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To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.

(page last updated: Mon Dec 2 2019)

Today's Text:

strkjv@Psalms:21:1 @To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD; and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!

strkjv@Psalms:21:2 @ Thou hast given him his hearts desire ta#avah#, and hast not withholden the request of his lips. Selah.

strkjv@Psalms:21:3 @ For thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness: thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head ro#sh#.

strkjv@Psalms:21:4 @ He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever.

strkjv@Psalms:21:5 @ His glory is great in thy salvation y@shuw#ah#: honour and majesty hast thou laid upon him.

strkjv@Psalms:21:6 @ For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance.

strkjv@Psalms:21:7 @ For the king trusteth in the LORD, and through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved.

strkjv@Psalms:21:8 @ Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.

strkjv@Psalms:21:9 @ Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them.

strkjv@Psalms:21:10 @ Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men.

strkjv@Psalms:21:11 @ For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform.

strkjv@Psalms:21:12 @ Therefore shalt thou make them turn their back, when thou shalt make ready thine arrows upon thy strings against the face of them.

strkjv@Psalms:21:13 @ Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.

Today's Audio Commentary: "Messianic Profile 1: The King"

Psalm:21 Reading

Part 1 Messianic Profile 1: The King - Introduction

Part 2 Messianic Profile 1: The King - Heart of a King

Part 3 Messianic Profile 1: The King - Heart of a Judge

Part 4 Messianic Profile 1: The King - His Strength

Part 5 Messianic Profile 1: The King - Composite Profile

Psalm:21 "Messianic Profile 1: The King" (commentary as one file)


Today's Commentary Outline: "Messianic Profile 1: The King"

  1. Messianic Profile 1: The King - Introduction:
    • The picture in Psalm 21 is of Messiah essentially in two parts:
      • A profile 1-7 of Messiah in HIS kingly role. (What makes Him qualified to be king)
      • 8-13 The LORD finding all of HIS enemies out and judging all who intend evil against HIM. (I would suggest by means of this Messianic King)

    • There are two primary reasons for believing that this is Messiah and not David described:

    kjv@Psalms:21:4 "He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever".

    kjv@Psalms:21:6 @ For thou hast made him most blessed for ever..

      • Both are things that cannot be said about David.

    • There at least two primary reasons to believe Messiah to be the divining rod used find and judge Jehovah's enemies:

    kjv@John:5:22 "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son"

    kjv@John:5:27 "And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man".

      • In between these two verses is given the whole reasoning behind this divine plan:

    kjv@John:5:23 @ That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

    kjv@John:5:24 @ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

    • The kingly role of Messiah is one of several profiles upcoming in our series that will examine Christ in His fullest:

      • There is also His Lamb/sacrificial/atoning role

      • There is also His High Priest/Intercessory role

      • There is also His crowned victor/savior role

      • Today we have His king/judge role

      • These few and more help us to detail Christ in his various aspects. Each role is essential (irreducible) to His nature and therefore our fullest appreciation of Him. These roles also help to describe the logic put into God's long term plan of salvation and the conditions that we are presently under to require such a plan and they help us to identify the person whom Messiah eventually ended up to be.

    • It is important for us to get to know the person of this Messiah. One of the best ways is for us to get to know the amazing details of each of these Messianic profiles. We will begin with this Psalm 21 profile of Messiah as King.

  2. "Messianic Profile 1: The King - Heart of a King"
    • Note first in 21: that the "king" is described by His heart for Jehovah:

      • :1 "The king shall joy in thy strength"

      • :1 "in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice"

      • :7 "For the king trusteth in the LORD"

      • :7 "through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved"

    • Note second the description then of Jehovah's heart for the king:

      • :2 "Thou hast given him his hearts desire"

      • :2 "hast not withholden the request of his lips"

      • :3 "thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness"

      • :3 "settest a crown of pure gold on his head"

      • :4 "He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever"

      • :5 "His glory is great in thy salvation"

      • :5 "honour and majesty hast thou laid upon him"

      • :6 "For thou hast made him most blessed for ever"

      • :6 "thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance"

      • The importance seems to be given to how Jehovah sees the king and the king sees Jehovah, not on the kings' political or strategic cunning, not on wealth or family position, not on popularity or entitlement etc... simply on the relationship one to another.

