Numbers: tsk

1 *2 the children Numbers:21:20; Numbers:33:48-50; Numbers:36:13; 1:34:1 Deuteronomy:34:8 *3 on this side Numbers:32:19; Numbers:34:15; Deuteronomy:1:5; Deuteronomy:3:8; Joshua:3:16

2 *1 And Balak the son of Zippor saw all that Israel had done to the Amorites. Numbers:21:3 Numbers:21:20-35 Judges:11:25

3 *1 And Moab was sore afraid of the people, because they were many: and Moab was distressed because of the children of Israel. Exodus:15:15; Deuteronomy:2:25; Joshua:2:10-11-24; Joshua:9:24; Psalms:53:5; Isaiah:23:5

4 *1 elders Numbers:22:7; Numbers:25:15-18; Numbers:31:8; Joshua:13:21-22 *2 Now shall Numbers:24:17; Jeremiah:48:38 *3 And Balak Numbers:22:2; Judges:11:25

5 *1 sent Deuteronomy:23:4; Joshua:13:22; Joshua:24:9; Nehemiah:13:1-2; Micah:6:5; 2Peter:2:15-16 *2 son of Bosor ju Deuteronomy:1:11; Revelation:2:14 *3 Pethor Numbers:23:7; Deuteronomy:23:4 *4 they cover Genesis:13:16; Exodus:1:7-10; Psalms:105:24

6 *1 curse me Numbers:23:7-8; Numbers:24:9; Genesis:12:3; Genesis:27:29; Deuteronomy:23:4; Joshua:24:9; 1Samuel:17:43; Nehemiah:13:2; Psalms:109:17-18 *2 I wot 1Kings:22:6-8 1Kings:22:13 Psalms:109:28; Proverbs:26:2; Isaiah:47:12-13; Ezekiel:13:6; Acts:8:9-10; Acts:16:16

7 *1 rewards of divination 1Samuel:9:7-8; Isaiah:56:11; Ezekiel:13:19; Micah:3:11; Romans:16:18; 1Timothy:6:9-10; Titus:1:11; 2Peter:2:15;ju Deuteronomy:1:11

8 *1 And he said unto them, Lodge here this night, and I will bring you word again, as the LORD shall speak unto me: and the princes of Moab abode with Balaam. Numbers:22:19-20; Numbers:12:6; Numbers:23:12; Jeremiah:12:2; Ezekiel:33:31

9 *1 God Numbers:22:20; Genesis:20:3; Genesis:31:24; Genesis:41:25; Daniel:2:45; Daniel:4:31-32; Matthew:7:22; Matthew:24:24; John:11:51 *2 What men Genesis:3:9-11; Genesis:4:9; Genesis:16:8; Exodus:4:2; 2Kings:20:14-15

12 *1 Balaam, Thou shalt Numbers:22:20; Job:33:15-17; Matthew:27:19 *2 thou shalt not curse Numbers:22:19; 1:23:3 Numbers:23:13-15,19,23; Micah:6:5 *3 for they Numbers:23:20; Genesis:12:2; Genesis:22:16-18; Deuteronomy:23:5; Deuteronomy:33:29; Psalms:144:15; Psalms:146:5; Romans:4:6-7; Romans:11:29; Ephesians:1:3

13 *1 for the Lord Numbers:22:14; Deuteronomy:23:5

14 *1 Balaam refuseth 1:22:13 Numbers:22:37

15 *1 princes Numbers:22:7-8; Acts:10:7-8

17 *1 I will promote Numbers:24:11; Deuteronomy:16:9; Esther:5:11; Esther:7:9; Matthew:4:8-9; Matthew:16:26 *2 and I will do Numbers:23:2-3 Numbers:23:29-30 Matthew:14:7

18 *1 If Balak Numbers:24:13; Titus:1:16 *2 I cannot Numbers:23:26; Numbers:24:13; 1Kings:22:14; 2Chronicles:18:13; Daniel:5:17; Acts:8:20

19 *1 Now therefore, I pray you, tarry ye also here this night, that I may know what the LORD will say unto me more. Numbers:22:7-8; 1Timothy:6:9-10; 2Peter:2:3 2Peter:2:15 ju Deuteronomy:1:11

