Proverbs: tsk

1 *3 if Proverbs:1:3; Proverbs:4:1; Proverbs:7:1; John:12:47-48; 1Timothy:1:15 *4 hide Proverbs:3:1; Proverbs:4:20-22; Proverbs:6:21; Deuteronomy:6:6-9; Job:23:12; Psalms:119:9-11; Matthew:13:44; Luke:2:19 Luke:2:51 Luke:9:44

2 *1 thou Proverbs:18:1; Psalms:119:111-112; Isaiah:55:3; Matthew:13:9 *2 apply Proverbs:22:17-21; Proverbs:23:12; Psalms:90:12; Ecclesiastes:7:25; Ecclesiastes:8:9 Ecclesiastes:8:16 Acts:17:11

3 *1 if Proverbs:3:6; Proverbs:8:17; 1Kings:3:9-12; 1Chronicles:22:12; Psalms:25:4-5; 1:119:34 Psalms:119:73,125,169; Luke:11:13; Ephesians:1:17-18; James:1:5

4 *1 thou Proverbs:3:14-15; Proverbs:8:18-19; Proverbs:16:16; Proverbs:23:23; Psalms:19:10; 1:119:14 Psalms:119:72,127; Matthew:6:19-21; Matthew:13:44; 1:19:21-22 Matthew:19:29 *2 searchest Job:28:12-20; Ecclesiastes:4:8; Luke:16:8

5 *1 shalt 2Chronicles:1:10-12; Hosea:6:3; Matthew:7:7-8; Luke:11:9-13 *2 the fear Proverbs:9:10; Job:28:28; Jeremiah:32:40-41 *3 find Jeremiah:9:24; Jeremiah:24:7; Jeremiah:31:34; Matthew:11:27; Luke:10:22; John:17:3; 1John:5:20

6 *1 the Lord Exodus:31:3; 1Kings:3:9 1Kings:3:12 1Kings:4:29; 1Chronicles:22:12; Job:32:8; Isaiah:54:13; Daniel:1:17; Daniel:2:21-23; Luke:21:15; John:6:45; Ephesians:1:17-18; 1:1:5 James:1:17 *2 out Proverbs:6:23; Proverbs:8:5-9; Psalms:19:7; Psalms:119:98-104; Isaiah:8:20

7 *1 layeth Proverbs:8:14; Proverbs:14:8; Job:28:8; 1:1:19 1Corinthians:1:24,30; 1Corinthians:2:6-7; 1Corinthians:3:18-19; Colossians:2:3; 2Timothy:3:15-17; James:3:15-17 *2 a buckler Proverbs:28:18; Proverbs:30:5; Psalms:84:11; Psalms:144:2

8 *1 keepeth Proverbs:8:20; Psalms:1:6; Psalms:23:3; Psalms:121:5-8; Isaiah:35:9; Isaiah:49:9-10; John:10:28-29 *2 and Proverbs:3:21-24; Deuteronomy:33:3 Deuteronomy:33:26-29 1Samuel:2:9; 1:37:23-24 Psalms:37:28,31; Psalms:66:9; Psalms:145:20; Jeremiah:32:40-41; 1Peter:1:5;ju Deuteronomy:1:24

9 *1 Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path. Proverbs:1:2-6; Psalms:25:8-9; Psalms:32:8; Psalms:119:99-105; Psalms:143:8-10; Isaiah:35:8; Isaiah:48:17; Jeremiah:6:16; Matthew:7:13-14; John:14:6

10 *1 When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Proverbs:18:1-2; Proverbs:24:13-14; Job:23:12; Psalms:19:10; Psalms:104:34; 1:119:97 Psalms:119:103,111,162; Jeremiah:15:16; Colossians:3:16

11 *1 Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: Proverbs:4:6; Proverbs:6:22-24; Psalms:25:21; Psalms:119:9-11; Ecclesiastes:9:15-18; Ecclesiastes:10:10; Ephesians:5:15

12 *1 deliver Proverbs:1:10-19; Proverbs:4:14-17; Proverbs:9:6; Proverbs:13:20; Psalms:17:4-5; Psalms:26:4-5; Psalms:141:4; 2Corinthians:6:17 *2 from the man Proverbs:3:32; Proverbs:8:13; Proverbs:16:28-30; Psalms:101:4; Isaiah:59:3-5; Acts:20:30; 1Corinthians:15:33

13 *1 leave Proverbs:21:16; Psalms:14:3; Psalms:36:3; Ezekiel:18:26; Ezekiel:33:12-13; Zephaniah:1:6; Matthew:12:43-45; 2Timothy:4:10; Hebrews:6:4-6; 2Peter:2:20-22; 1John:2:19 *2 walk Proverbs:4:19; Job:24:13-16; John:3:19-20; John:12:35; Romans:1:21; 1Thessalonians:5:5-7; John:1:6; John:2:9-11

14 *1 rejoice Proverbs:10:23; Jeremiah:11:15; Habakkuk:1:15; Zephaniah:3:11; 1Corinthians:13:6 *2 and Hosea:7:3; Luke:22:4-5; Romans:1:32

15 *1 Whose ways are crooked, and they froward in their paths: Deuteronomy:32:5; Psalms:125:5; Isaiah:30:8-13; Isaiah:59:8; Philippians:2:15

16 *1 deliver Proverbs:5:3-20; Proverbs:6:24; Proverbs:7:5-23; Proverbs:22:14; Proverbs:23:27; Genesis:39:3-12; Nehemiah:13:26-27; Ecclesiastes:7:26 *2 flattereth Proverbs:7:21; Proverbs:29:5

17 *1 the guide Proverbs:5:18; Jeremiah:3:4 *2 forgetteth Ezekiel:16:8 Ezekiel:16:59-60 Malachi:2:14-16

18 *1 For her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead. Proverbs:5:4-14; Proverbs:6:26-35; Proverbs:7:22-27; Proverbs:9:18; 1Corinthians:6:9-11; Galatians:5:19-21; Ephesians:5:5; Revelation:21:8; Revelation:22:15

19 *1 None Psalms:81:12; Ecclesiastes:7:26; Jeremiah:13:23; Hosea:4:14; Matthew:19:24-26 *2 take Proverbs:4:18; Hebrews:6:18

20 *1 That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous. Proverbs:13:20; Psalms:119:63 Psalms:119:115 Songs:1:7-8; Jeremiah:6:16; Hebrews:6:12; 3John:1:11

21 *1 For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it. Job:1:1; Job:42:12; 1:37:3 Psalms:37:9-11-22,29; Psalms:84:11; Psalms:112:4-6

22 *1 the wicked Proverbs:5:22-23; Job:18:16-18; Job:21:30; 1:37:20-22 Psalms:37:28,37-38; Psalms:52:5; Psalms:104:35; Psalms:145:20; Isaiah:3:10-11 *2 rooted Deuteronomy:7:22; Deuteronomy:28:64

tsk Proverbs 2 *

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