      • note: not only do we see the wonderful love of the Father in these descriptions, we also see further evidences of the kings' heart for the Father in that He was desiring from the heart/requesting from His lips/asking life of thee/glorying in the Father's plan of salvation and His part in it/glad in thy countenance.

    • There is no mention of Messiahs' military/political might:
    "The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD" :1

      • This is important to note because there are many people that are waiting to see only this. (They think that they will know Messiah when he comes with irresistible military strength)

      • Now this is not to mean that at some point Messiah doesn't come in tremendous military might, it means that His military might is not essentially what makes Him King. No, His relationship to Jehovah first and foremost makes Him this kind of King.

      • This is exactly as it should be. This is what separates this King from all the other mighty kings of earth that have ruled over mankind with an iron fist.

      • There is a part of our human mindset that is only respectful of the perception of power. We are under the perception that our law enforcement officials have the power to keep us from riotous violence and savage plunder. We are under the perception that our justice system will will be blind to preference and bribery. We are under the perception that our government will protect us from hostile enemies without and within, wisely spend our tax revenues, promote fair commerce, serve the public's best interest and keep itself from corruption. All of this trust is based upon the perception that these state and federal entities have the power to accomplish exactly this. Perception I say, because what power do these entities actually have other than our perception?

      • Not only do we allow ourselves to be governed by these perceptions of power, nearly every nation of people on earth presumes to have the power of God standing behind it. This presumption is no greater in the United States than it is in Iran or Israel than it is in Jordan or Great Brittan than it is in Japan. Perceptions and presumptions are dangerous things to be basing our trusts and governance upon.

      • But, when it comes to Christ as fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth, we have yet to see such a overwhelming perception and presumption of power; all we really see there is Him depending entirely upon Jehovah's strength (both for Himself and for us) and rejoicing in Jehovah's salvation.

      • How are we to make a logical comparison of these matters of power and might? Perhaps we can not yet make such comparisons. Are we to conclude from this then that Jesus is not the Christ? or that we hold a false perceptions and expectations of power and might?

    • There is no mention of Messiah's popularity or public support:
    "For the king trusteth in the LORD, and through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved" :7

      • There is but one person's acceptance and favor this Messiah King seeks: Jehovah's.

      • This also is exactly as it should be. This is what separates this King from all the other popular influential figures of earth that have ruled over mankind with a majority or consensus vote.

      • Just ahead of king David's time, king Saul was a very popular man. A very handsome and rugged aristocrat who stood head and shoulders above the other likely candidates. You will recall that it was the nation that wanted a king to rule over them (instead of God) in the first place. Other nations had kings, why not then Israel. Jehovah was not for this change but, allowed it. The first king out of the shoot was the very popular Saul. Saul's heart and God's heart seldom crossed paths from the very beginning and their relationship when down hill from that time on. However, Saul was still popular especially among his native Benjamites decades after his horrible demise.

      • Are we really to think that public popularity and consensus have any substantial meaning to Jehovah? Popularity has often been plagued historically with doing too much/too little/too late/too early, doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason to the wrong person to the wrong extent, yet all the time feeling quite certain of itself. Is this what Jehovah's plan for our salvation is to come down to? Popular vote? I would certainly hope not.

      • So when we look upon this Christ as fulfilled by Jesus Nazareth, we can certainly say that not even His own Jewish people believed in Him, He certainly did not fulfill their expectations of restoring Israel back to sovereign prominence, in fact to this day He remains the most despised and rejected figures of their illustrious past. No, all we see is Him trusting in Jehovah's mercy that He not be moved.

      • How are we to make a logical comparison of these matters of popularity and consensus? Perhaps we can not yet make such comparisons. Are we to conclude from this then that Jesus is not the Christ? or that we hold a false perceptions and expectations of popularity and public consensus?

