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To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.

(page last updated: November 18th 2019)

Today's Text:

rsv@Psalms:19:1 @ To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

rsv@Psalms:19:2 @ The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.

rsv@Psalms:19:3 @ Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.

rsv@Psalms:19:4 @ There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard;

rsv@Psalms:19:5 @ yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,

rsv@Psalms:19:6 @ which comes forth like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and like a strong man runs its course with joy.

rsv@Psalms:19:7 @ Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them; and there is nothing hid from its heat.

rsv@Psalms:19:8 @ The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;

rsv@Psalms:19:9 @ the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;

rsv@Psalms:19:10 @ the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever; the ordinances of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether.

rsv@Psalms:19:11 @ More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

rsv@Psalms:19:12 @ Moreover by them is thy servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

rsv@Psalms:19:13 @ But who can discern his errors? Clear thou me from hidden faults.

rsv@Psalms:19:14 @ Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. [ (Psalms strkjv@19:15) Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. ]

Today's Audio Commentary: "Let the Words of My Mouth, and the Meditation of My Heart, be Acceptable in Thy Sight"

Psalm:19 Reading

Part 1 "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God"

Part 2 "More to be Desired are They than Gold"

Part 3 "Moreover by Them is Thy Servant Warned"

Part 4 "Who can Understand His Errors?"

Part 5 "Let the Words of my Mouth, and the Meditation of My Heart, be Acceptable in Thy Sight"

Psalm:19 ""Let the Words of My Mouth, and the Meditation of My Heart, be Acceptable in Thy Sight"" (commentary as one file)


Today's Commentary Outline: "Let the Words of My Mouth, and the Meditation of My Heart, be Acceptable in Thy Sight"

  1. "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God": 19:1-6
    • Can I ask you something personal?

      • When is the last time you just stared up at the sky? Why do I ask? I remember as a kid loving to lay flat on my back in the grass day or night just looking up at the sky in wonder. Now days I wonder if as adults we are just too busy and preoccupied to simply lay back/look up/and bathe our minds in the splendor and wonder above us that most of the time by choice we completely miss.

      • David has an interesting way of meditating on the things of God in kjv@Psalms:19:1-6 using the sky above as his spiritual tour guide. The next time that you allow yourself to bathe in the splendor of the skies, perhaps you will remember this psalm in order to follow along. I hope that I will be able to sufficiently describe it to you. Are you laying back?

    • How much does God weigh?

      • The word David uses is kaw-bode'. It is translated in English "glory". The heavens (shaw-meh') declare (saw-far = tally) the weight (kaw-bode' glory) of God ('êl ale = Almighty). The weight of a person can be thought of as their size, their importance/value, their impact/influence. The weight of the Almighty is much much more than the weight of either you or I. How do I know? I simply have to count the tally marked out for us up above.

      • Now the skies above that you see (?) that is not God, that is HIS tally. In some places, parts of HIS tally gather closer together in clusters; at different times of the year different clusters take center stage in our sky, always the same year by year like clockwork. In some places HIS clusters gather into vast seas; so many in fact that some appear from earth to be milky, others further away from us take on shapes, some are almost familiar. These seas are not god's, no they are tallies. Count them all and you will quickly get a sense of just how weighty (glorious - big/important/influential) the one Almighty is.

      • Now some people today hypothesis that as big as our universe is (how big we do not know) that there are more universes beyond ours (perhaps even infinite other universes). Could there be multiple Gods and or multiple tallies? I would say nah, it is all the same tally; and logic would say that this is the simplest most probable answer.
      • Some people would ask "how long has that tally been up there? Doesn't that mean that God is only as old as the tally?" The only answer that I can give you not having been here looking up from the start is that the tally has only been there "as long as it has needed to be posted".

    • Now for the benefit of those looking up from earth there is a screen placed in front of the heavens called the raw-kee'-ah (firmament).

      • During the day time it is backlit by the sun, on this screen is announced the Almighty's mah-as-eh' (handywork - poetry/art). HE lifts water vapor from the sea, carries it on the winds to above our heads, no matter where we are on this earth we see HIS paintings and they are always changing and we each see them differently depending on the angle we are facing them. And there are times when HE has the winds carry those vapors to a predetermined destination and has them then fall out, HE paints the ground with them and they bring the ground life.

      • Then the comes the dusk and the back light dims and these paintings whisper faint and then the tally reappears, planet by planet, star by star, cluster by cluster, sea by sea. And this theatrical play both the sun lit sky and the star lit universe have done for as long as the poem and the tally have been needed.

