
Dict: all - hab


HABAKKUK @ a prophet of Judah- kjv@Habbakkuk:1:1; kjv@Habbakkuk:3:1

HABIT @ kjv@Jeremiah:13:23; kjv@Jeremiah:22:21; kjv@Micah:2:1


HABAIAH, OR HABAJAH - H>@ - (whom Jehovah hides). Bene
- Habaiah were among the sons of the priests who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. kjv@Ezra:2:61; kjv@Nehemiah:7:63) (B.C. before 459).

HABAKKUK OR HABAKKUK - H>@ - (embrace), the eighth in order of the minor prophets. Of the facts of the prophet’s life we have no certain information. He probably lived about the twelfth or thirteenth year of Josiah, B.C. 630 or 629.

HABAKKUK, PROPHECY OF - H>@ - consists of three chapters, in the first of which he foreshadows the invasion of Judea by the Chaldeans, and in the second he foretells the doom of the Chaldeans. The whole concludes with the magnificent psalm in ch. 3, a composition unrivalled for boldness of conception, sublimity of thought and majesty of diction.

HABAZINIAH - H>@ - (light of Jehovah), apparently the head of one of the families of the Rechabites. kjv@Jeremiah:35:3) (B.C. before 589.)

HABERGEON - H>@ - a coat of mail covering the neck and breast. ARMS, ARMOR

HABOR - H>@ - (beautiful banks), the "river of Gozan," ( kjv@2Kings:17:6) and 2Kin 18:11 Is identified beyond all reasonable doubt with the famous affluent of the Euphrates, which is called Aborrhas and Chaboras by ancient writers, and now Khabour.


Habakkuk @ embrace, the eighth of the twelve minor prophets. Of his personal history we have no reliable information. He was probably a member of the Levitical choir. He was contemporary with Jeremiah and Zephaniah.

Habakkuk, Prophecies of @ were probably written about B.C. 650-627, or, as some think, a few years later. This book consists of three chapters, the contents of which are thus comprehensively described: "When the prophet in spirit saw the formidable power of the Chaldeans approaching and menacing his land, and saw the great evils they would cause in Judea, he bore his complaints and doubts before Jehovah, the just and the pure (1:2-17). And on this occasion the future punishment of the Chaldeans was revealed to him

(2). In the third chapter a presentiment of the destruction of his country, in the inspired heart of the prophet, contends with his hope that the enemy would be chastised." The third chapter is a sublime song dedicated "to the chief musician," and therefore intended apparently to be used in the worship of God. It is "unequalled in majesty and splendour of language and imagery." The passage in kjv@2:4, "The just shall live by his faith," is quoted by the apostle in kjv@Romans:1:17. (Comp. kjv@Galatians:3:12; kjv@Hebrews:10:37-38.)

Habergeon @ an Old English word for breastplate. In kjv@Job:41:26 (Heb. shiryah) it is properly a "coat of mail;" the Revised Version has "pointed shaft." In kjv@Exodus:28:32-39:23, it denotes a military garment strongly and thickly woven and covered with mail round the neck and breast. Such linen corselets have been found in Egypt. The word used in these verses is tahra, which is of Egyptian origin. The Revised Version, however, renders it by "coat of mail." (

Habitation @ God is the habitation of his people, who find rest and safety in him kjv@Psalms:71:3 kjv@Psalms:91:9). Justice and judgment are the habitation of God's throne kjv@Psalms:89:14, Heb. mekhon, "foundation"), because all his acts are founded on justice and judgment. (
See kjv@Psalms:132:5 kjv@Psalms:132:13 kjv@Ephesians:2:22, of Canaan, Jerusalem, and the temple as God's habitation.) God inhabits eternity kjv@Isaiah:57:15), i.e., dwells not only among men, but in eternity, where time is unknown; and "the praises of Israel" kjv@Psalms:22:3), i.e., he dwells among those praises and is continually surrounded by them.

Habor @ the united stream, or, according to others, with beautiful banks, the name of a river in Assyria, and also of the district through which it flowed ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:26). There is a river called Khabur which rises in the central highlands of Kurdistan, and flows south-west till it falls into the Tigris, about 70 miles above Mosul. This was not, however, the Habor of Scripture. There is another river of the same name (the Chaboras) which, after a course of about 200 miles, flows into the Euphrates at Karkesia, the ancient Circesium. This was, there can be little doubt, the ancient Habor.





- A priest whose descendants returned from captivity kjv@Ezra:2:61; kjv@Nehemiah:7:63

- A prophet and poet who probably prophesied after the destruction of Nineveh kjv@Habbakkuk:1:1; kjv@Habbakkuk:3:1
- His hymn of praise of the majesty of God Habbakkuk:3

- Head of the family of Rechabites kjv@Jeremiah:35:3

- A part of the defensive armor of a soldier kjv@Exodus:28:32; kjv@Exodus:39:23

- A river of Mesopotamia kjv@2Kings:17:6; kjv@2Kings:18:11; kjv@1Chronicles:5:26


kjv@STRING:Achab <HITCHCOCK>@ brother of the father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahab <HITCHCOCK>@ uncle, or father-A's brother - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Bethabara <HITCHCOCK>@ the house of confidence - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Dinhabah <HITCHCOCK>@ he gives judgment - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:Dor <HITCHCOCK>@ generation, habitation - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:En-dor <HITCHCOCK>@ fountain, eye of generation, or of habitation - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Habaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the hiding of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Habakkuk <HITCHCOCK>@ he that embraces; a wrestler - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Habazinaiah <HITCHCOCK>@ a hiding of the shield of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Habor <HITCHCOCK>@ a partaker; a companion - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Hashabiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the estimation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Ichabod <HITCHCOCK>@ where is the glory-I? or, no glory - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Jushabhesed <HITCHCOCK>@ dwelling-place; change of mercy - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Lehabim <HITCHCOCK>@ flames; inflamed; swords - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Media <HITCHCOCK>@ measure; habit; covering - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mezahab <HITCHCOCK>@ gilded - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Midian <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment; covering; habit - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Naioth <HITCHCOCK>@ beauties; habitations - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Omega <HITCHCOCK>@ the last letter of the Greek alphabet; long O - HITCHCOCK-O

kjv@STRING:Rachab <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Rahab - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Rahab <HITCHCOCK>@ proud; quarrelsome -R(applied to Egypt) - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Rahab <HITCHCOCK>@ large; extended -R(name of a woman) - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Rechab <HITCHCOCK>@ square; chariot with team of four horses - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Rehabiah <HITCHCOCK>@ breadth, or extent, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Shabbethai <HITCHCOCK>@ my rest - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Shecaniah <HITCHCOCK>@ habitation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Zebul <HITCHCOCK>@ a habitation - HITCHCOCK-Z


HABAKKUK @ a prophet of Judah- kjv@Habbakkuk:1:1; kjv@Habbakkuk:3:1

HABIT @ kjv@Jeremiah:13:23; kjv@Jeremiah:22:21; kjv@Micah:2:1


H1010 <STRHEB>@ בּית מעון בּית בּעל מעון bêyth baal me‛ôn bêyth me‛ôn bayth bah'-al {me-own'} bayth me-own' From H1004 and H1168 and H4583; The first form meaning house of Baal of (the) habitation of (apparently by transposition). The second form meaning house of habitation of (Baal); {Beth-Baal-Meon} a palce in Palestine: - Beth-baal-meon. Compare H1186 and H1194.

H1017 <STRHEB>@ בּית האלי bêyth hâ'ĕlîy bayth haw-el-ee' Patrial from H1008 with the article interposed; a {Bethelite} or inhabitant of Bethel: - Bethelite.

H1030 <STRHEB>@ בּית השּׁמשׁי bêyth hashshimshîy bayth hash-shim-shee' Patrial from H1053 with the article inserted; a Beth {shimshite} or inhabitant of Bethshemesh: - Bethshemite.