    • You see the most important part of this Messianic King profile is not what this King is doing, it is what Jehovah is doing to/for Messiah.
      • "Thou hast given him", "hast not withholden", "thou preventest him", thou "settest", thou "gavest", "thou hast made him", "through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved".
      • If that is the way that psalmist has written this profile then this is the way that we have to receive and understand this profile. Why should we be watching for Messiah to appear having His own strength, rejoicing in being able to save Himself by His own hand, trusting in His own worth and resource keeping Him from being moved rather than Jehovah's mercy? Why should He be requesting Jehovah's protection? Why should He be asking for His life back and length of days forever? Why should He be waiting for Jehovah's crown of pure gold and not assertively going out and grabbing His own (either by might or by popularity)?

      • I think that the answer is becoming plain to see. The answer is a radical departure from what we ourselves rationalize and imagine to expect. The answer is both radical and beautiful in it's simplicity:

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:22 @ For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:23 @ But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

    kjv@1Corinthians:1:24 @ But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

  3. "Messianic Profile 1: The King - Heart of a Judge":
    • Note now in 21: While there is mention of judgment being prepared for "thine enemies" :8-12 there is no direct mention of the Messianic King being the one performing this judgment. (we have to draw from other scripture to get to that).

      • Notice however that there is mention of these enemies and haters :8 being "found_out". (Curious language in regards to an omniscient God - found out by who? how so?)

      • dict:strongs H4672 (maw-tsaw') gives us the idea that these enemies/haters come forth or present themselves. (It is almost the idea they have attained/acquired this distinction already but it has been hidden. Now it is being brought out into the light).

      • Many a man or women has hidden themselves well in the obscurity of believing in a god (any god) of nebulous but agreeable form but not believe in (in fact be at enmity against) the one God Jehovah, some even while reporting to believe and religiously worship Jehovah (though in a Christ-less form). It is not until Jehovah's Christ is presented before them that their enmity and hatred are fully exhibited.

      • Many people (not knowing anything better) followed in solidarity with the Chief Priests and High Priest of Jesus' day simply assuming these men to be of better heart and better relationship with Jehovah than they, so they left it to these leaders to figure all this business out for them. Sadly, these men's hearts were not shown to be any better nor was their relationship any better, by being shown by Jehovah what Jehovah intended to do through His Messiah King and not through them they were shown to hate Jehovah by hating Jehovah's Messiah King to the point of seeking to put Jehovah's Messiah King to death. (This is the illustration that I am trying to give about Jehovah's enemies being found out. They were being forced to come out from their secretive hiding places, even among the reported ranks of Jehovah followers).

      • It is not that Jehovah doesn't know who these people are. It is a question if they know that they are. (and if they know now what are they willing to do about it given the chance to come back into Jehovah's light and remain in it).

      • It is not just the Jewish leaders of Jesus' day. If Jesus were to return to us today in the same exact light, I have no doubt that a great many of us who report ourselves as Christians would be likewise "found_out". It is not at all what Jesus could say or do that brings us out into the open, it is whom Jehovah makes Jesus to be that qualifies Him to be Messiah King/Pastor/Lamb/Victor.

      • In one sense, when it comes to our final eternal judgment, we are placing judgment over our own heads having been brought out into His light, having our hatred and enmity exposed, and not having done anything to rectify our venomous standing with Jehovah by surrendering ourselves to HIS Christ and HIS Mercy.

      • So this is what I think it means when Jesus says:

      kjv@John:5:22 "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son"

        • I think that He is saying "I am the dividing point between those that are the enemies of Jehovah and those that will receive eternal life". Jehovah doesn't have to make any complicated formulation of who is saved and who is not, HIS judgment is based upon their judgment of HIS Son.

