Proverbs: tsk

1 *2 proverbs Proverbs:10:1; Proverbs:25:1; 1Kings:4:31-32; Ecclesiastes:12:9; John:16:25 *3 Solomon 2Samuel:12:24-25; 1Kings:2:12; 1Chronicles:22:9; 1Chronicles:28:5; 1Chronicles:29:28

2 *1 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; Proverbs:4:5-7; Proverbs:7:4; Proverbs:8:5; Proverbs:16:16; Proverbs:17:16; Deuteronomy:4:5-6; 1Kings:3:9-12; 2Timothy:3:15-17

3 *1 receive Proverbs:2:1-9; Proverbs:8:10-11; Job:22:22 *2 equity 1Kings:3:28

4 *1 subtilty Proverbs:1:22-23; Proverbs:8:5; Proverbs:9:4-6; Psalms:19:7; Psalms:119:130; Isaiah:35:8 *2 to the Proverbs:7:7-24; Proverbs:8:17 Proverbs:8:32 Psalms:34:11; Psalms:119:9; Ecclesiastes:11:9-10; Ecclesiastes:12:1; 2Timothy:2:22; Titus:2:6

5 *1 wise Proverbs:9:9; Proverbs:12:1; 1:34:10 Job:34:16,34; Psalms:119:98-100; 1Corinthians:10:15 *2 a man 1Samuel:25:32-33; 2Chronicles:25:16

6 *1 a proverb Matthew:13:10-17 Matthew:13:51-52 Mark:4:11-34; Acts:8:30-31 *2 the words Ecclesiastes:12:11 *3 dark Psalms:49:4; Psalms:78:2; Matthew:13:34-35; Hebrews:5:14; 2Peter:3:16

7 *1 fear Proverbs:9:10; Job:28:28; Psalms:111:10; Psalms:112:1; Ecclesiastes:12:13 *2 but Proverbs:1:22 Proverbs:1:29-30 Proverbs:5:12-13; Proverbs:15:5; Proverbs:18:2; John:3:18-21; Romans:1:28

8 *1 My son Proverbs:1:10 Proverbs:1:15 Proverbs:2:1; Proverbs:3:1; Proverbs:7:1; 1:9:2 Matthew:9:22 *2 hear Proverbs:4:1-4; Proverbs:5:1-2; Proverbs:6:20; Proverbs:30:17; Proverbs:31:1; Leviticus:19:3; Deuteronomy:21:18-21; 1Samuel:2:25; 2Timothy:1:5

9 *1 they Proverbs:3:22; Proverbs:4:9; Proverbs:6:20-21; 1Timothy:2:9-10; 1Peter:3:3-4 *2 an ornament Genesis:41:42; Songs:1:10; Songs:4:9; Isaiah:3:19; Ezekiel:16:11; 1:5:7 Daniel:5:16,29

10 *1 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. Proverbs:7:21-23; Proverbs:13:20; Proverbs:20:19; Genesis:39:7-13; Judges:16:16-21; Psalms:1:1; Psalms:50:18; Romans:16:18; Ephesians:5:11

11 *1 let us lay Proverbs:1:16; Proverbs:12:6; Proverbs:30:14; Psalms:56:6; Psalms:64:5-6; Jeremiah:5:26; Micah:7:2; Acts:23:15; Acts:25:3 *2 let us lurk Proverbs:1:18; Psalms:10:8-10; Psalms:17:12; Psalms:35:7; Jeremiah:11:19; Jeremiah:18:18-20; Matthew:26:3-4; John:15:25

12 *1 swallow Psalms:35:25; Psalms:56:1-2; Psalms:57:3; Psalms:124:3; Jeremiah:51:34; Lamentations:2:5 Lamentations:2:16 Micah:3:2-3 *2 as the Psalms:5:9; Romans:3:13 *3 whole Numbers:16:30-33; Numbers:26:10; Psalms:28:1; Psalms:143:7

13 *1 We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: Proverbs:1:19; Job:24:2-3; Isaiah:10:13-14; Jeremiah:22:16-17; Nahum:2:12; Haggai:2:9; Luke:12:15; 1Timothy:6:9-10; Revelation:18:9-16

15 *1 walk Proverbs:4:14-15; Proverbs:9:6; Proverbs:13:20; Psalms:1:1; Psalms:26:4-5; 2Corinthians:6:17 *2 refrain Proverbs:4:27; Proverbs:5:8; Psalms:119:101; Jeremiah:14:10

16 *1 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. Proverbs:4:16; Proverbs:6:18; Isaiah:59:7; Romans:3:5

17 *1 in vain Proverbs:7:23; Job:35:11; Isaiah:1:3; Jeremiah:8:7

18 *1 And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. Proverbs:5:22-23; Proverbs:9:17-18; Proverbs:28:17; Esther:7:10; Psalms:7:14-16; Psalms:9:16; Psalms:55:23; Matthew:27:4-5