H1186 <STRHEB>@ בּעל מעון baal me‛ôn bah'-al meh-one' From H1168 and H4583; Baal of (the) habitation (of) (compare H1010); Baal {Meon} a place East of the Jordan: - Baal-meon.

H1307 <STRHEB>@ בּרתי bêrôthîy bay-ro-thee' Patrial from H1268; a {Berothite} or inhabitant of Berothai: - Berothite.

H1382 <STRHEB>@ גּבלי giblîy ghib-lee' Patrial from H1380; a {Gebalite} or inhabitant of Gebal: - {Giblites} stone-squarer.

H1393 <STRHEB>@ גּבעני gib‛ônîy ghib-o-nee' Patrial from H1391; a {Gibonite} or inhabitant of Gibon: - Gibeonite.

H1395 <STRHEB>@ גּבעתי gib‛âthîy ghib-aw-thee' Patrial from H1390; a {Gibathite} or inhabitant of Gibath: - Gibeathite.

H1451 <STRHEB>@ גּדרי gedêrîy ghed-ay-ree' Patrial from H1445; a {Gederite} or inhabitant of Geder: - Gederite.

H1452 <STRHEB>@ גּדרתי gedêrâthîy ghed-ay-raw-thee' Patrial from H1449; a {Gederathite} or inhabitant of Gederah: - Gederathite.

H1481 <STRHEB>@ גּוּר gûr goor A primitive root; properly to turn aside from the road (for a lodging or any other {purpose}) that {is} sojourn (as a guest); also to {shrink} fear (as in a strange place); also to gather for hostility (as afraid): - {abide} {assemble} be {afraid} {dwell} {fear} gather ({together}) {inhabitant} {remain} {sojourn} stand in {awe} (be) {stranger} X surely.

H1493 <STRHEB>@ גּזוני gizônîy ghee-zo-nee' Patrial from the unused name of a place apparently in Palestine; a Gizonite or inhabitant of Gizoh: - Gizonite.

H1509 <STRHEB>@ גּזרה gezêrâh ghez-ay-raw' From H1504; a desert (as separated): - not inhabited.

H1511 <STRHEB>@ גּרזי גּזרי gizrîy girzîy {ghiz-ree'} gher-zee' The first form is patrial from H1507; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitant of Gezer; but the second form is better (as in the text) by transposition and is patrial of H1630; a Girzite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in Palestine: - Gezrites.

H1526 <STRHEB>@ גּילני gîylônîy ghee-lo-nee' Patrial from H1542; a Gilonite or inhabitant of Giloh: - Gilonite.

H1628 <STRHEB>@ גּרוּת gêrûth gay-rooth' From H1481; a (temporary) residence: - habitation.

H1651 <STRHEB>@ גּשׁוּרי geshûrîy ghe-shoo-ree' Patrial from H1650; a Geshurite (also collectively) or inhabitant of Geshur: - {Geshuri} Geshurites.

H1663 <STRHEB>@ גּתּי gittîy ghit-tee' Patrial from H1661; a Gittite or inhabitant of Gath: - Gittite.

H1720 <STRHEB>@ דּדנים dedânîym ded-aw-neem' Plural of H1719 (as patrial); {Dedanites} the descendants or inhabitants of Dedan: - Dedanim.

H1722 <STRHEB>@ דּהב dehab deh-hab' (Chaldee); corresponding to H2091; gold: - gold (-en).

H1774 <STRHEB>@ דּי זהב dîy zâhâb dee zaw-hawb' As if from H1768 and H2091; of gold; {Dizahab} a place in the Desert: - Dizahab.

H1784 <STRHEB>@ דּיני dîynay dee-nah'ee (Chaldee); patrial from an uncertain primitive; a Dinaite or inhabitant of some unknown Assyrian province: - Dinaite.

H1838 <STRHEB>@ דּנהבה dinhâbâh din-haw-baw' Of uncertain derivation; {Dinhabah} an Edomitish town: - Dinhaban.

H1839 <STRHEB>@ דּני dânîy daw-nee' Patronymic from H1835; a Danite (often collectively) or descendant (or inhabitant) of Dan: - {Danites} of Dan.

H1890 <STRHEB>@ הבהב habhâb hab-hawb' By reduplication from H3051; gift (in {sacrifice}) that {is} holocaust: - offering.

H1892 <STRHEB>@ הבל הבל hebel hăbêl {heh'-bel} hab-ale' From H1891; emptiness or vanity; figuratively something transitory and unsatisfactory; often used as an adverb: - X {altogether} {vain} vanity.

H130 <STRHEB>@ אדמי 'ĕdômîy ed-o-mee' Patronymic from H123; an {Edomite} or descendant from (or inhabitant of) Edom: - Edomite. See H726.

H157 <STRHEB>@ אהב אהב 'âhabhêb {aw-hab'} aw-habe' A primitive root; to have affection for (sexually or otherwise): - (be-) love ({-d} {-ly} {-r}) {like} friend.

H158 <STRHEB>@ אהב 'ahab ah'-hab From H157; affection (in a good or a bad sense): - love (-r).

H159 <STRHEB>@ אהב 'ôhab o'-hab From H156; meaning the same as H158: - love.

H160 <STRHEB>@ אהבה 'ahăbâh a-hab-aw' Feminine of H158 and meaning the same: - love.

H2052 <STRHEB>@ והב vâhêb vaw-habe' Of uncertain derivation; {Vaheb} a place in Moab: - what he did.

H2073 <STRHEB>@ זבל זבוּל zebûl zebûl {ze-bool'} zeb-ool' From H2082; a residence: - dwell {in} {dwelling} habitation.

H2074 <STRHEB>@ זבוּלן זבלוּן זבוּלוּן zebûlûn zebûlûn zebûlûn {zeb-oo-loon'} {zeb-oo-loon'} zeb-oo-loon' From H2082; habitation; {Zebulon} a son of Jacob; also his territory and tribe: - Zebulun.

H2130 <STRHEB>@ זיפי zîyphîy zee-fee' Patrial from H2128; a Ziphite or inhabitant of Ziph: - {Ziphim} Ziphite.

H2248 <STRHEB>@ חבוּלה chăbûlâh khab-oo-law' (Chaldee); from H2255; properly {overthrown} that {is} (morally) crime: - hurt.

H2249 <STRHEB>@ חבור châbôr khaw-bore' From H2266; united; {Chabor} a river of Assyria: - Habor.

H2250 <STRHEB>@ חברה חבּרה חבּוּרה chabbûrâh chabbûrâh chăbûrâh (1,2) {khab-boo-raw'} (3) khab-oo-raw' From H2266; properly bound (with {stripes}) that {is} a weal (or black and blue mark itself): - {blueness} {bruise} {hurt} {stripe} wound.

H2252 <STRHEB>@ חביה חביּה chăbayyâh chăbâyâh {khab-ah-yaw'} khab-aw-yaw' From H2247 and H3050; Jah has hidden; {Chabajah} an Israelite: - Habaiah.

H2255 <STRHEB>@ חבל chăbal khab-al' (Chaldee); corresponding to H2254; to ruin: - {destroy} hurt.

H2257 <STRHEB>@ חבל chăbal khab-al' (Chaldee); from H2255; harm (personal or pecuniary): - {damage} hurt.

H2258 <STRHEB>@ חבלה חבל chăbôl chăbôlâh {khab-ole'} khab-o-law' From H2254; a pawn (as security for debt): - pledge.

H2261 <STRHEB>@ חבצּלת chăbatstseleth khab-ats-tseh'-leth Of uncertain derivation; probably meadow saffron: - rose.