        • And when it comes to those Jews who reply that they do not need a Christ because they have the "Law of Moses", Jesus replies:

      kjv@John:5:44 @ How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?

      kjv@John:5:45 @ Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.

      kjv@John:5:46 @ For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

      kjv@John:5:47 @ But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

    • The polls vary widely on this issue but, of the nearly 70% of Americans that call themselves Christians currently well over half of those believe that Christ is not the only way to get into Heaven. Does this mean that they are more likely to hate any form of Jehovah that would rather hold HIMSELF to a clean and simple Jesus only dividing point? ANd why is it that they fell this way? Isn't it because of public opinion? Are 60%+ of American Christians really in favor of a Jehovah determined by public opinion?

      • Some would ask "how could a God of love ever do that"?. Isn't rather them that is judging God love and saying that their own way of loving mankind is something much better? Some see Jehovah as the hater and themselves as the lovers. Others write Jehovah off altogether, a bygone notion from bygone nation in a bygone era continuing unto today in bygone relevance. Are these kinds of people not then the kinds of people that can be categorized as the enemies of Jehovah?

      • Some would ask "what about the saints of the Old Testament... how then would they be saved"? What, didn't they also believe that the eventual Christ would be the dividing point? Wasn't their faith from the time of Adam and Eve through to Abraham through to Moses clear through to the great and minor prophets similar to what is being echoed here by David? Christ is just as much a dividing line for them as He has become for us (even though they may not have know Him by name, they knew Him by promise and prophesy and poem and covenant). Others would say "what about the savages on the far distant islands". To that I would ask "what makes you think that they were always so savage and always so far distant not to be offered the same dividing point as those more civil"? "There is no evidence of that in their culture" the more academic of us might propose but, is that because the arm of Jehovah has been shortened or because the arm of Jehovah was at one time refused and kept at a distance?

      • It is good for us to consider these many hard questions. However, just because there are no easy answers does not in any way segregate us from veracity or probability the main biblical premise (one path/one judgment/one Savior/one God Jehovah).

    • So now to continue 21:

      • :9 "Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger...". The future tense of "shalt" does not necessitate that "time of anger" to have come yet/to be now/soon to come, it indicates that there will be a time at some point. This is in no way descriptive of a God that is angry all of the time, rather it is the opposite that this time has yet to come and that the offer of Christ still stands.

      • :9 "...the LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them". The wrath described here remember is in the immediate context of Jehovah's enemies/those who hate HIM and is also placed in a future tense. Actually, as far as I can tell Jehovah's many enemies are doing quite well as it stands right now. I wouldn't be too overly concerned that Jehovah has in anyway gone over board with HIS wrath. Yet. And when it does come out of HIM, HE will make short work of it the psalmist promises.

      • :10 "Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men". Again, no sign of destruction yet. The children of men have just as many of these enemies and fruits there of as it ever has. Doesn't mean that it is just a lame threat, just means that time has not occurred yet.

    • I think a whole lot of people get themselves in a big ball of angst over God's judgment, that it isn't fair for HIM to eventually decide to execute it.

      • These are the same people who largely criticize Jehovah for not exercising HIS judgment when it comes to violence and poverty and oppression and catastrophe and infant mortality/plague/etc... It's expected of HIM on the one hand and forbidden of HIM on the other. They can accuse HIM and blame HIM all in the same breath.

      • Forbearance is the word I would rather like to use to describes the execution of God's judgment. If the Father has committed all judgment to the Son and also has given the power to execute said judgment to the Son, then I would say that that the Father has placed HIS judgment into pretty good hands. (The Son hasn't been overly judgmental yet! haven't had any mishaps judgment wise yet)

  4. "Messianic Profile 1: The King - His Strength":
    • The strength of Jesus Christ today is mostly misunderstood. Think for a moment in terms of His many healings.