      • One does not have to count the tally in order to enjoy the poem but, one cannot fully understand the poem until he/she has at least considered the weight tally.

      • So ends verse 1

    • Verse 2: From the heat of one day to the heat of the next day this poem and tally continue. Because it continues this way, each day (each repetition of it) utters (gushes forth) o'-mer (speech/promise/words) onward to the next. Each day takes what it has heard from the previous and carries it forward and adds a bit more to it. In one sense it is the same word as in the begining, in another sense it is new word all it's own. Have you heard the words/promises that this day today has been trying to tell you?

      • Night (night David pictures is as the sun's light (back light) twisting away leaving the land dark) (we can think of it as a curtain being drawn and gathered to the sides so that we can consider the tally) Night unto night sheweth (khaw-vah' - lives/shows/declares) dah'-ath (knowledge/cunning). The night is not the knowledge, the night lives the knowledge, all knowledge is God's.

    • Verse 3: While all of this happens above us, between you and I, there are many 'ômer (words) that fall from our lips and many daw-bawr' (matters (words spoken of things)) exchanged, most all of them oblivious to the tally and the poem. Even in all these miscellaneous and mostly vacant words and matters however, on the wings of the day and the night the tally and the poem have their own voice (kole - calling aloud/voice). That perceivable voice can be shaw-mah' (intelligently heard) if listened for.

      • One person might say "I will meet with you tomorrow". Without knowing it he is counting on the tally and the poem and the day and night continuing (he is counting on it for himself and for you and for any of it to still matter). Another might say "ah it's too nice out there to be stuck in here working". She is commenting without thinking about it of the back lit painting. One might say "we can offer you a 4.4% annual percentage rate". Can you here it?

    • Verse 4: Their (day and night uttering speech) kawv (cord/measuring line) is gone out through all the earth and their (day and night uttering speech) words (mil-leh' - word/discourse/topic) to the end of the tay-bale' (earth - moist and therefore inhabitable world).

      • There is no place on earth where men and women and children speak that this perceptible intelligible revealing does not occurr, there is no earthly time period past present future in our speech and language that this perceptible intelligible voice will not somewhere be there to be heard.

      • In them (words uttered by each day and night) hath he set a tabernacle (tent/covering) for the sun (brilliant light (implying the east)).

    • Verse 5: At the dawn of each day the sun comes out of his tabernacle in the east. He is like a bridegroom, today is not the wedding, it's a day of preparing for his wedding, he is eagerly anticipating to be forever with his bride. He rejoiceth in this present day to run his race across the sky, being then one day closer to his betrothed.

    • Verse 6: The bridegroom's endearing passion for his bride is shown to us going forth each day from east to west in a circuit from our vantage point across the sky, and there is no one nor no thing upon this earth and sky that is hid from the heat thereof. (If you are laying here in the grass along side me, perhaps you can feel that sun's passion to get to his bride?)

    • "The heavens declare the glory of God" 19:1-6

      • As a child I can remember looking up at the sky. I even had a dream once where the sky was looking back down at me. I didn't know anything about anything that I know about now but, I was awe struck just the same. I can not tell you that I am anymore the wiser than I was back then. Somehow, I feel as if for all that I think I now know I know less than I originally did having lost quite a bit of that awestruck wonder.

      • I hope that I was able to describe a little of how David might have meditated on both the poem and the tally and the words and the language. We'll need a healthy sense of this perceivable intelligence in the remainder of this psalm ahead.

  2. "More to be Desired are They than Gold": 19:10
    • All of this talk of looking up into the sky 19:1-6, considering the heavens (tally of God's glory), the day time sky (the poem/painting), day unto day uttering a perceivable intelligible voice, there being no where on earth that this voice is not able to be heard, the sun like a bridegroom racing across the sky hot with a passion for reaching his bride, all of this talk is wondrous/uplifting and inspiring but, eventually one has to settle their eyes back down to earth. The view here on earth is not so wondrous/uplifting/inspiring, especially when we focus upon the present condition of man.

    • What would you say if I were to tell you that I know of something here on earth that could possibly change man's entire condition?

    • What if I were to tell you that I had stumbled upon something that was able to convert man's soul? :7

      • In each man and women's soul I see so much potential, the very image of the God who created them. Now when I say image of God, I cannot say that they have the potential to be god's in and of themselves; that sounds like something that only Satan would wish to tell them. No, I mean to say that like a mirror that they have the potential of reflecting the glory of God (like considered in the tally) onward unto each other.