H2262 <STRHEB>@ חבצּניה chăbatstsanyâh khab-ats-tsan-yaw' Of uncertain derivation; {Chabatstsanjah} a Rechabite: - Habazaniah.

H2265 <STRHEB>@ חבקּוּק chăbaqqûq khab-ak-kook' By reduplication from H2263; embrace; {Chabakkuk} the prophet: - Habakkuk.

H2269 <STRHEB>@ חבר chăbar khab-ar' (Chaldee); from a root corresponding to H2266; an associate: - {companion} fellow.

H2271 <STRHEB>@ חבּר chabbâr khab-bawr' From H2266; a partner: - companion.

H2272 <STRHEB>@ חברבּרה chăbarbûrâh khab-ar-boo-raw' By reduplication from H2266; a streak (like a {line}) as on the tiger: - spot.

H2273 <STRHEB>@ חברה chabrâh khab-raw' (Chaldee); feminine of H2269; an associate: - other.

H2276 <STRHEB>@ חברני חברוני chebrônîy chebrônîy {kheb-ro-nee'} kheb-ro-nee' Patronymic from H2275; Chebronite ({collectively}) an inhabitant of Chebron: - Hebronites.

H2278 <STRHEB>@ חברת chăbereth khab-eh'-reth Feminine of H2270; a consort: - companion.

H2403 <STRHEB>@ חטּאת חטּאה chaţţâ'âh chaţţâ'th {khat-taw-aw'} khat-tawth' From H2398; an offence (sometimes habitual {sinfulness}) and its {penalty} {occasion} {sacrifice} or expiation; also (concretely) an offender: - punishment (of {sin}) purifying (-fication for {sin}) sin ({-ner} offering).

H2526 <STRHEB>@ חם châm khawm The same as H2525; hot (from the tropical habitat); {Cham} a son of Noah; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country: - Ham.

H2733 <STRHEB>@ חרדי chărôdîy khar-o-dee' Patrial from a derivative of H2729 (compare H5878); a {Charodite} or inhabitant of Charod: - Harodite.

H2741 <STRHEB>@ חרוּפי chărûphîy khar-oo-fee' A patrial from (probably) a collateral form of H2756; a Charuphite or inhabitant of Charuph (or Chariph): - Haruphite.

H2772 <STRHEB>@ חרני chôrônîy kho-ro-nee' Patrial from H2773; a Choronite or inhabitant of Choronaim: - Horonite.

H2803 <STRHEB>@ חשׁב châshab khaw-shab' A primitive root; properly to plait or {interpenetrate} that {is} (literally) to weave or (generally) to fabricate; figuratively to plot or contrive (usually in a malicious sense); hence (from the mental effort) to {think} regard6 {value} compute: - (make) account ({of}) {conceive} {consider} {count} cunning ({man} {work} {workman}) {devise} {esteem} find {out} {forecast} {hold} {imagine} {impute} {invent} be {like} {mean} {purpose} reckon (-ing be {made}) {regard} think.

H2804 <STRHEB>@ חשׁב chăshab khash-ab' (Chaldee); corresponding to H2803; to regard: - repute.

H2811 <STRHEB>@ חשׁביהוּ חשׁביה chăshabyâh chăshabyâhû {khash-ab-yaw'} khash-ab-yaw'-hoo From H2803 and H3050; Jah has regarded; {Chashabjah} the name of nine Israelites: - Hashabiah.

H2812 <STRHEB>@ חשׁבנה chăshabnâh khash-ab-naw' Feminine of H2808; inventiveness; {Chashnah} an Israelite: - Hashabnah.

H2813 <STRHEB>@ חשׁבניה chăshabneyâh khash-ab-neh-yaw' From H2808 and H3050; thought of Jah; {Chashabnejah} the name of two Israelites: - Hashabniah.

H2918 <STRHEB>@ טירה ţîyrâh tee-raw' Feminine of (an equivalent to) H2905; a wall; hence a fortress or a hamlet: - (goodly) {castle} {habitation} {palace} row.

H2967 <STRHEB>@ טרפּלי ţarpelay tar-pel-ah'ee (Chaldee); from a name of foreign derivation; a Tarpelite (collectively) or inhabitant of {Tarpel} a place in Assyria: - Tarpelites.

H2983 <STRHEB>@ יבוּסי yebûsîy yeb-oo-see' Patrial from H2982; a Jebusite or inhabitant of Jebus: - Jebusite(-s).

H256 <STRHEB>@ אחב אחאב 'achb 'echâb {akh-awb'} ekh-awb' The second form used once (by contraction) in ; from H251 and H1; brother (that {is} friend) of (his) father; {Achab} the name of a king of Israel and of a prophet at Babylon: - Ahab.

H3051 <STRHEB>@ יהב yâhab yaw-hab' A primitive root; to give (whether literally or figuratively); generally to put; imperatively (reflexively) come: - {ascribe} {bring} come {on} {give} {go} {set} take.

H3052 <STRHEB>@ יהב yehab yeh-hab' (Chaldee); corresponding to H3051: - {deliver} {give} {lay} + {prolong} {pay} yield.

H3090 <STRHEB>@ יהושׁבעת yehôshabath yeh-ho-shab-ath' A form of H3089; {Jehoshabath} an Israelitess: - Jehoshabeath.

H3122 <STRHEB>@ יונדב yônâdâb yo-naw-dawb' A form of H3082; {Jonadab} the name of an Israelite and of a Rechabite: - Jonadab.

H3142 <STRHEB>@ יוּשׁב חסד yûshab chesed yoo-shab' kheh'-sed From H7725 and H2617; kindness will be returned; {Jushab-Chesed} an Israelites: - Jushab-heshed.

H3427 <STRHEB>@ ישׁב yâshab yaw-shab' A primitive root; properly to sit down (specifically as {judge} in {ambush} in quiet); by implication to {dwell} to remain; causatively to {settle} to marry: - (make to) abide ({-ing}) {continue} (cause {to} make to) dwell ({-ing}) ease {self} {endure} {establish} X {fail} {habitation} {haunt} (make to) inhabit ({-ant}) make to keep {[house]} {lurking} X marry ({-ing}) (bring again to) {place} {remain} {return} {seat} set ({-tle}) (down-) sit ({-down} {still} -ting {down} -ting [place] {-uate}) {take} tarry.

H3429 <STRHEB>@ ישׁב בּשּׁבת yôshêb bashshebeth yo-shabe' bash-sheh'-beth From the active participle of H3427 and {H7674} with a preposition and the article interposed; sitting in the seat; {Josheb-bash-Shebeht} an Israelite: - that sat in the seat.

H3433 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבי לחם ישׁבי לחם yâshûbîy lechem yôshebêy lechem {yaw-shoo'-bee} yo-sheh-bay' (leh'-khem) Shown as the first form; from H7725 and H3899; returner of bread; {Jashubi-Lechem} an Israelite; but probably the text should be pointed (as in the second form) and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} that {is} of Bethlehem (by contraction): - Jashubi-lehem. [Probably the text should be pointed Yoshebey {Lechem} yo-sheh-bay {leh-khem} and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} That is6of Bethlehem (by contraction). Compare H3902.]

H3667 <STRHEB>@ כּנען kenaan ken-ah'-an From H3665; humiliated; {Kenaan} a son of Ham; also the country inhabited by him: - {Canaan} {merchant} traffick.

H3669 <STRHEB>@ כּנעני kenaanîy ken-ah-an-ee' Patrial from H3667; a Kenaanite or inhabitant of Kenaan; by implication a pedlar (the Cananites standing for their neighbors the {Ishmaelites} who conducted mercantile caravans): - {Canaanite} {merchant} trafficker.

H3761 <STRHEB>@ כּרמלי karmelîy kar-mel-ee' Patronymic from H3760; a Karmelite or inhabitant of Karmel (the town): - Carmelite.