      • People see Jesus during His time on earth typically in one of two ways, either as a God with His own special powers where He can perform anything that He sets His mind to (perhaps a slight variation where Jesus does everything that He can but, in the end the Father bails Him out with HIS special powers), or else as a spiritual facilitator facilitating the connection of a hidden power within all of us to God (for instance when Peter walks on water it is Peter's own faith levitating him, Jesus was just there to connect Peter to it). According to Jesus though all of the power being displayed was the Father's only, Jesus faithfully obeyed the Father when told what to say or what to do, these miracles were simply a confirmation by the Father that Jesus was being obedient.

    kjv@John:5:19 @ Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

    kjv@John:14:10 @ Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

    kjv@Acts:10:38 @ How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. - Peter

      • I am not saying that Jesus did not have the power to do these things Himself, I am saying that it was not in the obedience set out for Him to use them. (This is why Satan attempted to tempt Jesus into using His powers instead of the Father's in order to prove Himself)

      • Given this bit of insight, you can can see why Jesus swelled with joy when a blind man would be healed or a young girl quickened from a fever. It is because it was His Father's power working mightily (without measure) through Him. "The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD"

    • Another aspect of Christ's strength: The strength to endure the punishment of all mankind's sins.
      • The physician Luke records Jesus that final night in the garden:

    kjv@Luke:22:43-44 @ And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

      • Clearly something medical is happening to Jesus' body even before His capture that night. See we'd like to think that the punishment placed upon Jesus for our sins happened at our hands, the pain we physically inflicted upon Him before and during the trial and Crucifixion. Surely several other men (perhaps even women) also suffered such an agonizing fate if not more so (does that mean that the penalty of all of our sins was approximately equal the penalty of just one of theirs?)

      • Notice also the strengthening extended by the angel proceeds the sweating of His blood. In other words the punishment was not in any way lessened; Christ was strengthened beforehand to suffer it in full.

      • So what does this all mean? I believe it to mean that the punishment placed upon Jesus for all our sins was something much more than something merely physical, the human body was not built to endure and contain the punishment Christ suffered spiritually and it was already beginning to fail under the stress of what Jesus was physically beginning to experience in a developing separation from the Father. Christ's only strength in that time of spiritual anguish was not the joy of the present moment but, the joy of what this was all to mean for the Father and for mankind when finally endured and completed. "The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD; and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!"

    • There is plenty to consider when meditating upon the strength of Jesus. The strength of the Father was this Messianic King's joy. It was His joy to submit His own strengths unto the Father's.

      • It was His joy for the Father strength to bring Him down to earth through the womb of a young mother. His joy to have the Father's strength to save Him from the determined infanticide of King Herod, save Him into Egypt, bring Him back into Nazareth.

      • It was His joy to have the Father's strength perform those first miracles, to have the Holy Spirit settle upon Him like a dove and with a voice of the Father's confirmation.

      • It was His joy to have the Father's strength still the waters, raise the dead, feed the thousands. It was His joy to see the Father operate on a man dropped down from the ceiling, see a man by the pool pick up His cot and walk for the first time back to his home, see His disciples bust their nets with so many fish. It was His joy to see the Father not only rid a women of seven demons but also see that same women bring her box of alabaster in recognition of His soon pending burial.

      • Ah, but His joy really was full when He saw by the Father's wondrous power his friends excitement seeing Him that first time on the road back from that opened grave site; the joy to hear the shout calling out "He has risen" "He has risen". "The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD; and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!"

    kjv@Psalms:21:5 @ His glory is great in thy salvation: honour and majesty hast thou laid upon him.

    kjv@Psalms:21:6 @ For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance.

  5. "Messianic Profile 1: The King - Composite Profile":
    • As a means of review, I would like to take a stab at pulling all the information that we have discovered together into one summary of composite profile of this Messianic King. (We will take this verse by verse the first 8 verses for structure)

    kjv@Psalms:21:1 @ The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD; and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!

      • While the Messianic King did have His own strength, to accomplish this divine mission it was Jehovah's strength He was to joy in and rely upon. It was this strength that was going to take the Messiah from His previous glory alongside the Father into the human flesh, protect and strengthen Him as a child and young adult, rest upon Him in the form of the Holy Ghost from His baptism forward, confirm His unselfish obedience to Father throughout His three years of ministry with signs and wonders, sustain Him through His trial/sentencing and execution, glorify Him through resurrection and ascension once again to the Father's right hand throne.