      • Though I don't typically see them wanting to fully reflect this tremendous glory to each other, I do see glimpses of that reflection hidden within them and the potential to let it shine out all the more. (You know, when it says that Adam and Eve when their eyes were opened and they saw themselves as naked and were ashamed(?), some people think that meant that they physically or sexually ashamed. I believe it means that they saw each other as no longer reflecting the glory of God, and in that saw within their own heart that something drastic had just changed).

      • There is something that I now know of that can turn back that sudden and lingering darkness in their souls, restore that brilliant and wondrous reflection. (and it is not just them sewing for themselves an apron of fig leaves)

    • What if I were to also tell you that in stumbling upon this I also found that it could make wise the simple? :7

      • I don't doubt that all of us in some respect could be classified as "the simple". The Hebrew word is pronounced peh'-thee, it means seducible to the point of being silly/foolish/overly simplistic. Now that I have stumbled upon this, I'm not exactly sure that I have ever met anyone that is not in some shape or form exactly this. I have known some very intelligent people in my life, I have been blessed to have had them in my close acquaintance. I can't say though that any have been perfectly wise as to how to get a man's soul back to this full reflection of glory.

      • You see, we are all easily seducible when it comes to this. Perhaps we are enticed by the idea if we just keep ourselves clean and out of moral trouble that we would better reflect this glory. Perhaps we are enticed by the idea that if we just do extra special good works more of God's light would shine out through us. Perhaps we are enticed by the idea if we just pray more or go to church more or tithe more or fast more or fold our knees and meditate more, that God's light will more and more come back out. Ah but we see that even the people that do all of these very enticing things for all of the good that these things help them to do that there is still a great deal of darkness when it comes to actually shining of anything wondrously God like and different.

      • Some would say then "what is the use of all this extended effort?" if it is all relative the same "perhaps we all just end up having our light turned back on when we all get to Heaven".

      • What if I told you that what I have now found isn't an on and off switch, it is a long continual process that doesn't necessarily make the man bright and shinny in this life but, makes him wise to the dark shadowy things that are so easily seducing him?

    • What if I were to tell you that by what I have stumbled on the heart can truly be made to rejoice? :8

      • When is the last time your heart has truly rejoiced? Has it ever? Oh we can find in our hearts moments of happiness even in this present state. I suppose that we could rejoice in that some times for a short time we can find a little happiness here and there. That is not the type of rejoicing though that I am about to speak of.

      • It is hard to rejoice for any length of time and sustain it. I feel that is mostly because we are not anywhere close to doing what we were created first and foremost to be doing "reflecting the glory of God towards each other". How can we reflect it if we do not know it? How can we reflect it if we ourselves have yet to experience it? if we haven't been transformed and affected by it? How then can we truly rejoice if we have not God's glory in and on us to reflect?

      • Rejoicing could do all of our hearts good!

      • I think that I know now where to find this rejoicing. I am beginning already to feel it swelling up inside of me. What if I were to tell you should you happen to stumble upon these things too that you could also feel this true rejoicing?

    • What if I were to tell you that what I have stumbled upon can mean for each of us a pure enlightening? :8

      • The eye is how we come to see things around us. Light reflects off of the objects ahead of us and our eye then receives it and our brain then processes it to determine if that object is something know/unknown, safe/dangerous, friendly/unfriendly, attractive/unattractive, etc... Without the light we are in the dark and it becomes very hard for our eyes to see. It becomes very hard if not impossible to make the same type of determinations. It is no different in the spiritual realm. We see when there is light. We don't see when it is missing and we are left to our other senses such as touch ears and feeling.

      • To this point many people would say that this light is something naturally found within us, that each of us have to make our own light shine. To that I would say that naturally speaking we were created to reflect the creator's light, minus HIS light our own personal light (if there even is such a thing) is but a darkness (or a much lesser light than we were intended to reflect).

      • It is hard for the human self to rightly consider this; the human self makes a whole lot of itself and very little of God. And that is the entire reason that the human soul has brought itself into this darkness.

      • The Hebrew word here is pronounce "ore". It means to causatively make luminous. We have translated it enlighten. Who of us ever is to make ourselves luminous? Have you ever seen any one that has made themselves luminous? Luminous regarding themselves perhaps; they have made themselves appear to the rest of us rather dark have they not? Self exaltation has a way of doing that.