H3762 <STRHEB>@ כּרמלית karmelîyth kar-mel-eeth' Feminine of H3761; a Karmelitess or female inhabitant of Karmel: - Carmelitess.

H3778 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂדּימה כּשׂדּי kaώdîy kaώdîymâh {kas-dee'} kas-dee'-maw (Occasionally shown as the second form with enclitic; meaning towards the Kasdites); patronymic from H3777 (only in the plural); a {Kasdite} or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldaean (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - into {Chaldea}) patronymicallyn. from H3777 (only in the plural); a Kasdite; or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldan (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - {Chaldeans} {Chaldees} inhabitants of Chaldea.

H3779 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂדּי kaώday kas-dah'ee (Chaldee); corresponding to H3778; a Chaldaean or inhabitant of Chaldaea; by implication a Magian or professional astrologer: - Chaldean.

H3789 <STRHEB>@ כּתב kâthab kaw-thab' A primitive root; to grave; by implication to write ({describe} {inscribe} {prescribe} subscribe): - {describe} {record} {prescribe} {subscribe} write ({-ing} -ten).

H3790 <STRHEB>@ כּתב kethab keth-ab' (Chaldee); corresponding to H3789: - write (-ten).

H3851 <STRHEB>@ להב lahab lah'-hab From an unused root meaning to {gleam} a flash; figuratively a sharply polished blade or point of a weapon: - {blade} {bright} {flame} glittering.

H3853 <STRHEB>@ להבים lehâbîym leh-haw-beem' Plural of H3851; flames; {Lehabim} a son of {Mizrain} and his descendents: - Lehabim.

H3864 <STRHEB>@ לבּי לוּבי lûbîy lûbbîy {loo-bee'} loob-bee' Patrial from a name probably derived from an unused root meaning to {thirst} that {is} a dry region; apparently a Libyan or inhabitant of interior Africa (only in plural): - Lubim ({-s}) Libyans.

H3866 <STRHEB>@ לוּדיּי לוּדי lûdîy lûdîyîy {loo-dee'} loo-dee-ee' Patrial from H3865; a Ludite or inhabitant of Lud (ony in plural): - {Ludim} Lydians.

H3911 <STRHEB>@ לטאה leţâ'âh let-aw-aw' From an unused root meaning to hide; a kind of lizard (from its covert habits): - lizard.

H339 <STRHEB>@ אי 'îy ee From H183; properly a habitable spot (as desirable); dry {land} a {coast} an island: - {country} {isle} island.

H348 <STRHEB>@ איזבל 'îyzebel ee-zeh'-bel From H336 and H2083; {chaste} {Izebel} the wife of king Ahab: - Jezebel.

H350 <STRHEB>@ אי־כבוד 'îy-kâbôd ee-kaw-bode' From H336 and H3519; (there is) no {glory} that {is} inglorious; {Ikabod} a son of Phineas: - I-chabod.

H369 <STRHEB>@ אין 'ayin ay'-yin As if from a primitive root meaning to be nothing or not exist; a non-entity; generally used as a negative particle: - {else} {except} fail [father-] {less} be {gone} in {[-curable]} {neither} {never} no ({where}) {none} nor ({any} {thing}) {not} {nothing} to {nought} {past} un {[-searchable]} {well-nigh} {without} Compare H370.

H4183 <STRHEB>@ מורשׁתּי môrashtîy mo-rash-tee' Patrial from H4182; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth Gath: - Morashthite.

H4186 <STRHEB>@ משׁב מושׁב môshâb môshâb {mo-shawb'} mo-shawb' From H3427; a seat; figuratively a site; abstractly a session; by extension an abode (the place or the time); by implication population: - {assembly} dwell {in} dwelling ({-place}) wherein (that) dwelt ({in}) inhabited {place} {seat} {sitting} {situation} sojourning.

H4226 <STRHEB>@ מחבּרה mechabberâh mekh-ab-ber-aw' From H2266; a {joiner} that {is} brace or cramp: - {coupling} joining.

H4233 <STRHEB>@ מחוים machăvîym makh-av-eem' Apparently a {patrial} but from an unknown place (in the plural only for a singular); a Machavite or inhabitant of some place named Machaveh: - Mahavite.

H4259 <STRHEB>@ מחלתי mechôlâthîy mekh-o-law-thee' Patrial from H65; a Mecholathite or inhabitant of Abel Mecholah: - Mecholathite.

H4314 <STRHEB>@ מי זהב mêy zâhâb may zaw-hawb' From H4325 and {H2091} water of gold; {Me-Zahab} an Edomite: - Mezahab.

H4349 <STRHEB>@ מכון mâkôn maw-kone' From H3559; properly a {fixture} that {is} a basis; generally a {place} especially as an abode: - {foundation} {habitation} ({dwelling-} settled) place.

H4351 <STRHEB>@ מכרה מכוּרה mekûrâh mekôrâh {mek-oo-raw'} mek-o-raw' From the same as H3564 in the sense of digging; origin (as if a mine): - {birth} {habitation} nativity.

H4380 <STRHEB>@ מכרה mekêrâh mek-ay-raw' Probably from the same as H3564 in the sense of stabbing; a sword: - habitation.

H4382 <STRHEB>@ מכרתי mekêrâthîy mek-ay-raw-thee' Patrial from an unused name (the same as H4380) of a place in Palestine; a {Mekerathite} or inhabitant of Mekerah: - Mecherathite.

H4583 <STRHEB>@ מעין מעוןo mâ‛ôn mâ‛îyn {maw-ohn'} maw-een' From the same as H5772; an {abode} of God (the Tabernacle or the {Temple}) men (their home) or animals (their lair); hence a retreat (asylum): - {den} dwelling ([-]) {place}) habitation.

H4585 <STRHEB>@ מענה מעונה me‛ônâh me‛ônâh {meh-o-naw'} meh-o-naw' Feminine of {H4583} and meaning the same: - {den} {habitation} (dwelling) {place} refuge.

H4586 <STRHEB>@ מעיני מעוּניo me‛ûnîy me‛îynîy {meh-oo-nee'} meh-ee-nee' Probably patrial from H4584; a {Meunite} or inhabitant of Maon (only in plural): - Mehunim ({-s}) Meunim.

H4587 <STRHEB>@ מעונתי me‛ônôthay meh-o-no-thah'ee Plural of H4585; habitative; {Meonothai} an Israelite: - Meonothai.

H4602 <STRHEB>@ מעכתי ma‛ăkâthîy mah-ak-aw-thee' Patrial from H4601; a {Maakathite} or inhabitant of Maakah: - Maachathite.

H4713 <STRHEB>@ מצרי mitsrîy mits-ree' From H4714; a {Mitsrite} or inhabitant of Mitsrajim: - {Egyptian} of Egypt.

H4824 <STRHEB>@ מרנתי mêrônôthîy may-ro-no-thee' Patrial from an unused noun; a {Meronothite} or inhabitant of some (otherwise unknown) Meronoth: - Meronothite.

H4907 <STRHEB>@ משׁכּן mishkan mish-kan' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4908; residence: - habitation.

H4908 <STRHEB>@ משׁכּן mishkân mish-kawn' From H7931; a residence (including a shepherd´ s {hut} the lair of {animals} figuratively the grave; also the Temple); specifically the Tabernacle (properly its wooden walls): - {dwelleth} dwelling ({place}) {habitation} {tabernacle} tent.

H4954 <STRHEB>@ משׁרעי mishrâ‛îy mish-raw-ee' Patrial from an unused noun from an unused root; probably meaning to stretch out; extension; a {Mishraite} or inhabitant (collectively) of Mishra: - Mishraites.

H4981 <STRHEB>@ מתני mithnîy mith-nee' Probably patrial from an unused noun meaning slenderness; a {Mithnite} or inhabitant of Methen: - Mithnite.