      • Throughout this time the Messianic King confidently rejoiced privately and publicly that He was going to be saved out of death by the Father and in so doing that He would be made by resurrection given from the Father into the savior of mankind (all who believed and gave themselves over to Him).

      • Like our Christ King Jesus who joyed in the Father's strength and rejoiced in His own salvation by the Father we also can joy in Christ's strength (handed Him by the Father) and rejoice that for us He has been made salvation.

    kjv@Psalms:21:2 @ Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not withholden the request of his lips. Selah.

      • This plan as just spelled out was the Messianic King's heart's desire from before the foundations of the world, He patiently waited for it to happen, He asked repeatedly for it to happen, it did happen exactly as prophesied by the Law/the prophets/the psalms.

      • This plan as just spelled out is to be our heart's desire as well, that in Jesus Christ the Father has fulfilled and is in the process of fulfilling all of this plan as promised.

    kjv@Psalms:21:3 @ For thou preventest (protect/protected) him with the blessings of goodness: thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head.

      • The Messianic King was protected throughout His time from infancy being moved to Egypt ahead of King Herod's slaughter of all the children two years and under targeting Jesus, protected from the three future Herod son's having been placed in Nazareth, protected from the many attempts during His ministry at His life by the ruling religious elite in Jerusalem.

      • The Messianic King did not receive at that time the crown of Israel which would not have been a pure crown at that time, though Satan did offer it to Him. No, He received the crown of the Kingdom of God for eternity.

      • The Messianic King today is protected by legions of angels and by the many saints and Apostles given Him by the Father but, most of all by the blessings of goodness from the Father (The Son in whom the Father is most pleased).

      • Those that have been called and follow Jesus have not yet been taken from this world but, as Jesus Himself has prayed have portions of His Father's "blessings of goodness" protecting them from the harms of this world (though they are to suffer if so called to just as did He)

    kjv@Psalms:21:4 @ He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever.

      • The Messianic King did ask (past tense) of the Father, though, to everyone else watching on, that life looked as if to be in serious doubt. That is the importance of this profile verse: He asked of the Father because His own life was not in His hands and there was danger of it being stolen from Him by others the majority of His time here on earth.

      • Length of days for ever and ever was given the Messianic King, was given meaning that at one point He did not have it. He had surrendered it in order to become mortal, and that mortal life that replaced it was again surrendered to become the atoning sacrifice for man's redemption. Eternal Life then as a result was given back to Him.

      • Because of our Christ King Jesus, those that have been given Him by the Father and called to follow also have promised to them this same length of days forever and ever.

    kjv@Psalms:21:5 @ His glory is great in thy salvation: honour and majesty hast thou laid upon him.

      • As amazing as this Messianic King's own salvation was, His position in our salvation now has become even more amazing.

      • The honor and majesty placed upon this Messianic King, having been given the keys to life and death, the throne of the eternal kingdom, the power and authority to execute God's judgments... it is all to marvelous for human hearts to imagine.

      • Those that have been given to Christ King Jesus by the Father and called to follow Him also will see Christ King Jesus in this glory and will be transform by and conformed into His perfect image.

    kjv@Psalms:21:6 @ For thou hast made him most blessed for ever: thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance (face plural).

      • Most blessed is not a phrase thrown about to describe any other king or president or dictator or pope. Most blessed means the most blessed of all these. Most blessed by the Father (a most blessed distinction), most blessed by those whom have been given Him by the Father from all the many ages of mankind (an honest and sincere and obvious distinction).

      • Exceedingly glad does not begin to describe what flows from the heart of the Son when near to the presence (visible expressions) of the Father (just as well beloved does not begin to express what flows from the heart of the Father when near the presence (visible expressions) of the Son). The thought of this made the Messiah King exceedingly glad even in the time He had to be separated from that presence to receive the punishment for sins otherwise due for each of us.

    kjv@Psalms:21:7 @ For the king trusteth in the LORD, and through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved.