      • What if I were to tell you that enlightenment wasn't mean to be self exaltation but, instead meant to be God exaltation? and I believe that in the things that we are soon to talk about God will be exalted and therein we will stumble upon this spiritual enlightenment?

      • If I told you this, would you be willing to follow me deeper into this?

      • If not, what if I were to tell you that these things and a few others that we will speak of in the next section will become for you "More to be desired" than gold? :10

      • What if I were to tell you that I no longer think that I just stumbled upon this but, that I was brought to this (fighting against it all the way) by the considerable weight/glory of God?

  3. "Moreover by Them is Thy Servant Warned": 19:11
    • So what is it that I awkwardly refer to as having stumbled upon that has this power to convert man's soul, make wise the seducible, rejoice the heart, enlighten the eyes?

      • Well in David's time around 1000 B.C. he would have been familiar with the first five books of it (the parts written by the prophet Moses). These five books comprise what is called the Torah or else the Pentateuch. The purpose behind this Torah was to ground anything other that might be later said orally (passed down as tradition) or written and be attempted to be added to it. If there is one thing that can be said to be true about the heart of man it is his tendency to bend, to distort, to subtract, to add to as his own heart sees fit. The Torah can be thought of as the seed or the blueprint from which all other religious text and observance is to be anchored to.

      • So now when David talks about law :7, testimony :7, statutes :8, commandments :8, fear :9, judgments :9, from his frame of reference this Torah is what he is talking about. It is the material covered in these five books that to him can convert man's soul, make wise the seducible, rejoice the heart, enlighten the eyes.

      • So what about the other books of the OT including the writings of David you might ask? They check up with the seed or core foundation of the Torah. For instance, in the Torah God makes a conditional covenant in Deuteronomy that if the nation Israel obeyed these statutes God would tremendously bless Israel like no other nation, if they did not HE would curse them like no other nation. It is evidenced by the additional historical documentation that when Israel did flirt with obedience (the few short times that they actually did) that they were blessed, the rest of the time they were being strongly warned by the prophets (which they paid little or no mind to) which then lead them occasionally into a pit of bondage that they had dug for themselves to fall into, by not obeying and not heeding the many consequential warnings. You see the remainder of the OT checks up with the seed Torah, it is what had grown out of it.

      • So what about the NT? How does it check up with the Torah? From the time of Adam to the time of Abraham/Isaac/Jacob to the time of Moses to the time of David to the time of the prophets it had been promised Israel that there would be a Messiah come out of Israel for all of mankind. The New Testament is the testimony that this Messiah dud actually come to us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. It is meant to provide all the necessary proof of that. You see the remainder of the NT checks up with the seed Torah, it is what had grown out of it even after the condemning testimony of the OT. It is essentially saying to us, ya we have our problems keeping the see Torah, it's law :7, testimony :7, statutes :8, commandments :8, fear :9, judgments :9, most certainly but, God did not leave it at that.

    • Now then it makes more sense when we read:

      • 19:7 The law (tôrâh) of the LORD is perfect (taw-meem' - entire), converting (shoob - turning back) the soul. Five books, entire to themselves, transmitted for the purpose of turning back souls from their fallen nature.

      • 19:7 the testimony (ay-dooth' - testimony/witness) of the LORD (Jehovah) is sure (aw-man' - build up/support/fostering), making wise the simple (peh'-thee - seducible/foolish/simple). The Torah consisting of the witness, the seed mindset of early human interaction with God, the establishment of Messiah's lineage, the showing of God's miraculous ability to deliver from bondage/protect from revenge/sustain in wilderness/direct and guide to the land promised to possess/go ahead of in battle, the issuance of ten commandments and various religious rites (many of them shadows/types of the Messiah to come), the establishment of the conditional covenant measuring obedience/disobedience.

      • 19:8 The statutes (pik-kood' - appointed mandates) of the LORD (Jehovah) are right (yaw-shawr' - straight), rejoicing (saw-makh' - brightening up) the heart (labe - center of feelings/will/intellect). The Torah consisting of mandates intended to brighten man's core being that would otherwise be dark and hopeless. Mandates that are cut straight, do not waiver or curve aimlessly.