H4999 <STRHEB>@ נאה nâ'âh naw-aw' From H4998; a home; figuratively a pasture: - {habitation} {house} {pasture} pleasant place.

H5115 <STRHEB>@ נוה nâvâh naw-vaw' A primitive root; to rest (as at home); causatively (through the implied idea of beauty (compare {H5116)}) to celebrate (with praises): - keep at {home} prepare an habitation.

H5116 <STRHEB>@ נוה נוה nâveh nâvâh {naw-veh'} naw-vaw' From H5115; (adjective) at home; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely; also (noun) a {home} of God ({temple}) men ({residence}) flocks ({pasture}) or wild animals (den): - {comely} dwelling ({place}) {fold} {habitation} pleasant {place} {sheepcote} {stable} tarried.

H5200 <STRHEB>@ נטפתי neţôphâthîy net-o-faw-thee' Patronymic from H5199; a {Netophathite} or inhabitant of Netophah: - Netophathite.

H5284 <STRHEB>@ נעמתי na‛ămâthîy nah-am-aw-thee' Patrial from a place corresponding in nmae (but not identical) with H5279; a {Naamathite} or inhabitant of Naamah: - Naamathite

H5380 <STRHEB>@ נשׁב nâshab naw-shab' A primitive root; to blow; by implication to disperse: - (cause to) {blow} drive away.

H5436 <STRHEB>@ סבאי sebâ'îy seb-aw-ee' Patrial from H5434; a {Sebaite} or inhabitant of Seba: - Sabean.

H5498 <STRHEB>@ סחב sâchab saw-khab' A primitive root; to trail along: - draw ({out}) tear.

H5525 <STRHEB>@ סכּי sûkkîy sook-kee' Patrial from an unknown name (perhaps H5520); a {Sukkite} or inhabitant of some place near Egypt (that {is} hut dwellers): - Sukkiims.

H5616 <STRHEB>@ ספרוי sepharvîy sef-ar-vee' Patrial from H5617; a Sepharvite or inhabitant of Sepharvain: - Sepharvite.

H5761 <STRHEB>@ עוּים ‛avviym av-veem' Plural of H5757; Avvim (as inhabited by {Avvites}) a place in Palestine (with the article prefixed): - Avim.

H5772 <STRHEB>@ עונה ‛ônâh o-naw' From an unused root apparently meaning to dwell together; (sexual) cohabitation: - duty of marriage.

H5805 <STRHEB>@ עזוּבה ‛ăzûbâh az-oo-baw' Feminine passive participle of H5800; desertion (of inhabitants): - forsaking.

H5841 <STRHEB>@ עזּתי ‛azzâthîy az-zaw-thee' Patrial from H5804; an Azzathite or inhabitant of Azzah: - {Gazathite} Gazite.

H5962 <STRHEB>@ עלמי ‛almîy al-mee' (Chaldee); patrial from a name corresponding to H5867 contracted; an Elamite or inhabitant of Elam: - Elamite.

H5994 <STRHEB>@ עמיק ‛ămîyq am-eek' (Chaldee); corresponding to H6012; {profound} that {is} unsearchable: - deep.

H505 <STRHEB>@ אלף 'eleph eh'-lef Properly the same as H504; hence (an ox´ s head being the first letter of the {alphabet} and this eventually used as a numeral) a thousand: - thousand.

H6069 <STRHEB>@ ענּתותי ענתתי ‛anthôthîyannethôthîy {an-tho-thee'} an-ne-tho-thee' Patrial from H6068; an Antothite or inhabitant of Anathoth: - of {Anathoth} {Anethothite} {Anetothite} Antothite.

H6078 <STRHEB>@ עפני ‛ophnîy of-nee' From an unused noun (denoting a place in Palestine; from an unused root of uncertain meaning); an Ophnite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ophen: - Ophni.

H6139 <STRHEB>@ עקרני עקרוני ‛eqrônîyeqrônîy {ek-ro-nee'} ek-ro-nee' Patrial from H6138; an Ekronite or inhabitant of Ekron: - Ekronite.

H6163 <STRHEB>@ ערבי ערבי ‛ărâbîyarbîy {ar-aw-bee'} ar-bee' Patrial from H6152; an Arabian or inhabitant of Arab (that {is} Arabia): - Arabian.

H6164 <STRHEB>@ ערבתי ‛arbâthîy ar-baw-thee' Patrial from H1026; an Arbathite or inhabitant of (Beth-) Arabah: - Arbathite.

H6171 <STRHEB>@ ערוד ‛ârôd aw-rode' From the same as H6166; an onager (from his lonesome habits): - wild ass.

H6200 <STRHEB>@ ערערי ‛ărô‛êrîy ar-o-ay-ree' Patronymic from H6177; an Aroerite or inhabitant of Aroer: - Aroerite.

H6208 <STRHEB>@ ערקי ‛arqîy ar-kee' Patrial from an unused name meaning a tush; an Arkite or inhabitant of Erek: - Arkite.

H6254 <STRHEB>@ עשׁתּרתי ‛ashterâthîy ash-ter-aw-thee' Patrial from H6252; an Ashterathite or inhabitant of Ashtaroth: - Ashterathite.

H6397 <STRHEB>@ פּלוני pelônîy pel-o-nee' Patronymic from an unused name (from H6395) meaning separate; a Pelonite or inhabitant of an unknown Palon: - Pelonite.

H6430 <STRHEB>@ פּלשׁתּי pelishtîy pel-ish-tee' Patrial from H6429; a Pelishtite or inhabitant of Pelesheth: - Philistine.

H6466 <STRHEB>@ פּעל pâ‛al paw-al' A primitive root; to do or make (systematically and {habitually}) especially to practise: - {commit} [evil-] do ({-er}) make ({-r}) {ordain} work ({-er}) wrought.

H6505 <STRHEB>@ פּרד pered peh'-red From H6504; a mule (perhaps from his lonely habits): - mule.

H6522 <STRHEB>@ פּרזּי perizzîy per-iz-zee' For H6521; inhabitant of the open country; a {Perizzite} one of the Canaanitish tribes: - Perizzite.

H6539 <STRHEB>@ פּרס pâras paw-ras' Of foreign origin; Paras (that {is} {Persia}) an Eastern {country} including its inhabitants: - {Persia} Persians.

H6542 <STRHEB>@ פּרסי parsîy par-see' Patrial from H6539; a Parsite (that {is} {Persian}) or inhabitant of Peres: - Persian.

H6553 <STRHEB>@ פּרעתני פּרעתוני pir‛âthônîy pir‛âthônîy {pir-aw-tho-nee'} pir-aw-tho-nee' Patrial from H6552; a Pirathonite or inhabitant of Pirathon: - Pirathonite.

H6625 <STRHEB>@ פּתרסי pathrûsîy path-roo-see' Partrial from H6624; a {Pathrusite} or inhabitant of Pathros: - Pathrusim.

H6668 <STRHEB>@ צהב tsâhab tsaw-hab' A primitive root; to {glitter} that {is} be golden in color: - X fine.

H6722 <STRHEB>@ צדני צידניo tsîydônîy tsidônîy {tsee-do-nee'} tsee-do-nee' Patrial from H6721; a Tsidonian or inhabitant of Tsidon: - {Sidonian} of {Sidon} Zidonian.

H6728 <STRHEB>@ ציּי tsîyîy tsee-ee' From the same as H6723; a desert {dweller} that {is} nomad or wild beast: - wild beast of the {desert} that dwell in (inhabiting) the wilderness.

H6876 <STRHEB>@ צרי tsôrîy tso-ree' Patrial from H6865; a Tsorite or inhabitant of Tsor (that {is} Syrian): - (man) of Tyre.

