:23:54-56; Luke:24:1-12; John:19:31; John:20:1-10 *3 Mary Magdalene Mark:15:40 Mark:15:47 Luke:24:10; John:19:25 *4 sweet Mark:14:3 Mark:14:8 2Chronicles:16:14; John:19:40

2 *1 And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. Matthew:28:1; Luke:24:1; John:20:1

3 *1 Who Mark:15:46-47; Matthew:27:60-66

4 *1 they saw Matthew:28:2-4; Luke:24:2; John:20:1

5 *1 entering Luke:24:3; John:20:8 *2 a young Daniel:10:5-6; Matthew:28:3; Luke:24:4-5; John:20:11-12 *3 and they Mark:6:49-50; Daniel:8:17; Daniel:10:7-9 Daniel:10:12 1:1:12 Luke:1:29-30

6 *1 Be not Matthew:14:26-27; Matthew:28:4-5; Revelation:1:17-18 *2 a young Psalms:105:3-4; Proverbs:8:17 *3 Jesus John:19:19-20; Acts:2:22-23; Acts:4:10; Acts:10:38-40 *4 he is risen Mark:9:9-10; Mark:10:34; Psalms:71:20; Matthew:12:40; Matthew:28:6-7; 1:24:4-8 Luke:24:20-27,46; John:2:19-22; 1Corinthians:15:3-7

7 *1 tell Mark:14:50 Mark:14:66-72 Matthew:28:7; 2Corinthians:2:7 *2 there Mark:14:28; Matthew:26:32; Matthew:28:10 Matthew:28:16-17 John:21:1; Acts:13:31; 1Corinthians:15:5

8 *1 they went Matthew:28:8; Luke:24:9-11-22-24 *2 for they trembled Mark:16:5-6; Luke:24:37 *3 neither 2Kings:4:29; Luke:10:4

9 *1 the first John:20:19; Acts:20:7; 1Corinthians:16:2; Revelation:1:10 *2 he appeared Mark:15:40 Mark:15:47 Luke:24:10; John:20:14-18 *3 out Luke:8:2

10 *1 as Mark:14:72; Matthew:9:15; Matthew:24:30; Luke:24:17; 1:16:6 John:16:20-22

11 *1 believed Mark:16:13-14; Mark:9:19; Exodus:6:9; Job:9:16; Luke:24:11-23-35

12 *1 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country. Luke:24:13-32

13 *1 they went Luke:24:33-35 *2 neither Luke:16:31; 1:20:8 John:20:25

14 *1 he appeared Luke:24:36-43; John:20:19-20; 1Corinthians:15:5 *2 and upbraided Mark:7:18; Mark:8:17-18; Matthew:11:20; Matthew:15:16-17; Matthew:16:8-11; Matthew:17:20; Luke:24:25 Luke:24:38-39 John:20:27; Revelation:3:19 *3 unbelief Numbers:14:11; Psalms:95:8-11; 1:3:7-8 Hebrews:3:15-19

15 *1 Go Matthew:10:5-6; Matthew:28:19; Luke:14:21-23; Luke:24:47-48; John:15:16; John:20:21; 1John:4:14 *2 into Mark:13:10; Psalms:22:27; Psalms:67:1-2; Psalms:96:3; Psalms:98:3; Isaiah:42:10-12; Isaiah:45:22; Isaiah:49:6; Isaiah:52:10; Isaiah:60:1-3; Luke:2:10-11-31-32; Acts:1:8; Romans:10:18; Romans:16:26; Ephesians:2:17; Colossians:1:6 Colossians:1:23 Revelation:14:6

16 *1 that believeth and Mark:1:15; Luke:8:12; John:1:12-13; John:3:15-16-18 John:3:36 John:5:24; 1:6:29 John:6:35,40; John:7:37-38; John:11:25-26; John:12:46; John:20:31; Acts:10:43; Acts:13:39; Acts:16:30-32; Romans:3:6; Romans:4:24; Romans:10:9; Hebrews:10:38-39; 1Peter:1:21; 1Peter:3:21; 1John:5:10-13 *2 is Matthew:28:19; Acts:2:38 Acts:2:41 Acts:8:36-39; Acts:22:16; Romans:10:9-14; 1Peter:3:21 *3 but John:3:18-19 John:3:36 John:8:24; John:12:47-48; Acts:13:46; 2Thessalonians:1:8; 2Thessalonians:2:12; Revelation:20:15; Revelation:21:8

17 *1 these John:14:12 *2 In Luke:10:17; Acts:5:16; Acts:8:7; Acts:16:18; Acts:19:12-16 *3 they Acts:2:4-11-33; Acts:10:46; Acts:19:6; 1Corinthians:12:10 1Corinthians:12:28-30 1Corinthians:14:5-26

18 *1 shall take Genesis:3:15; Psalms:91:13; Luke:10:19; Acts:28:3-6; Romans:16:20 *2 if 2Kings:4:39-41 *3 they shall lay 1:3:6-8 Acts:3:12,16; Acts:4:10 Acts:4:22-30 Acts:5:15-16; 1:9:17-18 Acts:9:34,40-42; Acts:19:12; Acts:28:8-9; 1Corinthians:12:9; James:5:14-15

19 *1 after Matthew:28:18-20; Luke:24:44-50; John:21:15 John:21:22 Acts:1:2-3 *2 he was Luke:9:51; Luke:24:50-51; John:13:1; John:16:28; John:17:4-5 John:17:13 Acts:1:10-11; Acts:2:33; Acts:3:21; Ephesians:1:20-22; Ephesians:4:8-11; Hebrews:1:3; Hebrews:4:14; Hebrews:6:20; Hebrews:7:26; Hebrews:8:1; Hebrews:9:24; Hebrews:10:12-13 Hebrews:10:19-22 Hebrews:12:2; 1Peter:3:22; Revelation:3:21 *3 and sat Psalms:110:1; Acts:7:55-56; 1Corinthians:15:24-25; 1Peter:3:22; Revelation:3:20

20 *1 they went Acts:2:1-28 *2 the Lord Acts:4:30; Acts:5:12; Acts:8:4-6; Acts:14:3 Acts:14:8-10 Romans:15:19; 1Corinthians:2:4-5; 1Corinthians:3:6-9; 2Corinthians:6:1; Hebrews:2:4

tsk Mark 16 *

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