      • The Messianic King did trust; He had to trust, that was all that He had left to Him. He could have trusted in His own resource and strength, He still had that available to Him but, to use that would negate the salvation He had to surrender Himself to on our behalf. (see we can not trust in such self possessed resource/strength and so to be like unto us neither did He)

      • The Messianic King did trust then, He does trust now. His trust still remains in the Father and it is an unshakable trust placed squarely in the "mercy of the most High". (the "most blessed" can not be moved in His trust in the "most High")

      • If this then is the unshakable trust our Christ King Jesus has in His father's mercy (and it has been proven to be His trust) then this should be the core trust of those that have been given Him by the Father and called there unto to follow.

    kjv@Psalms:21:8 @ Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee.

      • Thine hand (the "Most High's" hand/means/method) (what the prophets referred to as "the arm of the LORD") is shown to be this Messianic King; He shall find_out (bring out from secret places) Jehovah's enemies. The old prophet on the steps of the temple told it to Mary like this: kjv@Luke:2:35 "(Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed". The Apostle John spoke of it as: kjv@John:3:19 "....light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil".

      • The "right hand". Who now sits at the "right hand throne of God" (waiting for His enemies to be made under His footstool)? Is it David? Is it any king of Israel on the throne since? Is it Israel? No, it is Jesus!

      • Enemies and haters; they all come out the woodworks when Jesus Christ comes into the picture (the hearts of man revealed). They take their swipes at Him now but, they can not reach Him. They try to stab at Him with their steely words like knives but, their stabs are nowhere close to Him. They set their sights on those whom have been given Him by the Father and called to follow Him but, more and more they are glad to suffer their insults and persecutions just as had done our Christ. Some would say "how could God"? What is better to ask is "how could they"? Friends, this enmity and this hatred is not unsubstantiated/unproven, it is not like they have not been given every reason and every opportunity to change their outcome. For how much longer does the Messianic King need to remain patient and long-suffering? To whom does He still owe additional opportunity to repent? You might see this time as play time on school recess, that all this enmity and hatred for Him and His way is just good natured jesting but, brother this profile and all of scripture is suggesting something much different.

    • Here is the scary thing about the idea of Messianic King (it is just the same as the concept behind "Lord"): many of us call Jesus "Lord" but does that mean that He rules our lives? When we say then "Jesus is King" do we mean that He rules over all creation and the salvation (who is to be saved) of all mankind?

      • Messianic King is not just some frivolous title. It is not just some selfish suffix Jesus want to hear us say in front of His name. No, what that title means to convey to our hearts is a most urgent need to discontinue (cease and desist) our inbred enmity immediately and follow Him on a journey to the place that we better should go to be, the place that we were made to be, with the heart for God and HIS creation that we were designed to have. This is what the ideas or concepts of "Lord" and "King" or "Pastor" or "Shepherd" or "Victor" are supposed to convey. It doesn't mean tyrant or ogor or oppressor, it means adopted as if children of, as if royalty, into an inheritance with, as partakers of a divine nature having escaped the corruption of this world, abiding on a true vine.

      • Scary title "King" yes, especially if one is on the wrong side of the spiritual momentum caused by Christ. Not as scary (at least not as dreadful fright) if given by the Father to Christ and called to follow (scary more as to recognition of tremendous importance and respect).

    • So now as we consider the entirety of Psalm:21 you'll notice that you or I or we is not mentioned once until the final verse. (unless one or all of us are part of this classification enemies and haters but, even then those verse are really more about Jehovah and Messiah as well)

      • No, this psalm up to verse 13 is all about Jehovah and Messiah, what makes Jehovah Jehovah and what makes Messiah Messiah. (In this psalm it is the Jehovah made Messiah HIS "right hand" King)

      • In other scriptures then we find that Jehovah then gives men and women over to Messiah for Messiah's good keeping and calls them to follow this well established Messiah forward against all opposing forces.

      • This truth is far too wondrous to simply close off our consideration today without us saying:

    kjv@Psalms:21:13 @ Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.

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