      • 19:8 the commandment (mits-vaw' - command (human/divine)) of the LORD (Jehovah) is pure (bar - beloved/choice/clean), enlightening (ore - make luminous/break of day) the eyes. The Torah consisting of commandments that are the choice commandments, much to be beloved, that enlighten man to his desperate need for a Messiah, the one in whose odedience would fulfill for them the demands of the commandments where they could not, by whose blood their sins would be atoned for and cleansed, by whose Spirit these redeemed would be separated out and guided and sealed.

      • 19:9 The fear (yir-aw' - moral reverence/exceeding fearfulness) of the LORD (Jehovah) is clean (taw-hore' - physically/chemically/ceremonially pure/clean), enduring (aw-mad' - standing) for ever (ad - perpetually/substantially). The Torah consisting of the many pictures of God's strength and power and determination, HIS awe and splendor and revelation and miracle and holiness.

      • 19:9 the judgments (mish-pawt' - favorable/unfavorable verdicts) of the LORD (Jehovah) are true (eh'-meth - stable/certain/trustworthy) and righteous (tsaw-dak' - to be made right/cleansed/justified) altogether (yakh'-ad - as a unit/unitedly/all at once). The Torah consisting of the mind and actions of God toward mankind as a whole and certain individual men/women in particular as they lived, daily interactions, verdicts placed upon their lives that directed their thoughts and actions to help them else to turn them back around.

      • The additional Old Testament - How patient God showed HIMSELF towards us as we attempted to keep ourselves to all of this minus Christ and minus HIS spiritual regeneration in us.

      • The additional New Testament - How Christ came, and by His death conquered, and by resurrection He quickened the missing part within us, and by the sending of the Holy Spirit guides and instructs and reproves and empowers us. Plus the testimony of those who first believed on Him and what He was able to do through them having Himself achieved all of this to the Father's good pleasure.

      • For all that is written in the Torah about the heart of man, much more important to all of us is what is written pertaining to the heart of God, how much HE cares for us to come back. For all the further evidence of HIM in the further testaments, the lengths that HE is willing to go to bring us back, the consistency and patience that HE is willing to expend, the overwhelming desire to put us back into eternal fellowship with HIM/HIS heavenly host/fellow redeemed brothers and sister of all ages past, the price that HE ultimately did pay.

    • What we were incapable of doing for ourselves... God did not leave it at that.
      • What we had tried our hardest to deny and place ourselves above... God did not leave it at that.
      • What we tried our hardest to do and observe and evangelize without their being need for Christ... God did not leave it at that.

    kjv@Psalms:19:11 @ Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.

  4. "Who can Understand His Errors?": 19:12
    • Who can? Who can cleanse themselves from their secret faults? :12 (only Christ can)

      • The difficult thing about understanding one's error, one has to first admit that he has erred. How likely are we to do that? It is easier for us to make God something that HE is not then it is to admit that we are not as good as we think ourselves to be.

      • Here is one of the biggest errors I think that we all make: we think that we can do all of this on our own. Cain by his own worship thought that he could do without the symbol of Christ's coming atonement in his sacrifice and that it would be accepted by God. Abraham and Sarah thought that they could do without the symbol of Christ miraculous help when they had Hagar bare them Ishmael to be God's seed (something Abraham had to prove to God that he was no longer in the mind of on the mount with Isaac). Even Moses took anger into his own hands and struck the rock twice (for which error he was not allowed to enter with Israel into the promised land).

      • We would like to think of error as killing someone or having an adulterous affair etc.. When in fact it is anytime with think ourselves sufficient in ourselves to do what God spiritually needs to be done first before anything else. Even when we know that we have erred, we pile more error upon it by assuming that we can get ourselves back out of it without Christ.

      • And as for our secret faults? Who is to know them? That's the thing about secret faults: they are always secret!

    • Throughout the Bible we see generation after generation trying to take Torah/Law/Statute/Testimony/Commandment/Reverence/Verdict into their own hands and try to make something of it totally (some without knowing it) on their own.

      • Obedient yes, very obedient, zealously obedient, to the oral tradition (a tradition of we have to do this ourselves, Christ always in the future tense, even as Christ stands before their eyes and they are obediently seeking to kill Him).

      • Obedient for others yes, very obedient, zealously obedient to the notion of what they themselves see as right (perhaps even Christ believing but believing on but one thing: their eternal salvation if they can only keep themselves to doing all of this on their own until the time of His return (detached until that return from Christ)).

      • Error? Secret fault?

    kjv@Matthew:5:20 @ For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

      • Who can be more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees? Well Christ can!