19 *1 every Proverbs:15:27; Proverbs:23:3-4; 2Samuel:18:11-13; 2Kings:5:20-27; Jeremiah:22:17-19; Micah:2:1-3; Micah:3:10-12; Habakkuk:2:9; Acts:8:19-20; 1Timothy:3:3; 1Timothy:6:9-10; James:5:1-4; 1:2:3 2Peter:2:14-16 *2 taketh Job:31:39; Ecclesiastes:5:13

20 *1 Wisdom Matthew:13:54; Luke:11:49; 1Corinthians:1:24 1Corinthians:1:30 Colossians:2:3 *2 crieth Proverbs:8:1-5; Proverbs:9:3; John:7:37

21 *1 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, Proverbs:9:3; Matthew:10:27; Matthew:13:2; John:18:20; Acts:5:20

22 *1 How Proverbs:6:9; Exodus:10:3; Exodus:16:28; Numbers:14:27; Matthew:17:17 *2 ye simple Proverbs:7:7; Proverbs:9:4-6 Proverbs:9:16-18 Psalms:94:8; Matthew:9:13; Matthew:11:29-30; Matthew:23:37; Luke:19:42; Revelation:22:17 *3 the scorners Proverbs:3:34; Proverbs:14:6; Proverbs:15:12; Proverbs:19:29; Proverbs:21:11; Job:34:7; Psalms:1:1; 2Peter:3:3 *4 fools Proverbs:1:7 Proverbs:1:29 Proverbs:5:12; John:3:20

23 *1 Turn Isaiah:55:1-3 Isaiah:55:6-7 Jeremiah:3:14; Ezekiel:18:27-30; Ezekiel:33:11; Hosea:14:1; Acts:3:19; Acts:26:20 *2 my reproof Proverbs:1:25 Proverbs:1:30 Proverbs:6:23; Proverbs:10:17; Proverbs:12:1; Proverbs:29:1; Psalms:145:1; Revelation:3:19 *3 behold Isaiah:32:15; Isaiah:45:8; Joel:2:28;z Ecclesiastes:12:10; Luke:11:13; John:7:36-37; Acts:2:36-38; Revelation:3:16-18

24 *1 I have called Isaiah:50:2; Isaiah:65:12; Isaiah:66:4; Jeremiah:7:13; Ezekiel:8:18;z Ecclesiastes:7:11-12; Matthew:22:5-6; Matthew:23:37-38; Hebrews:12:25-26 *2 stretched Psalms:31:20; Acts:4:30; Romans:10:21

25 *1 ye Proverbs:1:30; 2Chronicles:36:16; Psalms:107:11; Luke:7:30 *2 would Proverbs:1:30; Proverbs:5:12; Proverbs:12:1; Psalms:81:11

26 *1 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; Judges:10:14; Psalms:2:4; Psalms:37:13; Luke:14:24

27 *1 your fear Proverbs:3:25-26; Proverbs:10:24-25; Psalms:69:22-28; Luke:21:26 Luke:21:34-35 1Thessalonians:5:3; Revelation:6:15-17 *2 as a Psalms:58:9; Isaiah:17:13; Nahum:1:3 *3 distress Luke:21:23-25; Romans:2:9

28 *1 shall they Genesis:6:3; Job:27:9; Job:35:12; Psalms:18:41; Isaiah:1:15; Jeremiah:11:11; Jeremiah:14:12; Ezekiel:8:18; Micah:3:4;z Ecclesiastes:7:13; Matthew:7:22-23; Matthew:25:10-12; Luke:13:25-28; James:4:3 *2 they shall seek Psalms:78:34-36; Hosea:5:15; Hosea:6:1-4

29 *1 that Proverbs:1:22; Proverbs:5:12; Proverbs:6:23; Job:21:14-15; Psalms:50:16-17; Isaiah:27:11; Isaiah:30:9-12; John:3:20; Acts:7:51-54 *2 not Luke:10:42; Hebrews:11:25

30 *1 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Proverbs:1:25; Psalms:81:11; Psalms:119:111 Psalms:119:173 Jeremiah:8:9; Luke:14:18-20

31 *1 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. Proverbs:14:14; Proverbs:22:8; Job:4:8; Isaiah:3:10-11; Jeremiah:2:19; Jeremiah:6:19; Galatians:6:7-8

32 *1 the turning Proverbs:8:36; John:3:36; Hebrews:10:38-39; Hebrews:12:25 *2 and the Deuteronomy:32:15-44; Psalms:69:22; Psalms:92:6-7; Luke:12:16-21; Luke:16:19-25; Hebrews:12:8; James:5:5 *3 prosperity Jeremiah:48:11-12

33 *1 whoso Proverbs:8:32-35; Proverbs:9:11; Psalms:25:12-13; Psalms:81:13; Isaiah:48:18; Isaiah:55:3; Matthew:17:5; John:10:27-29; 1Peter:1:5 *2 and shall Proverbs:3:21-26; Proverbs:14:26; Psalms:112:7; Isaiah:26:3; Luke:21:9 Luke:21:19 Romans:8:35-39

tsk Proverbs 1 *

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