Title: Character Of Christ Studies
Subtitle: A handful of meaningful studies into the character of Christ.
Character Of Christ Studies

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Character Of Christ Studies

A handful of meaningful studies into the character of Christ.


There are a whole lot of people that claim to believe in Christ. Of that number, how many actually know Christ Jesus? would be able to recognize Him if He were stand before them? would accept Him for who He is, not just who they think Him to be? Here are some much needed studies to enlighten us as to who Christ Jesus truly is:

Character Of Christ Studies

  1. dict:torrey Christ, Character Of - A profile of character traits

  2. dict:torrey Christ is God - This essential fact is the stumbling block for most religious and non-religious people alike. Without this however we'd have no Head/Priest/King/Mediator/Prophet/Shepherd, He could not have been our atoning sacrifice, we'd just have another religion.

  3. dict:torrey Christ, the Head of the Church - First born from the dead.

  4. dict:torrey Christ, the High Priest - First the final "sacrificial lamb", now the great intercessor.

  5. dict:torrey Christ, the King - To whom every knee shall bow.

  6. dict:torrey Christ, the Mediator - Between Holy God and sinful man by virtue of His atoning work upon the Cross.

  7. dict:torrey Christ, the Prophet - No one knows the Father except the Son. The prophet greater than Moses, Moses said was to come.

  8. dict:torrey Christ, the Shepherd - His sheep know/follow His voice.

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