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:30 @ But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

    • The error we make is in making what we are capable of doing ourselves enough, either by saying that "I don't need Christ to do this" or by thinking "here Christ look what I am doing for you". So when it comes to these laws/statutes/commands/etc.. there are two ways of getting them done: our way or Christ's way. One way is to build ourselves up in order to receive something special from Christ, the other is to receive something special from Christ that is fully intended by Him to build us up. In other words: "who is the carpenter here? you and I? or Christ?

    • "Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous (zade' - arrogant/proud) sins; let them not have dominion over me" :13

      • The biggest error of all is to presume that we are doing all of this (this whole religious thing) right, that we don't have errors, that we don't have faults, that we are pretty close to having this all right, that we do not need sharp correction, that even though we may have at times lost sight of the person of Christ that we have still have kept ourselves close enough to the Torah to make it the rest of the way through. Ah but friend, there is no actual doing being done without the actual person of Christ.

    • "then shall I be upright (taw-mam - complete), and I shall be innocent (naw-kaw' - clean) from the great (rab - abundant) transgression (peh'-shah - national revolt)". :13

  5. "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD": :14
    • You may have the perception that in kjv@Psalms:19 we almost have two unrelated psalms going at once. (David's meditation of the Heavens above and his meditation also on the Torah - how do the two relate?)

      • I can assure you that there is a very deep connection. The heavens being the mark or tally of the weight or significance of the Almighty, the Torah being being the first foot print on earth where all the weight/significance makes it's imprint upon man (the foot print from which all continuing significance is to be discerned/judged).

    • Here are some other scriptures for us to consider:

      • Regarding Christ being central to all creation and the plan for salvation:

    kjv@Hebrews:2:10 @ For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

      • Regarding a plan of salvation much larger than just a plan for saving the children of Israel:

    kjv@Romans:15:9 @ And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name.

    kjv@Hebrews:7:25 @ Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

      • Regarding the error of Christ-less religions:

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:20 @ Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:21 @ For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:22 @ For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:23 @ But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:24 @ But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

      • Regarding what Jesus revealed to His disciples after His resurrection concerning the fulfillment of scripture (including all the Torah):

    kjv@Luke:24:44 @ And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

    kjv@Luke:24:45 @ Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,

    kjv@Luke:24:46 @ And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:

    kjv@Luke:24:47 @ And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

    kjv@Luke:24:48 @ And ye are witnesses of these things.

    • Along with the heavens (created in Christ/for Christ) declaring (tallying) the glory of God, along with the day and night (created in Christ/for Christ) and the intelligible voice/promise carried from one day to the next, along with the sun (created in Christ/for Christ) on it's daily circuit passionately preparing for it's bride like a strong man of which there is no place it's heat is not felt, there is His Torah (turning the soul back/spelling out who Christ is to become in His effort to turn us back/testifying to all that has been done and all that will be done and whom shall be the one to do all of it/enlightening the eyes/rejoicing the heart/causing a new and regenerate spiritual reverence) (created in Christ/for Christ/towards Christ).

    • "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight..."

      • It would have been a whole lot more acceptable in other peoples sight had I just said "it's all up to you people, you can do it, I can see most all of you are already doing it, go then in peace". Would saying that be acceptable in God's sight however? Isn't that just tickling these people's ear with what they would rather want to hear?

      • It would have been a whole lot more acceptable in other peoples sight had I just said "you can believe in Jesus as Christ or not, we all end up in the same place". Would saying that be acceptable in God's sight however? Do they really think that God wants a bunch of dull lifeless dirty mirrors reflect their own dark light surrounding HIM forever?

    • "...acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer" :14

      • "my strength" - none of us can do this on our own. Look how long man has tried. Look how long each of us individually have tried. No, the declaration of the heavens say no it's by Christ's strength. The poem of the visible daytime sky says not, it's by Christ's strength. The daily circuit of the bridegroom son says prepare for the time is soon coming, it's by Christ's strength. The Torah with all of it's conversion/enlightenment/rejoicing/reverence say's no it's by Christ's strength. By Christ's strength is a good thing (we should not be ashamed), in fact it is a glorious thing, so glorious in fact it would take the number of all the stars above to weigh and measure.

      • "...my strength, and my redeemer" :14. The picture is of a kinsman (Christ - the first born of many brethren) buying the brethren back.

      • Psalm 19:

    kjv@Psalms:19:14 @ Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

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