Numbers: tsk

1 *2 Arad Numbers:33:40; Joshua:12:14; Judges:1:16 *3 the way of the spies Numbers:13:21-22; Numbers:14:45 *4 then Deuteronomy:2:32; Joshua:7:5; Joshua:11:19-20; Psalms:44:3-4

2 *1 vowed Genesis:28:20; Judges:11:30; 1Samuel:1:11; 2Samuel:15:7-8; Psalms:56:12-13; Psalms:116:18; Psalms:132:2 *2 I will Leviticus:27:28-29; Deuteronomy:13:15; Joshua:6:17 Joshua:6:26 1Corinthians:16:22

3 *1 hearkened Psalms:10:17; Psalms:91:15; Psalms:102:17 *2 the name Numbers:14:45; Deuteronomy:1:44; 1Samuel:30:30

4 *1 mount Hor Numbers:20:22-23 Numbers:20:27 Numbers:33:41 *2 by the way Numbers:14:25; Deuteronomy:1:40 *3 compass Numbers:20:18-21; Deuteronomy:2:5-8; Judges:11:18 *4 the soul Numbers:32:7-9; Exodus:6:9; Acts:14:22; 1Thessalonians:3:3-4 *5 discouraged Exodus:6:9

5 *1 spake Numbers:11:1-6; Numbers:14:1-4; Numbers:16:13-14 Numbers:16:41 Numbers:17:12; Exodus:14:11; Exodus:15:24; Exodus:16:2-3 Exodus:16:7-8 Exodus:17:2-3; Psalms:68:6; Psalms:78:19 *2 and our soul Numbers:11:6-9; Exodus:16:15 Exodus:16:31 Psalms:78:24-25; Proverbs:27:7

6 *1 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died. Genesis:3:14-15; Deuteronomy:8:15; Isaiah:14:29; Isaiah:30:6; Jeremiah:8:17; Amos:9:3-4; 1Corinthians:10:9

7 *1 We have Exodus:9:27-28; 1Samuel:12:19; 1Samuel:15:24 1Samuel:15:30 Psalms:78:34; Matthew:27:4 *2 pray Exodus:8:8 Exodus:8:28 1Kings:13:6; Jeremiah:37:3; Acts:8:24; James:5:16 *3 And Moses Numbers:11:2; Numbers:14:17-20; Genesis:20:7; Exodus:32:11-30; Deuteronomy:9:20 Deuteronomy:9:26-29 1Samuel:12:20-23; Job:42:8-10; Psalms:106:23; Jeremiah:15:1; Romans:10:1

8 *1 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. Psalms:106:43-45; Psalms:145:8

9 *1 A serpent of 2Kings:18:4; John:3:14-15; John:12:32; Romans:8:3; 2Corinthians:5:21 *2 when he Isaiah:45:22;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; John:1:29; Hebrews:12:2; 1John:3:8 *3 he lived John:6:40; Romans:1:17; Romans:5:20-21

10 *1 And the children of Israel set forward, and pitched in Oboth. Numbers:33:43-45

12 *1 the valley of Zared Deuteronomy:2:13-14

13 *1 From thence they removed, and pitched on the other side of Arnon, which is in the wilderness that cometh out of the coasts of the Amorites: for Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites. Numbers:21:14; Numbers:22:36; Deuteronomy:2:24; Judges:11:18; Isaiah:16:2; Jeremiah:48:20

14 *1 in the book Joshua:10:13; 2Samuel:1:18

15 *1 Ar Numbers:21:28; 1:2:9 Deuteronomy:2:18,29; Isaiah:15:1

16 *1 Beer Judges:9:21 *2 Gather Numbers:20:8; Exodus:17:6; Isaiah:12:3; Isaiah:41:17-18; Isaiah:43:20; Isaiah:49:10; John:4:10 John:4:14 John:7:37-39; Revelation:21:6; 1:22:1 Revelation:22:17

17 *1 sang Exodus:15:1-2; Judges:5:1; Psalms:105:2; Psalms:106:12; Isaiah:12:1-2 Isaiah:12:5 James:5:13

18 *1 princes 2Chronicles:17:7-9; Nehemiah:3:1 Nehemiah:3:5 1Timothy:6:17-18 *2 the lawgiver Deuteronomy:5:31; Deuteronomy:33:4; Isaiah:33:22; John:1:17; James:4:12 *3 And from Numbers:33:45-47