H6882 <STRHEB>@ צרעתי צרעי tsâr‛îy tsâr‛âthîy {tsor-ee'} tsor-aw-thee' Patrial from H6881; a Tsorite or {Tsorathite} that {is} inhabitant of Tsorah: - {Zorites} {Zareathites} Zorathites.

H670 <STRHEB>@ אפרסי 'ăphâresay af-aw-re-sah' (Chaldee); of foreign origin (only in the plural); an Apharesite or inhabitant of an unknown region of Assyria: - Apharsite.

H7181 <STRHEB>@ קשׁב qâshab kaw-shab' A primitive root; to prick up the {ears} that {is} hearken: - {attend} (cause to) hear ({-ken}) give {heed} {incline} mark ({well}) regard.

H7292 <STRHEB>@ רהב râhab raw-hab' A primitive root; to urge {severely} that {is} (figuratively) {importune} embolden6 {capture} act insolently: - {overcome} behave self {proudly} make {sure} strengthen.

H7293 <STRHEB>@ רהב rahab rah'-hab From {H7292} bluster (blusterer): - {proud} strength.

H7294 <STRHEB>@ רהב rahab rah'-hab The same as H7293; Rahab (that {is} {boaster}) an epithet of Egypt: - Rahab.

H7296 <STRHEB>@ רהב rôhâb ro'-hab From H7292; pride: - strength.

H7337 <STRHEB>@ רחב râchab raw-khab' A primitive root; to broaden (intransitively or {transitively} literally or figuratively): - be an en- (make) large ({-ing}) make {room} make (open) wide.

H7338 <STRHEB>@ רחב rachab rakh'-ab From H7337; a width: - {breadth} broad place.

H7341 <STRHEB>@ רחב rôchab ro'-khab From H7337; width (literally or figuratively): - {breadth} {broad} {largeness} {thickness} wideness.

H7343 <STRHEB>@ רחב râchâb raw-khawb' The same as H7342; proud; {Rachab} a Canaanitess: - Rahab.

H7345 <STRHEB>@ רחביהוּ רחביה rechabyâh rechabyâhû {rekh-ab-yaw'} rekh-ab-yaw'-hoo From H7337 and H3050; Jah has enlarged; {Rechabjah} an Israelite: - Rehabiah.

H7346 <STRHEB>@ רחבעם rechab‛âm rekh-ab-awm' From H7337 and H5971; a people has enlarged; {Rechabam} an Israelite king: - Rehoboam.

H7394 <STRHEB>@ רכב rêkâb ray-kawb' From H7392; rider; {Rekab} the name of two Arabs and of two Israelites: - Rechab.

H7435 <STRHEB>@ רמתי râmâthîy raw-maw-thee' Patronymic of H7414; a Ramathite or inhabitant of Ramah: - Ramathite.

H7642 <STRHEB>@ שׁבלוּל shablûl shab-lool' From the same as H7640; a snail (as if floating in its own slime): - snail.

H7676 <STRHEB>@ שׁבּת shabbâth shab-bawth' Intensive from H7673; {intermission} that {is} (specifically) the Sabbath: - (+ every) sabbath.

H7677 <STRHEB>@ שׁבּתון shabbâthôn shab-baw-thone' From H7676; a sabbatism or special holiday: - {rest} sabbath.

H7678 <STRHEB>@ שׁבּתי shabbethay shab-beth-ah'ee From H7676; restful; {Shabbethai} the name of three Israelites: - Shabbethai.

H7694 <STRHEB>@ שׁגל shêgâl shay-gawl' From H7693; a queen (from cohabitation): - queen.

H7767 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּנמּית shûnammîyth shoo-nam-meeth' Patrial from H7766; a {Shunammitess} or female inhabitant of Shunem: - Shunamite.

H7801 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּשׁנכי shûshankîy shoo-shan-kee' (Chaldee); of foreign origin; a Shushankite (collectively) or inhabitant of some unknown place in Assyria: - Susanchites.

H7888 <STRHEB>@ שׁלני שׁילני שׁילוני shîylônîy shîylônîy shilônîy (1,2&amp;3) shee-lo-nee' From H7887; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh: - Shilonite.

H7910 <STRHEB>@ שׁכּר שׁכּור shikkôr shikkôr {shik-kore'} shik-kore' From H7937; {intoxicated} as a state or a habit: - drunk ({-ard} {-en} -en man).

H7931 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן shâkan shaw-kan' A primitive root (apparently akin (by transmutation) to H7901 through the idea of lodging; compare H5531 and H7925); to reside or permanently stay (literally or figuratively): - {abide} {continue} (cause {to} make to) dwell ({-er}) have {habitation} {inhabit} {lay} {place} (cause to) {remain} {rest} set (up).

H7932 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן shekan shek-an' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7931: - cause to {dwell} have habitation.

H7933 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן sheken sheh'-ken From H7931; a residence: - habitation.

H7934 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן shâkên shaw-kane' From H7931; a resident; by extension a fellow citizen: - {inhabitant} {neighbour} nigh.

H758 <STRHEB>@ ארם 'ărâm arawm' From the same as H759; the highland; Aram or {Syria} and its inhabitants; also the name of a son of {Shem} a grandson of {Nahor} and of an Israelite: - {Aram} {Mesopotamia} {Syria} Syrians.

H796 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּודי 'ashdôdîy ash-do-dee' Patrial from H795; an Ashdodite (often collectively) or inhabitant of Ashdod: - {Ashdodites} of Ashdod.

H8118 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרני shômerônîy sho-mer-o-nee' Patrial from H8111; a Shomeronite (collectively) or inhabitant of Shomeron: - Samaritans.

H8143 <STRHEB>@ שׁנהבּים shenhabbîym shen-hab-beem' From H8127 and the plural apparently of a foreign word; probably tooth of {elephants} that {is} ivory tusk: - ivory.

H8170 <STRHEB>@ שׁעלבני shaalbônîy shah-al-bo-nee' Patrial from H8169; a Shaalbonite or inhabitant of Shaalbin: - Shaalbonite.

H8225 <STRHEB>@ שׁפמי shiphmîy shif-mee' Patrial from H8221; a Shiphmite or inhabitant of Shepham: - Shiphmite.

H8290 <STRHEB>@ שׁרוני shârônîy shaw-ro-nee' Patrial from H8289; a Sharonite or inhabitant of Sharon: - Sharonite.

H8302 <STRHEB>@ שׁרינה שׁריה שׁרין שׁריון shiryôn shiryân shiryâh shiryônâh (shir) {-yone'} {-yawn'} {-yaw'} -yo-naw' From H8281 in the original sense of turning; a corslet (as if twisted): - {breastplate} coat of {mail} {habergeon} harness. See H5030.

H8398 <STRHEB>@ תּבל têbêl tay-bale' From H2986; the earth (as moist and therefore inhabited); by extension the globe; by implication its inhabitants; specifically a particular {land} as Babylonia or Palestine: - habitable {part} world.

H8453 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁב תּושׁב tôshâb tôshâb {to-shawb'} to-shawb' (The second form used in Kings ); from H3427; a dweller (but not {outlandish} H5237); especially (as distinguished from a native citizen (active participle of H3427) and a temporary {inmate} {H1616} or mere {lodger} H3885) resident alien: - {foreigner-inhabitant} {sojourner} stranger.

H8473 <STRHEB>@ תּחרא tachărâ' takh-ar-aw' From H2734 in the original sense of H2352 or H2353; a linen corslet (as white or hollow): - habergeon.

H8491 <STRHEB>@ תּיצי tîytsîy tee-tsee' Partrial or patronymic from an unused noun of uncertain meaning; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits: - Tizite.

H8511 <STRHEB>@ תּלא tâlâ' taw-law' A primitive root; to suspend; figuratively (through hesitation) to be uncertain; by implication (of mental dependence) to habituate: - be {bent} hang (in doubt).

