Title: The Communication of Thy Faith
Subtitle: Study on the effectual communication of Christian Faith
Author: Randy Pritts

Effectual Communication of Faith
...in you in Christ Jesus...
...every good thing which is in you.
...by the acknowledging...

Tags: Christian, Faith, Jesus, Communication, Evangelism, Apologetic

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The Communication of Thy Faith

Study on the effectual communication of Christian Faith

Author: Randy Pritts

"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus". kjv@Philemon:1:6

Parent Thread: FaithHome

There are a lot of good people out there. Good does not mean saved, nor does it mean effectual. How do saved people go about communicating their faith effectually?

Effectual Communication of Faith

If there is one thing that can be said about the modern version of the Christian faith, it is that so much of it has become so ineffectual. Often, it is as if we speak an entirely different language; and we do. For one thing, we speak absolute truths in a world of relativism. People have not the ears to hear these words, they have not been around these truths, they have not been raised with them, they are decades removed from there even being such a thing. What is more is that we speak in transcendent hopes, hopes that there is more than the physical universe, hopes that this difficult life is not ultimately our chaos determined prison sentence, that there is purpose and meaning and value and an interpersonal infinitely holy God. For a society that has been taught to believe in opposite, these words have no inlet into the heart with which to connect. No wonder then that the communication of the modern Christian Faith has become so ineffectual.

Another problem to this is that what they do still hear, they do not want anything to do with. Seventy percent of people in the USA on the surveys will call themselves Christian, but the majority of these are the people who do not believe in the inspiration of the Holy Bible, nor that Jesus Christ is the only to heaven, nor in sin itself, nor in God's final judgment. There is even a portion of this majority that considers what the old guard of the faith to be saying to be "hate speech". So, not only then do we speak a different language, the nominals within our numbers actually weaken, bend and even condemn our historical positions.

If this were all that there was to be worried about I would feel much better, this isn't a situation we've not been in before, Church history is filled page to page with this struggle. The most alarming aspect of this is that the modern saint seems to be willingly silent to all of this, willing to compromise to it, retreat to their own private corners of faith without need nor will to become for themselves the least bit effectual.

...in you in Christ Jesus...

The majority of good people, Christians included, go about their day attempting to show the good that resides within them to others. This is not such a selfish endeavor as it first sounds, part of the attempt is to show to the others the good that resides within them as well; "I'm good/you are good/let's be good together". Question is, without Christ being there, what good is there that actually resides within either of us?


...every good thing which is in you.


...by the acknowledging...

Comment Board: FaithSeries001

Tags: Christian, Faith, Jesus, Communication, Evangelism, Apologetic,

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