20 *1 If the men 1Samuel:8:5-9; 1Samuel:12:12-19; Psalms:81:12; Ezekiel:14:2-5; 2Thessalonians:2:9-12 *2 but yet Numbers:22:35; Numbers:23:12 Numbers:23:26 Numbers:24:13; Psalms:33:10-11; Psalms:78:30-31; Isaiah:37:29; Hosea:13:11

21 *1 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab. Proverbs:1:15-16

22 *1 God's 2Kings:10:20; Hosea:1:4 *2 and the angel Numbers:22:35; Genesis:48:15-16; Exodus:3:2-6; Hosea:12:4-5 *3 stood Numbers:22:32; Exodus:4:24; Lamentations:2:4

23 *1 the ass saw 2Kings:6:17; 1Chronicles:21:16; Daniel:10:7; Acts:22:9; 1Corinthians:1:27-29; 2Peter:2:16;ju Deuteronomy:1:11 *2 the ass turned Jeremiah:8:7

25 *1 crushed Balaam's Job:5:13-15; Isaiah:47:12

26 *1 where was no way Isaiah:26:11; Hosea:2:6

27 *1 and Balaam's anger Proverbs:14:16; Proverbs:27:3-4

28 *1 the LORD opened Exodus:4:11; Luke:1:37; 1Corinthians:1:19; 2Peter:2:16 *2 What have I Romans:8:22

29 *1 for now would Proverbs:12:10 Proverbs:12:16 Ecclesiastes:9:3

30 *1 the ass said 2Peter:2:16 *2 upon which thou hast ridden 1Corinthians:1:27-28

31 *1 opened Numbers:24:4; Numbers:24:16; Genesis:21:19; 2Kings:6:17-20; 1Chronicles:21:16; Luke:24:16 Luke:24:31 Acts:26:18 *2 bowed down Exodus:34:8; Psalms:9:20; John:18:6

32 *1 Wherefore Numbers:22:28; Deuteronomy:25:4; Psalms:36:6; Psalms:145:9; Psalms:147:9; Jonah:4:11 *2 thy way Deuteronomy:23:4; Proverbs:28:6; Micah:6:5; Acts:13:10; 2Peter:2:14-15 *3 before me Numbers:22:20-22-35; Exodus:3:2-6; Proverbs:14:2; Proverbs:28:18

33 *1 surely Numbers:14:37; Numbers:16:33-35; 1Kings:13:24-28

34 *1 I Have sinned Exodus:9:27; Exodus:10:16-17; 1Samuel:15:24 1Samuel:15:30 1Samuel:24:17; 1Samuel:26:21; 2Samuel:12:13; Job:34:31-32; Psalms:78:34; Matthew:27:4-5 *2 if it displease thee Numbers:22:12; Numbers:11:1; 1Chronicles:21:7; Proverbs:24:18 *3 I will get Job:34:31-32

35 *1 Go Numbers:22:20; Psalms:81:12; Isaiah:37:26-29; 2Thessalonians:2:9-12 *2 I shall speak Numbers:22:20-21

36 *1 went Genesis:14:17; Genesis:18:2; Genesis:46:29; Exodus:18:7; 1Samuel:13:10; Acts:28:15 *2 the border Numbers:21:13-14; Deuteronomy:2:24; Deuteronomy:3:8; Judges:11:18; Isaiah:16:2; Jeremiah:48:20

37 *1 I am not able Numbers:22:16-17; Numbers:24:11; Psalms:75:6; Matthew:4:8-9; Luke:4:6; John:5:44

38 *1 have I Numbers:22:18; Psalms:33:10; Psalms:76:10; Proverbs:19:21; Isaiah:44:25; Isaiah:46:10; Isaiah:47:12 *2 the word Numbers:23:16 Numbers:23:26 Numbers:24:13; 1Kings:22:14; 2Chronicles:18:13

40 *1 And Balak offered oxen and sheep, and sent to Balaam, and to the princes that were with him. 1:23:2 Numbers:23:14,30; Genesis:31:54; Proverbs:1:16

41 *1 high places Numbers:25:2-3; Deuteronomy:12:2; 2Chronicles:11:15; Jeremiah:48:35 *2 utmost Numbers:23:13

tsk Numbers 22 *

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