H8554 <STRHEB>@ תּמני timnîy tim-nee' Patrial from H8553; a Timnite or inhabitant of Timnah: - Timnite.

H8621 <STRHEB>@ תּקעי תּקועי teqô‛îy teqô‛îy {tek-o-ee'} tek-o-ee' Patronymic from H8620; a Tekoite or inhabitant of Tekoah: - Tekoite.

H8654 <STRHEB>@ תּרעתי tir‛âthîy teer-aw-thee' Patrial from an unused name meaning gate; a Tirathite or inhabitant of an unknown Tirah: - Tirathite.

H8664 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁבּי tishbîy tish-bee' Patrial from an unused name meaning recourse; a Tishbite or inhabitant of Tishbeh (in Gilead): - Tishbite.

H805 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁוּרי אשׁוּרי 'ăshûrîy 'ashshûrîy {ash-oo-ree'} ash-shoo-ree' From a patrial word of the same form as H804; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of {Ashur} a district in Palestine: - {Asshurim} Ashurites.

H832 <STRHEB>@ אשׁקלוני 'eshqelônîy esh-kel-o-nee' Patrial from H831; an Ashkelonite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashkelon: - Eshkalonites.

H848 <STRHEB>@ אשׁתּאלי 'eshtâ'ûlîy esh-taw-oo-lee' Patrial from H847; an Eshtaolite (collectively) or inhabitant of Eshtaol: - Eshtaulites.

H886 <STRHEB>@ בּארתי berôthîy be-ay-ro-thee' Patrial from H881; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth: - Beerothite.

H922 <STRHEB>@ בּהוּ bôhû bo'-hoo From an unused root (meaning to be empty); a {vacuity} that {is} (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin: - {emptiness} void.

H978 <STRHEB>@ בּחרוּמי bachărûmîy bakh-ar-oo-mee' Patrial from H980 (by transposition) a Bacharumite or inhabitant of Bachurim: - Baharumite.

H1000 <STRHEB>@ בּיצה bêytsâh bay-tsaw' From the same as H948; an egg (from its whiteness): - egg. G1 <STRGRK>@ Α A al'-fah Of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet: figuratively only (from its use as a numeral) the first. Often used (usually an before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from G427) in the sense of privation; so in many words beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of G260): - Alpha.

G1046 <STRGRK>@ Γαδαρηνός Gadarēnos gad-ar-ay-nos' From Γαδαρά Gadara (a town East of the Jordan); a Gadarene or inhabitant of Gadara: - Gadarene.

G1052 <STRGRK>@ Γαλάτης Galatēs gal-at'-ace From G1053; a Galatian or inhabitant of Galatia: - Galatian.

G1153 <STRGRK>@ Δαμασκηνός Damaskēnos dam-as-kay-nos' From G1154; a Damascene or inhabitant of Damascus: - Damascene.

G1190 <STRGRK>@ Δερβαῖος Derbaios der-bah'ee-os From G1191; a Derbaean or inhabitant of Derbe: - of Derbe.

G1484 <STRGRK>@ ἔθνος ethnos eth'-nos Probably from G1486; a race (as of the same habit) that is a tribe; specifically a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually by implication pagan): - Gentile heathen nation people.

G1485 <STRGRK>@ ἔθος ethos eth'-os From G1486; a usage (prescribed by habit or law): - custom manner be wont.

G1486 <STRGRK>@ ἔθω ethō eth'-o A primary verb; to be used (by habit or conventionality); neuter perfect participle usage: - be custom (manner wont).

G1672 <STRGRK>@ Ἕλλην Hellēn hel'-lane From G1671; a Hellen (Grecian) or inhabitant of Hellas; by extension a Greek speaking person especially a non-Jew: - Gentile Greek.

G1774 <STRGRK>@ ἐνοικέω enoikeō en-oy-keh'-o From G1722 and G3611; to inhabit (figuratively): - dwell in.

G1838 <STRGRK>@ ἕξις hexis hex'-is From G2192; habit that is (by implication) practice: - use.

G117 <STRGRK>@ Ἀθηναῖος Athēnaios ath-ay-nah'-yos From G116; an Athenaean or inhabitant of Athenae: - Athenian.

G124 <STRGRK>@ Αἰγύπτιος Aiguptios ahee-goop'-tee-os From G125; an Egyptian or inhabitant of AEgyptus: - Egyptian.

G2180 <STRGRK>@ Ἐφέσιος Ephesios ef-es'-ee-os From G2181; an Ephesian or inhabitant of Ephesus: - Ephesian of Ephesus.

G2239 <STRGRK>@ ἦθος ēthos ay'-thos A strengthened form of G1485; usage that is (plural) moral habits: - manners.

G2331 <STRGRK>@ Θεσσαλονικεύς Thessalonikeus thes-sal-on-ik-yoos' From G2332; a Thessalonican that is inhabitant of Thessalonice: - Thessalonian.

G2364 <STRGRK>@ θυγάτηρ thugatēr thoo-gat'-air Apparently a primary word (compare daughter); a female child or (by Hebraism) descendant (or inhabitant): - daughter.

G2415 <STRGRK>@ Ἱεροσολυμίτης Hierosolumitēs hee-er-os-ol-oo-mee'-tace From G2414; a Hierosolymite that is inhabitant of Hierosolyma: - of Jerusalem.

G2469 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσκαριώτης Iskariōtēs is-kar-ee-o'-tace Of Hebrew origin (probably [H377] and [H7149]); inhabitants of Kerioth; Iscariotes (that is Keriothite) an epithet of Judas the traitor: - Iscariot.

G2503 <STRGRK>@ ἰῶτα iōta ee-o'-tah Of Hebrew origin (the tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet); iota the name of the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet put (figuratively) for a very small part of anything: - jot.

G2730 <STRGRK>@ κατοικέω katoikeō kat-oy-keh'-o From G2596 and G3611; to house permanently that is reside (literally or figuratively): - dwell (-er) inhabitant (-ter).

G2732 <STRGRK>@ κατοικητήριον katoikētērion kat-oy-kay-tay'-ree-on From a derivative of G2730; a dwelling place: - habitation.

G2733 <STRGRK>@ κατοικία katoikia kat-oy-kee'-ah residence(properly the condition; but by implication the abode itself): - habitation.

G2845 <STRGRK>@ κοίτη koitē koy'-tay From G2749; a couch; by extension cohabitation; by implication the male sperm: - bed chambering X conceive.

G2858 <STRGRK>@ Κολοσσαεύς Kolossaeus kol-os-sayoos' From G2857; a Colossaean that is inhabitant of Colossae: - Colossian.

G2881 <STRGRK>@ Κορίνθιος Korinthios kor-in'-thee-os From G2882; a Corinthian that is inhabitant of Corinth: - Corinthian.

G2889 <STRGRK>@ κόσμος kosmos kos'-mos Probably from the base of G2865; orderly arrangement that is decoration; by implication the world (in a wide or narrow sense including its inhabitants literally or figuratively [morally]): - adorning world.

G2912 <STRGRK>@ Κρής Krēs krace From G2914; a Cretan that is inhabitant of Crete: - Crete Cretian.

G2953 <STRGRK>@ Κύπριος Kuprios koo'-pree-os From G2954; a Cyprian (Cypriot) that is inhabitant of Cyprus: - of Cyprus.

G2956 <STRGRK>@ Κυρηναῖος Kurēnaios koo-ray-nah'-yos From G2957; a Cyrenaean that is inhabitant of Cyrene: - of Cyrene Cyrenian.

G2994 <STRGRK>@ Λαοδικεύς Laodikeus lah-od-ik-yooce' From G2993; a Laodicean that is inhabitant of Laodicia: - Laodicean.