20 *1 country Numbers:22:1; Numbers:26:63; Numbers:33:49-50; Deuteronomy:1:5 *2 to the Numbers:23:14; Deuteronomy:3:27; Deuteronomy:4:49; Deuteronomy:34:1 *3 Pisgah Numbers:23:28

21 *1 And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, saying, Numbers:20:14-19; Deuteronomy:2:26-28; Judges:11:19-21

22 *1 Let me pass through thy land: we will not turn into the fields, or into the vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the well: but we will go along by the king's high way, until we be past thy borders. Numbers:20:17

23 *1 Sihon would Deuteronomy:2:30-32; Deuteronomy:29:7-8 *2 Jahaz Judges:11:20; Isaiah:15:4; Jeremiah:48:34

24 *1 Israel Numbers:32:1-4 Numbers:32:33-42 Deuteronomy:2:31-37; Deuteronomy:29:7; Joshua:9:10; Joshua:12:1-3; Joshua:13:8-10; Joshua:24:8; Judges:11:21-23; Judges:12:1-2; Judges:21:8; Nehemiah:9:22; Psalms:135:10-12; Psalms:136:19; Amos:2:9 *2 Arnon Numbers:21:13; Genesis:32:22; Deuteronomy:3:16

25 *1 dwelt Numbers:21:31; Numbers:32:33-42; Deuteronomy:2:12 *2 in Heshbon Songs:7:4; Isaiah:15:4; Isaiah:16:8-9; 1:48:2-34 Jeremiah:48:45 *3 villages 1:16:46 Ezekiel:16:49,53

27 *1 Wherefore they that speak in proverbs say, Come into Heshbon, let the city of Sihon be built and prepared: Numbers:21:14; Isaiah:14:4; Habakkuk:2:6

28 *1 a fire Judges:9:20; Isaiah:10:16; Jeremiah:48:45-46; 1:1:4 Amos:1:7,10-12-14; 1:2:2 Amos:2:5 *2 Ar of Moab Numbers:21:15; Deuteronomy:2:9 Deuteronomy:2:18 Isaiah:15:1-2

29 *1 Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. Judges:11:24; 1Kings:11:7 1Kings:11:33 2Kings:23:13; Jeremiah:48:7 Jeremiah:48:13-46 1Corinthians:8:4-5

30 *1 have shot Genesis:49:23; 2Samuel:11:24; Psalms:18:14 *2 Dibon Numbers:32:34; Joshua:13:17; Isaiah:15:2 Isaiah:15:9 1:48:18 Jeremiah:48:22

31 *1 Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the Amorites. Numbers:32:33-42; Deuteronomy:3:16-17; Joshua:12:1-6; Joshua:13:8-12

32 *1 Jaazer Numbers:32:1-35; Isaiah:16:8-9; Jeremiah:48:32

33 *1 they turned Deuteronomy:3:1-6; Deuteronomy:29:7; Joshua:13:12 *2 Bashan Deuteronomy:32:14; Psalms:22:12; Psalms:68:15; Isaiah:33:9; Ezekiel:27:6; Ezekiel:39:18; Amos:4:1 *3 Og Numbers:32:33; Deuteronomy:1:4; Deuteronomy:3:1; Deuteronomy:4:47; Deuteronomy:29:7; Joshua:9:10; Joshua:12:4; Joshua:13:30

34 *1 Fear him Numbers:14:9; Deuteronomy:3:2 Deuteronomy:3:11 Deuteronomy:20:3; Deuteronomy:31:6; Joshua:10:8 Joshua:10:25 Isaiah:41:13 *2 for I have Deuteronomy:3:3; Deuteronomy:7:24; Joshua:8:7; Judges:11:30; 1Samuel:23:4; 2Samuel:5:19; 1Kings:20:13 1Kings:20:28 2Kings:3:18 *3 thou shalt Numbers:21:24; Psalms:135:10-11 *4 as thou Numbers:21:24-25

35 *1 So they smote him, and his sons, and all his people, until there was none left him alive: and they possessed his land. Deuteronomy:3:3-17; Deuteronomy:29:7-8; Joshua:12:4-6; Joshua:13:12; Psalms:135:10-12; Psalms:136:17-21; Romans:8:37

tsk Numbers 21 *

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