G221 <STRGRK>@ Ἀλεξανδρεύς Alexandreus al-ex-and-reuce' From Ἀλεξάνδρεια Alexandreia (the city so called); an Alexandreian or inhabitant of Alexandria: - of Alexandria Alexandrian.

G273 <STRGRK>@ ἄμεμπτος amemptos am'-emp-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G3201; irreproachable: - blameless faultless unblamable.

G3094 <STRGRK>@ Μαγδαληνή Magdalēnē mag-dal-ay-nay' Feminine of a derivative of G3093; a female Magdalene that is inhabitant of Magdala: - Magdalene.

G3110 <STRGRK>@ Μακεδών Makedōn mak-ed-ohn' Of uncertain derivation; a Macedon (Macedonian) that is inhabitant of Macedonia: - of Macedonia Macedonian.

G3370 <STRGRK>@ Μῆδος Mēdos may'-dos Of foreign origin (compare [H4074]); a Median or inhabitant of Media: - Mede.

G3479 <STRGRK>@ Ναζαρηνός Nazarēnos nad-zar-ay-nos' From G3478; a Nazarene that is inhabitant of Nazareth: - of Nazareth.

G3480 <STRGRK>@ Ναζωραῖος Nazōraios nad-zo-rah'-yos From G3478; a Nazoraean that is inhabitant of Nazareth; by extension a Christian: - Nazarene of Nazareth.

G3536 <STRGRK>@ Νινευΐ́της Nineuitēs nin-yoo-ee'-tace From G3535; a Ninevite that is inhabitant of Nineveh: - of Nineve Ninevite.

G3611 <STRGRK>@ οἰκέω oikeō oy-key'-o From G3624; to occupy a house that is reside (figuratively inhabit remain6 inhere); by implication to cohabit: - dwell. See also G3625.

G3613 <STRGRK>@ οἰκητήριον oikētērion oy-kay-tay'-ree-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G3611 (equivalent to G3612); a residence (literally or figuratively): - habitation house.

G3934 <STRGRK>@ Πάρθος Parthos par'-thos Probably of foreign origin; a Parthian that is inhabitant of Parthia: - Parthian.

G4238 <STRGRK>@ πράσσω prassō pras'-so A primary verb; to practise that is perform repeatedly or habitually (thus differing from G4160 which properly refers to a single act); by implication to execute accomplish etc.; specifically to collect (dues) fare (personally): - commit deeds do exact keep require use arts.

G4460 <STRGRK>@ Ῥαάβ Rhaab hrah-ab' Of Hebrew origin [H7343]; Raab (that is Rachab) a Canaanitess: - Rahab. See also G4477.

G4461 <STRGRK>@ ῥαββί rhabbi hrab-bee' Of Hebrew origin [H7227] with pronominal suffix; my master that is Rabbi as an official title of honor: - Master Rabbi.

G4462 <STRGRK>@ ῥαββονί ῥαββουνί rhabboni rhabbouni hrab-bon-ee' hrab-boo-nee' Of Chaldee origin; corresponding to G4461: - Lord Rabboni.

G4463 <STRGRK>@ ῥαβδίζω rhabdizō hrab-did'-zo From G4464; to strike with a stick that is bastinado: - beat (with rods).

G4464 <STRGRK>@ ῥάβδος rhabdos hrab'-dos From the base of G4474; a stick or wand (as a cudgel a cane or a baton of royalty): - rod sceptre staff.

G4465 <STRGRK>@ ῥαβδοῦχος rhabdouchos hrab-doo'-khos From G4464 and G2192; a rod (the Latin fasces) holder that is a Roman lictor (constable or executioner): - serjeant.

G4477 <STRGRK>@ Ῥαχάβ Rhachab hrakh-ab' From the same as G4460; Rachab a Canaanitess: - Rachab.

G4497 <STRGRK>@ Ῥοβοάμ Rhoboam hrob-o-am' Of Hebrew origin [H7346]; Roboam (that is Rechabam) an Israelite: - Roboam.

G4508 <STRGRK>@ ῥυπαρός rhuparos rhoo-par-os' From G4509; dirty that is (relatively) cheap or shabby; morally wicked: - vile.

G4521 <STRGRK>@ σάββατον sabbaton sab'-bat-on Of Hebrew origin [H7676]; the Sabbath (that is Shabbath) or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension a se'nnight that is the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: - sabbath (day) week.

G4541 <STRGRK>@ Σαμαρείτης Samareitēs sam-ar-i'-tace From G4540; a Samarite that is inhabitants of Samaria: - Samaritan.

G4606 <STRGRK>@ Σιδώνιος Sidōnios sid-o'-nee-os From G4605; a Sidonian that is inhabitant of Sidon: - of Sidon.

G4633 <STRGRK>@ σκηνή skēnē skay-nay' Apparently akin to G4632 and G4639; a tent or cloth hut (literally or figuratively): - habitation tabernacle.

G4905 <STRGRK>@ συνέρχομαι sunerchomai soon-er'-khom-ahee From G4862 and G2064; to convene depart in company with associate with or (specifically) cohabit (conjugally): - accompany assemble (with) come (together) come (company go) with resort.

G4914 <STRGRK>@ συνήθεια sunētheia soon-ay'-thi-ah From a compound of G4862 and G2239; mutual habituation that is usage: - custom.

G410 <STRGRK>@ ἀνέγκλητος anegklētos an-eng'-klay-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G1458; unaccused that is (by implication) irreproachable: - blameless.

G419 <STRGRK>@ ἀνεξερεύνητος anexereunētos an-ex-er-yoo'-nay-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G1830; not searched out that is (by implication) inscrutable: - unsearchable.

G421 <STRGRK>@ ἀνεξιχνίαστος anexichniastos an-ex-ikh-nee'-as-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2487; not tracked out that is (by implication) untraceable: - past finding out unsearchable.

G491 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντιοχεύς Antiocheus an-tee-okh-yoos' From G490; an Antiochian or inhabitant of Antiochia: - of Antioch.

G5159 <STRGRK>@ τροποφορέω tropophoreō trop-of-or-eh'-o From G5158 and G5409; to endure one´ s habits: - suffer the manners.

G5183 <STRGRK>@ Τύριος Turios too'-ree-os From G5184; a Tyrian that is inhabitant of Tyrus: - of Tyre.

G5349 <STRGRK>@ φθαρτός phthartos fthar-tos' From G5351; decayed that is (by implication) perishable: - corruptible.

G5516 <STRGRK>@ χξς chi xi stigma khee xee stig'-ma The 22nd 14th and an obsolete letter (G4742 as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th) used as numbers; denoting respectively 600 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: - six hundred threescore and six.

G5561 <STRGRK>@ χώρα chōra kho'-rah Feminine of a derivative of the base of G5490 through the idea of empty expanse; room that is a space of territory (more or less extensive; often including its inhabitants): - coast county fields grounds land region. Compare G5117.

G5598 <STRGRK>@ Ω Ō o'-meg-ah The last letter of the Greek alphabet that is (figuratively) the finality: - Omega.

G728 <STRGRK>@ ἀῤῥαβών arrhabōn ar-hrab-ohn' Of Hebrew origin [H6162]; a pledge that is part of the purchase money or property given in advance as security for the rest: - earnest.

G762 <STRGRK>@ ἄσβεστος asbestos as'-bes-tos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G4570; not extinguished that is (by implication) perpetual: - not to be quenched unquenchable.

G774 <STRGRK>@ Ἀσιανός Asianos as-ee-an-os' From G773; an Asian (that is Asiatic) or inhabitant of Asia: - of Asia.

G962 <STRGRK>@ Βηθαβαρά Bēthabara bay-thab-ar-ah' Of Hebrew origin ([H1004] and [H5679]); ferry house; Bethabara (that is Bethabarah) a place on the Jordan: - Bethabara.